MtnLiving Sorry

No I was goofing and have been goofing around about the endless banter about this other member - I get a kick out of it as it takes us away from talking about the girls - I sign on to see this bs and it sucks as I would rather find useful Intel instead of this. Yes I am new but not new to this world and since I have moved to alb I have been a contributor with informative reviews - I have been playing with you guys because quite frankly I am sick of it and I wish everyone would re-focus their energy - signing off
TreeBark's Avatar
You said you were "busy trying to bring Lisa here" so I do think that has you being somewhat of a handler.
Or a stalker like you were with the other ones that had to change their numbers and block you from contacting them. You remember it was all over NR last year.
See ya pimp daddy!!

remember, give it to her 4 times and hit her on the head with a hammer.

Lisa, is a strong woman, she don't need a pimp so you are wasting your time even suggesting it. You Better look elsewhere !!

The last one you PIMPED disappeared, hope fully nothing Sinister involved with her Disappearance. Was there. ?

He wasn't talking to you, so why don't you mind your own business, or was he talking to YOU !!

Iggy Originally Posted by iggy
Now I know why these boards are dead - this sight has been hijacked !!!! From now on reviews and nothing else - this place is a snake pit!!!!
Loki Pk's Avatar
Now I know why these boards are dead - this sight has been hijacked !!!! From now on reviews and nothing else - this place is a snake pit!!!! Originally Posted by Mtnliving
Good luck Frank/Sam /Eddie Lewis / treebark/MTNliving ....
You think you're clever, but your posts are too transparent. So much for culling it down to just the single handle like you said you were gonna. Then you wonder why nobody likes you? I bet you probably blame your wife for all the problems in your marriage that brought you to this low point as well....'cause it couldn't POSSIBLY be your fault, right?
You take a giant shit in the punch bowl then you're complaining nobody comes to your party..... You really are 'a special kind of stupid' aren't you?!?!

TreeBark's Avatar
CC - please do us a favor and blow LPK out of the water by running the trusted IP check and post the results! Please?
For some reason he and his side kick are so hung up on thinking we are the same.
MTN - sorry they drag you into their life of whatever.

Good luck Frank/Sam /Eddie Lewis / treebark/MTNliving ....
You think you're clever, but your posts are too transparent. So much for culling it down to just the single handle like you said you were gonna. Then you wonder why nobody likes you? I bet you probably blame your wife for all the problems in your marriage that brought you to this low point as well....'cause it couldn't POSSIBLY be your fault, right?
You take a giant shit in the punch bowl then you're complaining nobody comes to your party..... You really are 'a special kind of stupid' aren't you?!?!

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 03-24-2015, 10:47 AM
Loki Pk's Avatar
CC - please do us a favor and blow LPK out of the water by running the trusted IP check and post the results! Please?
For some reason he and his side kick are so hung up on thinking we are the same.
MTN - sorry they drag you into their life of whatever. Originally Posted by TreeBark
You are such a sorry sad sack if you actually think this type of statement is credible. You might fool some 6yr old with that crap but anyone with a 75 IQ or higher knows all you have to do is be on a different network when you sign on with your other handles. Go to McDonalds, Starbucks or Panera and log-in to their WiFi...or use your cellphone or one hundred other ways to spoof your IP...yet you play this tune over and over and over like it means something.
What is really sad is your own narcissistic tendencies trip you up every time and you don't even see it. You torpedoed yourself over an over yet you stick to the lies because you are SO committed to them. Which is why nobody likes you here or in the real world, to be sure.
This one, like so many other times you talk to yourself...
It's a joke Mtn. Forget it. Originally Posted by Guest010415
Here you are talking to yourself at 5am? The only two guys who were up at that time no doubt. Voices in your head don't warrant separate handles... So you try to shill against FP to throw off the scent>
that guy as far as I have researched is an asshole - Originally Posted by Mtnliving
His account was guested at this time, so how did you 'research' him?

Your Obsession with VB-
I have tried to see her to no avail. Little one and two work pm's and then poof. Any success with anyone - Veronica Boyt seems like a hottie? Originally Posted by Mtnliving
I thank you all for your advise but unfortunately I am not in her radar :-( Originally Posted by Mtnliving
HA! I wonder why? NOT!

In regards to another VB post/review you write
LMAO ha ha !!!!!!! Originally Posted by Mtnliving
Mr Elder Iggy how dare you infer what you did - a moral compass on a hooker site - I made a mistake and posted in the wrong thread and you jump on my shit - apologies to you great master and to Ms Boyt and all of you Originally Posted by Mtnliving
Yet NEVER posted anything in the 'right' forum that you 'meant' to post it in... hmmmmm that seems curious...

As TreeBark you insult her in a review
Gaggggggg. Smelly pussy much? Originally Posted by TreeBark
You just can't help yourself, can you?
Providers will break your heart Originally Posted by Mtnliving
The Treebark/FP Mantra!!! Both handles drilling it home over and over ! *yawn*
I have burned a few times by girls on this forum because I got to close to them - Danger Will Robinson danger - this is not - they will suck U in and spit u out or swallow u up. There are really unstable sad cases that can't get out of their own way and are just as fucked up as a lot of us are �������������������� Originally Posted by Mtnliving
Frank Pierce written all over that one!
This board is dead we are here to share Originally Posted by Mtnliving
or is it Quiet as a church? Again...FP mantra, over and over

I could go on all day with this shit, the thread in the men's lounge where you suck your own dick and swallow over and over and over---Watch out boys, don't fall in love 'Fuck and Leave'--- like I said> you just can't help yourself can you?

Just stop with the ridicules multiple handle shit or stay in the upstate forum with it. As far as I can tell you are the ONLY schmoe in the Albany/HV area with these crazy handles/shills...Why?!?!? One for every different voice in your head?
There is medication for that !!! Perhaps its time to up the dosage or remember you need to take it every day for it to work?
One day Karma is coming for may already be there from what I understand...and I hope you get what you deserve--you reap what you sow and you have sown the seeds of mistrust, dishonesty and shit...which is what you will get...shit!

Loki Pk's Avatar
Oh...and BTW...

Attached Images File Type: jpg drunk-dad-meme.jpg (79.6 KB, 103 views)
TreeBark's Avatar
Two things,
First, you take the time you do to find, cut and paste these posts. Impressive display of sleuth work, or obsession, you decide.

Second, you might want to read up on IP addresses, and how sites use them. Because more than 1 device on a network may share the same IP, eccie not only checks the IP address but also, the device as well.
You are correct that you can take your device across the street and jump on another network but what doesn't change, are the details about that device.
Same IP's - sure. Happens all the time. Just google it. Same device details - not so common. That's when the flag comes up!!

Bravo to you, or not for attempting to figure out how IP's are used and tracked. You're not the brightest bulb in the toolshed, that's for sure.

Trust me, I know all about multiple handles and IP's and the like on this site. One can get away with it for so long but sooner or later, sooner with CC around, one will get BUSTED!

Love you Muah!

You are such a sorry sad sack if you actually think this type of statement is credible. You might fool some 6yr old with that crap but anyone with a 75 IQ or higher knows all you have to do is be on a different network when you sign on with your other handles. Go to McDonalds, Starbucks or Panera and log-in to their WiFi...or use your cellphone or one hundred other ways to spoof your IP...yet you play this tune over and over and over like it means something.
What is really sad is your own narcissistic tendencies trip you up every time and you don't even see it. You torpedoed yourself over an over yet you stick to the lies because you are SO committed to them. Which is why nobody likes you here or in the real world, to be sure.

Here you are talking to yourself at 5am? The only two guys who were up at that time no doubt. Voices in your head don't warrant separate handles... So you try to shill against FP to throw off the scent>
His account was guested at this time, so how did you 'research' him?

In regards to another VB post/review you write
Yet NEVER posted anything in the 'right' forum that you 'meant' to post it in
As TreeBark you insult here in a review

You just can't help yourself, can you?

The Treebark/FP Mantra!!! Both handles drilling it home over and over ! *yawn*
Frank Pierce written all over that one!

[ or is it Quiet as a church? Again...FP mantra, over and over

I could go on all day with this shit, the thread in the men's lounge where you suck your own dick and swallow over and over and over---Watch out boys, don't fall in love 'Fuck and Leave'--- like I said> you just can't help yourself can you?

Just stop with the ridicules multiple handle shit or stay in the upstate forum with it. As far as I can tell you are the ONLY schmoe in the Albany/HV area with these crazy handles/shills...Why?!?!? One for every different voice in your head/
There is medication for that perhaps its time to up the dosage or remember you need to take it every day for it to work.
One day Karma is coming for may already be there from what I understand...and I hope you get what you deserve--you reap what you sow and you have sown the seeds of mistrust, dishonesty and shit...which is what you will get...shit!

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
TreeBark's Avatar
Now, this, is funny!! Thanks love.

Oh...and BTW...

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
I am not treebark
Loki Pk's Avatar
Two things,
First, you take the time you do to find, cut and paste these posts. Impressive display of sleuth work, or obsession, you decide. .....

Trust me, I know all about multiple handles and IP's and the like on this site. One can get away with it for so long but sooner or later, sooner with CC around, one will get BUSTED!

Love you Muah! Originally Posted by TreeBark
I told you I had the time to make you my next special project, and its not that hard nor did it take me more than 20 minutes to work that up for ya.

As far as the IP addresses.. all you have to do is have two different devices and two different networks(one home?one work?) and that equals at least 2 different handles. Now if you want to get hardcore and use an IP spoofing device or software...that shit is dime a dozen these days ...So save your breath for cooling your porridge.

Finally, I have no doubt that Chica Chaser sees right through your ridicules sycophant ass-sucking bullshit. So just take that long dirty dong out of your mouth 'cuz he ain't cummin!
It appears as the mods don't give two shits about this bullshit as long as nobody breaks from the guidelines. As far as the multiple handles- again, they don't give enough of a shit to hunt and research waiting for the day you fuck up and sign in from the wrong IP....Only to have you jump back on with another handle.
HA! you cultivated the TreeBark handle since last spring and they didn't catch the Frank Pierce/treeBark connection until January. And that's assuming they caught it then...considering FranK Pierce was guested (sort of) and not Banned.

If Mtnliving IS actually someone else....that's too bad, and he should blame you! As should every new dude that has this shit tossed in his lap. Even Eddie12148, because when he joined we all thought he was YOU... after you shilled the eddie lewis handle another Eddie was logged in the next day and he caught the shitstorm YOU instigated . He and I don't see eye to eye but he still contributes and participates in a worthwhile manner.

NO OTHER member has the issues you have. NOBODY cares about deceiving the membership here but YOU.
WHY? what wild asshole purpose does this serve...Did it EVER serve? WHY are you so committed to ruining the Keg Party? Were you the guy who never got invited to the party at the lake so you called the cops to see it get busted? Did you get picked on too much or something growing up? runt of the litter? Did your life crash and burn so hard this is your only outlet? Please tell us more about how NOT to fall in love with a hooker, 'cause we all need more advice from you! I mean seriously cuz, WTF?

I was going to take you at your word when you apologized and promised no other handles,no more bullshit....but you lie about everything...which means NOTHING you say can be trusted, therefore holds no value. Which is too could have been a respected member of the forum, instead you're just a joke the rest of us laugh about BCD and now openly mock in the forum.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Trust me, I know all about multiple handles and IP's and the like on this site. One can get away with it for so long but sooner or later, sooner with CC around, one will get BUSTED! Originally Posted by TreeBark
There is something I can agree with

It appears as the mods don't give two shits about this bullshit as long as nobody breaks from the guidelines. Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Think again.

#31 - Often times in the hobby arena, members may display a tendency towards bringing their conflicts with other members to the board. This will be strongly discouraged and swift effort will be made to put it to rest. Additionally, staff will make every effort to stay uninvolved in conflicts and disputes between members off the board except in such cases where the board becomes directly affected.
So make your next few posts accordingly.
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 03-24-2015, 07:20 PM
Chica Chaser let me remind there are guidelines you are abusing here.


(The following guidelines are not listed in any order of importance or priority. Members are free to 'copy and paste' any part of these guidelines into other areas or into posts which may answer a question or address an issue brought up by another member)

#3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance, especially when posting in our coed forums. Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. This applies to fellow members as well as staff. We do not require that you have respect for us, but we do require that you treat us respectfully in the public forums. If you feel the need to vent, gripe, or blow off some steam regarding a staff member's action or decision, we ask that you keep it private. Email, RTM, or the PM system would be the appropriate avenue to take in such cases. In cases where you would like to request additional clarity about a staff decision, you are free to pursue an answer in either a public forum or private means of communication. If handled publicly, post your inquiry in a respectful manner.

#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.
Look at my profile and read my reviews - I am who I am and not some alias - I try to goof around and get shit for it - well ok so??! I just want the bs to stop so we can learn from each other