What's your addiction?

I also would like to chime in again if I may. and say my addiction is also living life and having a zest for making others happy. I wish to include myself in my happiness. I love spreading the light and making others feel special.

I am not sure just how much longer I plan to be in this life of providing, but while I am here I plan to give it all I got, and hopefully all of my hard work will pay off and when I decide to drop my new single called retirement, I hope to have left some fond memories, and have gained some long lasting friendships.

My focus is on a wider spectrum than this right now, and I am holding nothing back when trying to accomplish my artistic vision.
I have goals and plans. Slow and steady wins the race.

God Bless,
n0laARIES87's Avatar
My 9 to 5 is a blue-collar gig that's not very lavish or extravagant & the pay is so-so, however I do get to work with people and that's my strong suit. Recently I had a customer tell me in so many words that she was going through some family troubles and I was able to bring a little much needed joy in her day. This may sound corny, but moments like that truly mean a lot 2 me so if I do have an 'addiction' it would be that.
My 9 to 5 is a blue-collar gig that's not very lavish or extravagant & the pay is so-so, however I do get to work with people and that's my strong suit. Recently I had a customer tell me in so many words that she was going through some family troubles and I was able to bring a little much needed joy in her day. This may sound corny, but moments like that truly mean a lot 2 me so if I do have an 'addiction' it would be that. Originally Posted by n0laARIES87
^^If there's a cure for your addiction you don't need it! I love this!
It's never a mistake helping others
n0laARIES87's Avatar
Much obliged Ms. P!
Yes helping others is always rewarded by the Man upstairs... I believe in paying it forward and helping others is just 1 way I can do something to brighten someones day.
DallasRain's Avatar
Melissa you are an awesome & beautiful lady

My new latest addiction is MINT soap.....I get it from our local grocer...organic teatree mint soap that smells like juicyfruit gum......it makes my whole bathroom smell like the gum!!
Melissa you are an awesome & beautiful lady

My new latest addiction is MINT soap.....I get it from our local grocer...organic teatree mint soap that smells like juicyfruit gum......it makes my whole bathroom smell like the gum!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Dallas.. I always try to stay positive and really upbeat most of the time. My glass is always half full and I try to keep it that way....

I am addicted to sex...lol

Originally Posted by DallasRain
Not a bad addiction to have ...
Hello, my name is 00gauge, and I'm addicted to Dr. Pepper .....probably drink about half a gallon of it daily .....
Laflytier's Avatar
I am addicted to trying to figure out what a woman would look like naked when I meet her. So yes I can't get sex off my mind. But hey I love my addiction.
pyramider's Avatar
Some say I am addicted to taint.
DATYMAN's Avatar
Sex, gym.
Holden McGroin's Avatar
I'm addicted to work, well work, head and sex. I'm fortunate and own a few businesses. Truth be told I made more money working a normal job using my degree,but there's not much excitement to be had in a chemistry lab. Lol what I enjoy the most is the excitement of solving problems under a lot of pressure.. Really fast paced critical thinking during working hours and planning logistics when everyone else goes home. My absolute biggest addiction is to find people with talents they don't know they have normally down on their luck and put them in positions they strive in. It makes no difference to me where I run into these people either. I guy I saw changing oil that I knew had potential is. Ow running a 5 man crew for me in one business. Hell I have a icky hooker running one of my businesses and she's damn good at it.. Another lady from icky is meeting me Friday so that I can use my networking to grow her business into the business she dreams of having. Anyway that's my book
el guero's Avatar
I'm addicted to women. There is Nothing more beautiful than a woman's naked body. Fortunately for me that's my only addiction.
n0laARIES87's Avatar
Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
I know it's incredibly unhealthy for me but dammit I am but a man.