Well Said Kamala

oilfieldace's Avatar
She is not qualified for her job. She is no different than Biden and Trump who are/were not qualified for their job as well.

Changes will be made in 2024 and hopefully this country doesn't have to elect someone who is unqualified again solely because they hate the opposition so much. Trump needed to go IMO, but to do that, there was no other choice but to elect Biden. Sorry Trumpettes, but the majority of this country hates your obnoxious and annoying piece of shit scam artist.

It was probably the easiest decision the majority of this country had to make - put up with Trump's bullshit drama and ineptitude for another 4 years or just deal with Biden's ineptitude for 4 years and kick Trump's fat ass out of office. The people made the right choice.

Edit for post directly below: Me too, at least a corpse wouldn't be talking shit on twitter every damn day while being horrible at its job. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Ya da ya da yay da, thanks some other brain dead libturds King Donald wasn’t on Twitter, simple fact Trump was the best President in my lifetime even though he was far to liberal for my liking but thanks to the great one the S C is set for years
HedonistForever's Avatar
I would have voted for a corpse over Trump.

And you did!

Hell, even Jeff Bezos now understands what a disaster this man and this party has been for America and the funny thing, the really funny thing is, you voted for a guy and a party that ensured a return of Republicans in '22 and '24. Now that's fucking Karma!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Ya da ya da yay da, thanks some other brain dead libturds King Donald wasn’t on Twitter, simple fact Trump was the best President in my lifetime even though he was far to liberal for my liking but thanks to the great one the S C is set for years Originally Posted by oilfieldace
I am assuming you must have been born in 2016 then. I guess that completely explains why you write like a 1st grader.

The best presidents in my life are the ones who I never heard from other than the State of Union Address or a grave tragedy. I prefer them over the attention whores like Trump who never shut the fuck up.
oilfieldace's Avatar
I am assuming you must have been born in 2016 then. I guess that completely explains why you write like a 1st grader.

The best presidents in my life are the ones who I never heard from other than the State of Union Address or a grave tragedy. I prefer them over the attention whores like Trump who never shut the fuck up. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
When I was born falls under the heading of nunya bidness. Trump spoke the truth, a great orator. The current one well communication isn’t his forte nor anything else on how to govern
oilfieldace's Avatar
I am assuming you must have been born in 2016 then. I guess that completely explains why you write like a 1st grader.

The best presidents in my life are the ones who I never heard from other than the State of Union Address or a grave tragedy. I prefer them over the attention whores like Trump who never shut the fuck up. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I knew a man in Brownwood Texas who was an identical twin look alike to Chuck Conners . Fortunately he wasn’t a whiny whimp
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I thought you blocked me, why am I still seeing your incoherent posts?

Promises Promises Originally Posted by oilfieldace
YR blocked you. all that means is that he can't read your post, but you can read his post if he bothers to make one.

if you don't want to read YR's post, in that case, you will have to block him.
matchingmole's Avatar
When I was born falls under the heading of nunya bidness. Trump spoke the truth, a great orator. The current one well communication isn’t his forte nor anything else on how to govern Originally Posted by oilfieldace

His speech to the UN was a laugh riot....especially when he whined to the world about how the media was treating him so unfairly....good times (if you weren't from the USA)
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I knew a man in Brownwood Texas who was an identical twin look alike to Chuck Conners . Fortunately he wasn’t a whiny whimp Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Oh come on now, don't waste your time with the tough talk with me, old man. Don't embarrass yourself even more than you have these last few days with your silly ass rants.

I know your command of the English language is very limited, but the last thing you will ever see is me "whining" about anything on a whore board. Don't believe me? Ask any mod to see how many times I have hit the RTM button during all of my time on this board. You'll get your answer then about how much I whine old timer. Or maybe you just don't know what "whining" means. I'll give you a little hint, it's angry guys like you and not guys like me.
lustylad's Avatar
Oh come on now, don't waste your time with the tough talk with me... the last thing you will ever see is me "whining" about anything on a whore board. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
If you say so, Philo... or is it Clyde?

oilfieldace's Avatar
Oh come on now, don't waste your time with the tough talk with me, old man. Don't embarrass yourself even more than you have these last few days with your silly ass rants.

I know your command of the English language is very limited, but the last thing you will ever see is me "whining" about anything on a whore board. Don't believe me? Ask any mod to see how many times I have hit the RTM button during all of my time on this board. You'll get your answer then about how much I whine old timer. Or maybe you just don't know what "whining" means. I'll give you a little hint, it's angry guys like you and not guys like me. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
What are you rambling about? Don’t break your arm patting yourself on the back. If you don’t know the I am referring too in Brownwood Texas , why do you feel the need to commit. The topic is Kamala, not your insecurities.

How do you like her grammar? More to your liking? Remember she graduated magma cum suckie and still can’t form a thought. She is also the VP of the USA , one would think she could speak a tad. Now how do you like her now?
lustylad's Avatar
Remember she graduated magma cum suckie and still can’t form a thought.... Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Lol... it's a "sticky" honor that earns plaudits in all the right faculty lounges.

Did you know Lucas has summa cum suckie embossed in gold letters on all 3 of his Ivy League degrees?