ABC tries to explain away the EXPLAINABLE!!

despite Trump's recent "wins", and a non-unified Democratic Party, the National Polls still show all 5 of the top Democrats beating Trump in November.. why is that?

try not to say media bias polling.. these polls have been consistent for many months. Trump seems to have a governor on the amount of support he can grow. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

The problem is the national polls they use don't take into account the electoral college. So they will almost always get it wrong. It might get the popular vote right, but it won't get the actual winner as the Electoral College is how a Republic selects a President.
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The problem is the national polls they use don't take into account the electoral college. So they will almost always get it wrong. It might get the popular vote right, but it won't get the actual winner as the Electoral College is how a Republic selects a President. Originally Posted by farmstud60

they also over sample democrats on purpose, take that sample of 1,200 people (mostly Democrats) then proclaim shit like "75% of Americans .." to bash Trump. done right polls can be accurate. but they aren't done right. i could get 1 person (who is color blind) to claim the sky is green, throw out the rest and say "100% of people think the sky is green". doesn't mean it is.

notice now that the Democrats want to abolish the electoral college? shocking! not really from their point of view .. can't win within the rules .. change the rules! the Democrats are the Kings of corrupt election stealing. oh the Republicans try their hand at it too but they are rank amateurs compared to the legendary cheaters of the DNC machine. one only needs to mention "Landslide Lyndon", Richard Daley and "even the dead vote in Chicago" to prove the point.

the leftanistas here will howl like howler monkeys about "Republican corruption" and "Evil Lord Trump's abuses" which is nothing more than a diversionary tactic to their actual chicanery and abuse of the Constitution.
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