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biomed1's Avatar
To Remain On Topic . . .
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... G'day interested spectatours,

... Looking at the recent polling in the Presidential
Election coming in November - Emerson College has
Trump up almost 11 (eleven) points over Biden.

... CNN (yeah, that CNN) has Trump up by 4 (four).

And the Bloomberg News/Morning Consult actually has
TRUMP leading Biden in ALL those Swing states.

.....Arizonia ----- Trump +3
.....Georgia ------ Trump +8
.....Michigan ----- Trump +5Lates
...North Carolina - Trump +10
...Pennsylvania --- Trump +3
...Wisconsin ------ Trump +5

... The American people surely DO understand!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
THe latest poll, by Yougov, has Biden +1.

Latest PA poll has Biden +5.
Latest WI poll is even.
2nd latest poll in MI has Biden +4.

Way too early to put too much faith in the polls.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Crikey! ... This is being called a NBC-News "Shock Poll!"

"Biden's Presidency in PERIL" ... Historic LOW 37% approval rating!

... TRUMP up 5 points nationally... And leading well over Biden
on all important issues... NBC-News Poll. (yeah, THAT NBC)

... Deomcrat pollster Jeff Horwitt (Hart Research Associates) saying:
"What is most concerning is the EROSION of Biden's standing
against Trump compared to four years ago. On EVERY measure,
Biden has declined."

... Yep, ... surely getting to be a foregone conclusion that TRUMP
is not-onley the LEADER - but gonna WIN again in November!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
When is the last election that you called correctly? 2016? I have called every election correctly since 2016.

... The polls are the topic - and Trump is surely leading most of 'em!

#### Salty
... The polls are the topic - and Trump is surely leading most of 'em!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
He sure is and the Demonrats are running scared.

Salty, The best part of 2024 will be Trump winning the Election for a third time and watching the lefties scream and spit and riot and burn cities down.

adav8s28's Avatar
... G'day interested spectatours,

... Looking at the recent polling in the Presidential
Election coming in November - Emerson College has
Trump up almost 11 (eleven) points over Biden.

... CNN (yeah, that CNN) has Trump up by 4 (four).

And the Bloomberg News/Morning Consult actually has
TRUMP leading Biden in ALL those Swing states.

.....Arizonia ----- Trump +3
.....Georgia ------ Trump +8
.....Michigan ----- Trump +5
.....Nevada ------- Trump +8
...North Carolina - Trump +10
...Pennsylvania --- Trump +3
...Wisconsin ------ Trump +5

... The American people surely DO understand!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Emerson college? Are they legit? To get to 270 electoral college votes Biden/Harris just have to win 14 states. Those states are the same states HRC won in the 2016 presidential election plus Mich, Penn and Wisc. Right now Real Clear Politics has:

Biden + 1 in Penn

Biden / Trump are tied in Wisc

Trump + 4 in Mich

If Biden gets Penn, Wisc and Mich he will get to 270 and win the electoral college.
... Heard from both McLaughlin and Zogby today.

They both have Trump up 4 or 5 points Nationally and
surely agree-with Morning Consult and what NBC has posted.

... TRUMP is The Leader. ...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is it possible for someone to lose the popular vote yet win the election?


“National” polls are a false indicator. But keep repeating it … “He’s got this…”

MAGAs are going to play themselves.

America is a nation of good people. You’ll see.

Just wait
adav8s28's Avatar
... Heard from both McLaughlin and Zogby today.

They both have Trump up 4 or 5 points Nationally and
surely agree-with Morning Consult and what NBC has posted.

... TRUMP is The Leader. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Being up 4 or 5 points nationally does not mean anything in a presidential election where the winner needs 270 electoral college votes. Those 270 electoral college votes can be obtained by winning just 14 states. The eleven states that HRC won against Trump plus three others (Mich, Penn & Wisc).
... "HRC"?? ... "Haley renounces Conservatism"??

... Or did you mean Hillary there?? ... Whether Trump's
2024 opponent can do so surely remains to be seen.

##### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
When ever did Trump truly outpoll his opponent?


His ass was beaten by a vote total the size of DENMARK. Say what you want about research polls, the majority of the US has rejected that clown twice.
When ever did Trump truly outpoll his opponent?


His ass was beaten by a vote total the size of DENMARK. Say what you want about research polls, the majority of the US has rejected that clown twice. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... The majority of the US don't seem to be rejectin' Him now.

Look at the polls... ...

#### Salty
adav8s28's Avatar
... The majority of the US don't seem to be rejectin' Him now.

Look at the polls... ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You can't be elected president by winning the popular vote. You have to win the electoral college. Right now Biden's chances are just as good as Trumps. Just look at how Biden is doing in Penn,Mich & Wisc. He is either ahead or tied in two of the three in most of the well known polls (Ex. Real Clear Politics). You only need to win 14 states to get to 270.
ICU 812's Avatar
Please lets set aside the prospect of re-electing either President Trump or President Biden for a moment.

It is my deep fear that if the progressive left is returned to power in the executive and legislative branches, this country will irrevocably descend into the third-world status enjoyed by Venezuela, Rwanda and so many other places. Mexico is now well on the way if not already there.

The policies and administrative actions that allow anyone and everyone to enter without restriction or evaluation is ruining our major cities and rural areas alike. Even if the character, skills and resources of new arrivals is ignored, the sheer numbers of people without immediate prospect of assimilation into our social and economic system is crippling.

There is much more, and other aspects of the liberal progressive agendas in terms of social engineering and centralizing control of what used to be privately held rights, but the border issues are a major factor in our voyage to the bottom just now.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So that’s why we should elect the worst POS walking the planet? Serial liar, fraud and intellectual nincompoop?

Don’t make me laugh!