Hey Deb the MILF, the words of Noam Chomsky

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is what could be called a metaphorical slap in the face with reality. She is very confused and does not know it. She mouths things that she cannot defend (and doesn't try to) so she needs a jolt to get her brain working. Her hero is Noam the commie. Maybe if she hears him say something that is indefensible she can start the process to understand what a piece of shit that Noam is.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And you think it is your job to lead her into the light, eh, JD? You do this by taking a whole thread for the purpose of a cheap shot. I don't think you've demonstrated the prerequisites required to correct anyone's thought process. Deb will be fine even without your "help".
Pot meet kettle...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have to agree with EVA on this. What are we doing on this site except trying to convince someone else of the rightness of our position. If we're not trying to do that then we are just mentally masturbating for nothing. If you're not trying to refine your best argument then why bother. I ask you COG, are you just trying to listen to the sound of your own voice. Is that your motivation?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Er, JDIdiot, I think I'va was talking about YOU.
And you think it is your job to lead her into the light, eh, JD? You do this by taking a whole thread for the purpose of a cheap shot. I don't think you've demonstrated the prerequisites required to correct anyone's thought process. Deb will be fine even without your "help". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

COG.. you ok bro? Your are sounding really reasonable.in this thread.

Lately for that matter.. The ACA getting you all squared away?
COG.. you ok bro? Your are sounding really reasonable.in this thread.

Lately for that matter.. The ACA getting you all squared away? Originally Posted by UB9IB6

A little late to be playing games?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have to agree with EVA on this. What are we doing on this site except trying to convince someone else of the rightness of our position. If we're not trying to do that then we are just mentally masturbating for nothing. If you're not trying to refine your best argument then why bother. I ask you COG, are you just trying to listen to the sound of your own voice. Is that your motivation? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well, there's your problem. First, you can't even understand Eva. Secondly, if you're here to try to convince people, you are more delusional than I thought. The only reason to be here - the ONLY - reason to be here is to be entertained. No wonder you're so bitchy all the time. The best I can recall, the only person who has changed his position on anything due to information provided on here has been me. There may be others, but that's all I can remember.

I like Deb. I think she is interesting as well as gorgeous. I can't predict how she is going to respond to anything, like I can with the rest of you. That makes her fun! I hope I have the chance someday to explore her mind as well as a few other things.

Your persuasion skills are lacking. Try to have fun.
Then you are saying that you do understand me, and are just playing dumb?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think Whiny just handed JDIdiot his ass.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually what I said was that I agreed with one, single, solitary thing you wrote and that may have been by accident (who knows?). Part of the "entertainment" value of this is trying to do several things. Things like convincing someone else is wrong or you're right, correcting someone else's misinformation, or if you don't like the person just ridiculing them. As for Deb, it's not that I don't like her (I've never met her and probably never will) but her understanding of the way things work is rudimentary and misguided. Now a lot of us have responded to her idiotic (that is the correct term right?) posts with derision and attempted corrections. Why? You are trying to change her mind or to change the minds of others who follow her every word (pastings actually). I was just proactive this time. Instead of waiting for another inane post, I grabbed something currently on the Internet and tried to bring it to her attention. I don't know what the rest of you are doing, do you?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Commie bastard and walking hemorrhoid Noam Chomsky (a personal favorite of Deb) was looking some attention so he claims that Ronald Reagan was an extreme racist. Forgetting that Bill Clinton said that Obama should be serving him coffee instead of running for president.

So DEB, still want to profess your love for this man? By the way, he thinks your a racist too because you're white.

http://www.alternet.org/noam-chomsky...ican-americans Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Your mind is tiny. Not only is it tiny, it's closed to any new thought because you are convinced you have the answers. To reduce someone like Chomsky to merely a 'commie bastard and walking hemorrhoid" illustrates your narrow view. You need this reduction though. You and those like you tend to need to have people in little boxes, easily defined for your consumption. Reagan wasn't the great white hope that most Republicans like to remember. He set up the deregulation that led to the tech bubble. Do a little research.
Good Lord! Give it up, JD. You ain't exactly looking too good here.

Yeah, she posted a whole slew of threads for a while, each one including a Noam Chomsky video -- when she could have just placed them all in the same thread. But it's been a couple of months since she did that. She got lambasted for that at the time, and toned it down after that. Nothing she posted seemed ill-intended in any way.

Besides, don't you think you should be one of the last people in here to hector others over a perception that they are "confused," "misguided," or have only a "rudimentary" understanding of issues?

After all, you're the guy who once started a thread just to explain why you start so many redundant threads!

Yes, seriously:


Funny as hell!