Do you know who Ed Mezvinsky is???

Yep Nixon was one of them. Just another Democrat hiding in a republican suit.
You can thank him for income redistribution via the so called "earned Income credit" or, take from the tax payer and give it to those that continuously make poor life choices. Toss in a side of, you cant stay with this woman if she wants to get welfare and thus destroy the family unit, or was that Nixon's butt buddy Johnson. Not much difference between the two really.
Nixon also created price and wage controls which led to the practice of re-boxing the merchandise to provide less product at the same price and call it new and improved. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You're mistaken about the EITC. How is it redistribution? People who make as much as $52K a year can qualify for EITC. Is that someone who has made poor life choices? It was also expanded under Reagan in '86, for you Reagan worshippers out there. It was revenue neutral though. I'm curious how it is classified by you as redistribution when it's only on money that you earned through work? Did you ever claim kids as a dependent on your taxes? Then you've taken advantage of the same thing.

This is where money must come from to qualify for EITC. You don't get it for cashing welfare checks...

Wages, salaries, tips, commissions, and other taxable employee pay.
Net earnings from self-employment.
Gross income received as a statutory employee.[14]
Disability payments through a private employer's disability plan received prior to minimum retirement age (62 in 2011).[15]
Nontaxable combat pay received by a member of the U.S. armed services which he or she elects to include for purposes of EIC calculation. This is an all-or-none election. For each tax year, the service member must elect to include either all of t
cptjohnstone's Avatar


I worked on his 72 campaign
CuteOldGuy's Avatar


I worked on his 72 campaign Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I worked on McGovern's.
rioseco's Avatar
"Earned income credit"
The biggest oxymoron ever ! Designed by liberals, who wanted to insure a larger voter base for eternity. Only a liberal could conceive such an act of hypocrisy.
rioseco's Avatar
You're mistaken about the EITC. How is it redistribution? People who make as much as $52K a year can qualify for EITC. Is that someone who has made poor life choices? It was also expanded under Reagan in '86, for you Reagan worshippers out there. It was revenue neutral though. I'm curious how it is classified by you as redistribution when it's only on money that you earned through work? Did you ever claim kids as a dependent on your taxes? Then you've taken advantage of the same thing.

This is where money must come from to qualify for EITC. You don't get it for cashing welfare checks...

Wages, salaries, tips, commissions, and other taxable employee pay.
Net earnings from self-employment.
Gross income received as a statutory employee.[14]
Disability payments through a private employer's disability plan received prior to minimum retirement age (62 in 2011).[15]
Nontaxable combat pay received by a member of the U.S. armed services which he or she elects to include for purposes of EIC calculation. This is an all-or-none election. For each tax year, the service member must elect to include either all of t Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
So how is it that Barry O's latest bunch of rowdy friends, the "legal illegals" are qualifying for the EITC ?
Could be that these folks are hard workers but they have not worked or paid shit here. They just streamed across the border this past summer,with numerous dependants in tow and immediately afterword it is announced by the IRS they will receive over 4 billion in EITC.

I worked on McGovern's. Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
I believe that...
So how is it that Barry O's latest bunch of rowdy friends, the "legal illegals" are qualifying for the EITC ?
Could be that these folks are hard workers but they have not worked or paid shit here. They just streamed across the border this past summer,with numerous dependants in tow and immediately afterword it is announced by the IRS they will receive over 4 billion in EITC.
Originally Posted by rioseco
As usual, you have fudged the facts. They didn't just stream across the border, for one. This applies to the people who would be allowed to stay under Obama's executive order. They would be allowed to retroactively seek EITC credits for work they've ALREADY done and taxes they've ALREADY paid. It's not free money. They have worked and paid shit here, unlike what you claim. Next.

Unlike you, I'll provide some reading material...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I hope you're learning the futility of logical discussion with the howler monkeys, UC. Rioseco (aka, the Great Cornholio), IIFFORDBEIEIO (aka SLOBBRIN) and IBIdiot (aka Corpy) form the "assHoly Trinity."

Nothing you post will receive due consideration from them. They are functional illiterates and quite possibly wards of the state.

Unless you engage in name calling or homophobia, you won't get through to them. Even then, why would you want to. You'll onky be called a #Grubered Odumbo minion or something even less comprehensible.

Happy hunting!
Yssup Rider's Avatar


I worked on his 72 campaign Originally Posted by The2Dogs
FTFY, Gooober.
I hope you're learning the futility of logical discussion with the howler monkeys, UC. Rioseco (aka, the Great Cornholio), IIFFORDBEIEIO (aka SLOBBRIN) and IBIdiot (aka Corpy) form the "assHoly Trinity."

Nothing you post will receive due consideration from them. They are functional illiterates and quite possibly wards of the state.

Unless you engage in name calling or homophobia, you won't get through to them. Even then, why would you want to. You'll onky be called a #Grubered Odumbo minion or something even less comprehensible.

Happy hunting! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It's something to do while on the shitter. Don't forget LustyJizzEater. Together they form the four horsemen of the gay apocalypse.
rioseco's Avatar
As usual, you have fudged the facts. They didn't just stream across the border, for one. This applies to the people who would be allowed to stay under Obama's executive order. They would be allowed to retroactively seek EITC credits for work they've ALREADY done and taxes they've ALREADY paid. It's not free money. They have worked and paid shit here, unlike what you claim. Next.

Unlike you, I'll provide some reading material... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Excuse me ???
They didn't stream across the border ? I call bullshit on that. That came by the tens of thousands last summer. Yes it was announced that these people will get tax refunds from the IRS. It was a crisis. The government had the border patrol, the military and churches working in make shift camps on bases, in gymnasiums and in churches to care for these people. These "legal illegals" have not paid jack-shit into an already overburdened system. They have not been here long enough to work and do so. Each of those mamas had several youngsters in tow and Obama and the IRS have joyfully announced that they qualify for the EICT credit.

Now UC, go fudge that. It is a fact whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.
rioseco's Avatar
I hope you're learning the futility of logical discussion with the howler monkeys, UC. Rioseco (aka, the Great Cornholio), IIFFORDBEIEIO (aka SLOBBRIN) and IBIdiot (aka Corpy) form the "assHoly Trinity."

Nothing you post will receive due consideration from them. They are functional illiterates and quite possibly wards of the state.

Unless you engage in name calling or homophobia, you won't get through to them. Even then, why would you want to. You'll onky be called a #Grubered Odumbo minion or something even less comprehensible.

Happy hunting! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How are you doing Israeli hater ?
Kiss ass with any gay commie musselman socialist today ?
Congratulations on ISIS accepting your application for man-whore to islamist-scum everywhere !
Excuse me ???
They didn't stream across the border ? I call bullshit on that. That came by the tens of thousands last summer. Yes it was announced that these people will get tax refunds from the IRS. It was a crisis. The government had the border patrol, the military and churches working in make shift camps on bases, in gymnasiums and in churches to care for these people. These "legal illegals" have not paid jack-shit into an already overburdened system. They have not been here long enough to work and do so. Each of those mamas had several youngsters in tow and Obama and the IRS have joyfully announced that they qualify for the EICT credit.

Now UC, go fudge that. It is a fact whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.
Originally Posted by rioseco
Go back and read. No they don't. You saying they do doesn't make it so. They only qualify for work they have already done and taxes they've already paid. It says it in quite plain English.
rioseco's Avatar
I hope you're learning the futility of logical discussion with the howler monkeys, UC. Rioseco (aka, the Great Cornholio), IIFFORDBEIEIO (aka SLOBBRIN) and IBIdiot (aka Corpy) form the "assHoly Trinity."

Nothing you post will receive due consideration from them. They are functional illiterates and quite possibly wards of the state.

Unless you engage in name calling or homophobia, you won't get through to them. Even then, why would you want to. You'll onky be called a #Grubered Odumbo minion or something even less comprehensible.

Happy hunting! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I am sure relieved to know that you don't abide with name calling.
I see that you defended gays but you forgot to rush to the defense of the poor oppressed black street criminals and radical islamist scum.
  • DSK
  • 03-15-2015, 09:58 PM
Should a child be judged by what a parent does? Originally Posted by timpage
No, but they should prevail upon him to pay back the fruits of his terrible deeds.