Beto backs off opposition to reparations at Sharpton event, pledges he’d sign bill to study it

True, the people selling their Votes are people wanting something for nothing who wake up the next morning and find that nothing has changed.

They are still just as lazy and malcontent as the day before. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Amen to you both.
LexusLover's Avatar
.....saying he would support a bill in Congress to study and consider the payments. Originally Posted by oeb11
Where do I apply for the grant? $25 million sounds like a good round number!
True, the people selling their Votes are people wanting something for nothing who wake up the next morning and find that nothing has changed.

They are still just as lazy and malcontent as the day before. Originally Posted by Jackie S


I like how all these chicken-shit libbies state they agree to support a "study" on negro reparations to suck-off the race-baiter Sharpton. To support this issue IS political suicide.
I watched that side show on Fox tonight.

It was nauseating. Every damned one of them.
Hotrod511's Avatar
make's a person wonder when the Comedy News Network talks that shit about white privilege, I guarantee if you are white and owe 4 million in back taxes you would not be walking around in public