Stalinism Today

ICU 812's Avatar
Bumping for a reply for the ob1 or dingdonk. Did they all get banned by putin??? Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Not sure I understand your question. Putin is a relative late comer. The purges of the Stalinist and Maoist eras came well before Putin of course. The Bath Party dominance of Saddam's Iraq was modeled mon Stalin's example of terror and oppression.

The current socio-political environment where someone may be erased from the public arena of ideas as has been done by big-tech, then bllackballed from employment as was done in Hollywood during the McCarthy era puts
American society well on the way to life as it was under Stalin, mayo and Saddam.
ICU 812's Avatar
And yet all of the tyranny is coming from the Democrats. Originally Posted by farmstud60
There has been a serious lack of accountability for actions committed in the cause of "social justice" in the past few years.

The riots in Ferguson were allowed to happen and continue through the direct intervention of the local liberal authorities. The man who repeatedly told the crowd to "Burn it down!" there still has not faced any accountability for inciting a riot.

The same is true for the violence and destruction that has occurred in many major cities across the Nation. The FBI was able to quickly and effectively detect, identify and arrest those who would have kidnapped the Governor of Michigan . . . .yet the death and destruction brought by Antifa goes essentially un-checked.

Accountability . . .indeed.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The new label
rexdutchman's Avatar
They intend to censor and silence all with respect for the Constitution and self-reliance - Capitalism
First it was the jaws then Christians ,,,,,"dark winter acoming
matchingmole's Avatar
The first Jaws was pretty good....the shark looked fairly real
Nazi six stages of dehumanization

1. define people as other- like hicks, rednecks, dumb, inferior, deplorables, clingers to guns and bibles, walmart shoppers

2. isolate people - not allowed to attend schools or universities, excluded from memberships, no fly lists
social practices, stop associating with, remove from social media,
economy- not hiring, scapegoating, boycott businesses, refuse to transact
business with
3. encourage to leave - via riots and looting and burning of businesses, haven't yet gotten to the
stage of you can have an exit visa if you leave all your money and

stages to come:

4. Ghettoization- forcible movement to segregation sections

5. Deportation - transported to concentration and death camps

6. mass murder

the second amendment will come in handy

we have had ghettoization before- witness the Japanese camps of the dimocrats in WWII,
the Carnegie institute and the state of Connecticut and its governor even did door to door surveys in order to rank people as to their "genetic worthiness". they wanted to deport people to the Ozarks or investigate them for euthanasia

and big tech was involved with this sort of thing before. in wwii IBM aided the Nazi germans in identifying and segregating the jews and now big tech is at it again