JennaKae's Avatar
Some ladies use a make up pad on the vagina to kinda mask and slow the flow of blood....... Originally Posted by gimme_that
For those that may not know ~ use Softcups. You can enjoy 'normal activities' without any mess.
As for me, I feel like I should provide BDSM sessions the week before and the week of I am very sensitive and easily aroused. Softcups, my friends!!
Be well...peace n love...J
joesmo888's Avatar
Some of us don't get periods. The depo shot is the greatest thing that ever happened to me. No more curse for me. Well, I haven't been on it a year yet, so I still get sporadic, unexpected breakthroughs, but far less often than monthly, and they will likely get less and less frequent until they stop completely. Yay for modern medicine! Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
yep there are a lot of ways to manipulate hormones these days
I am blessed to not get any PMS symptoms. The worst that happens to me is food cravings (ice cream, chocolate, greasy salty fried stuff). I'm currently starting the menopause thing so it will be interesting to see how that plays out! Not too worried though, since women in my family don't seem to have a lot of trouble with it.