
nnnnnn's Avatar
Ok, I have met that girl in the past. And she was good, nice experience, and she looked great, much better than on those pictures. Later, I heard from another gentleman, who saw her after these kinds of ads started to appear, that it is her former ex trying to get at her. I guess he is succeeding, because given all this drama I won't see her again, no matter how good she was -- too much risk of unintended bad consequences.

PS When I saw her, it was at a decent hotel, SW are absolutely NOT my thing.
Vern0065's Avatar
Both of those were said by many mom's in the neighborhood I grew up in.

Not one kid in the neighborhood was hit by a car, but the looking before leaping did come back a bite a few. Originally Posted by Tiger

Ahh!!! Tiger now I know your problem you must have hit your head a few times!!! Its a JoKe LMAO!! Great advice was told that myself a few times!!
  • DCGuy
  • 05-24-2013, 09:55 AM
I've also seen her in public and she's much better looking than the pics. Ran into her at a carry-out pizza joint on Central in Colonie. Introduced myself discreetly outside and gave her a ride back to her motel a few blocks away. Didn't play. Very pleasant person, seems to have a head on her shoulders and much much better looking in person. Just has a jerk of an ex who's willing to spend money on a BP ad to shame her.