The World if not fair....Who knew.
I ain''t seen none of these NBA whiners picketing the Miss Black Amercia Contest or protesting that there are not enought whites in the Gawd Damn wait what sport is it???.... it's on the tip of my tongue...oh yea the freaking N B A
Like every 3 months this pretend indignation about fairness comes along. Ask most who think women should not have a choice on who to see if they are for gay marriage and those same so called fair minded people are quoting how it is against the Bible. I'm embarressed for myself for even bothering to post in these type threads.
For the record , I don't need no "Look I have black friends" bs to justify that I think it is a personal fucking choice. However dumb. It is THEIR Choice. Let my white ass roll incertain parts of the country (east LA) and see how it goes over.