Hi everyone this is Kylee Lynn (aka Kimberly Stone) I would like to apologize to Gbsfl and anyone else who has been affected by my behavior. I have had some medical problems which have progressed in the past year - I'm not going into specific detail - but sometimes the medication I was given would have negative effect such as falling asleep. I am truly sorry and would like the chance to make it up to you. I am a good provider and I take my job seriously so please let me make this right. I hope we can work this out. Kylee Lynn

PS. I will be running a special tomorrow "Stay Awake Sunday" for those risk takers out there Originally Posted by Kylee Lynn

Or you could just keep passing out and call it the Bill Cosby Experience.

Good rebuttal hun. Keep your head up! (or don't, ya know, whatever).
chicagoboy's Avatar
Or you could just keep passing out and call it the Bill Cosby Experience. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
TexTushHog's Avatar
It takes courage to accept responsibility for your actions, and what unfortunately seems to be uncommon good judgment. I would like to think that most hobbyist would be understanding in a situation like this once they 1) know you care, and 2) are sincere.
boardman's Avatar
The whores I see are relieved if they are able to fall asleep while I'm fucking them.
The whores I see are relieved if they are able to fall asleep while I'm fucking them. Originally Posted by boardman
Must be the benadryl.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Must be the benadryl. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Or the chloroform.
sparrow1122's Avatar
BCE ...... Funny. Good one THN. Thanks for beinga trooper and staying awake!

Kylee, you will be fine. Good TCB and rebuttal.
jimmylbob's Avatar
Wow, thanks for stepping up. I don't look at is as a rebuttal, just a response...and a good one. Also, the reviewer stepping up with a 'no' may have served as a good 'wake-up' (pun intended) call to take action on a problem.

Changed behavior will be the necessary outcome, best of luck.
Or the chloroform. Originally Posted by GracePreston
No opposable thumbs
doug_dfw's Avatar
As I mentioned in the review, she did offer a free session and she did say she would bring my money back to me.

I also said, it was not a money issue with me, it was the waste of my time and frustration caused by not getting the relief I was hoping for.

Kylee: you were a sweetheart and we were "clicking" quite nicely until the sleeping incidents started. You are a beautiful lady. This was the first "no" review I have ever written. But when I wrote just a post to a previous review, I got an answer that the same thing happened to another hobbiest. So I felt the review needed to be written. Then to have so many others who came out and said the same thing happened to them. I do not regret writing it. If you have this problem often you should figure out the cause and not provide when you feel there is a chance this can happen.

I do have a RW life and I can only carve out so many hours a week for this hobby. I really look forward to my time once a date is made. Then to get nothing, just a huge disappointment that I thought should be brought to the attention of fellow hobbiest.

I do wish you nothing but the best. I appreciate your apology and explanation. I hope you figure out what causes these episodes and stop whatever medication it is that causes it.

Good luck to a very pretty lady.

E-mail sent Originally Posted by Gbfsl
This sleeping habit is not new. She has had that "disease" for at least three years and the medication she takes is the reason. If she stops the medication, she stays awake. So it is a matter of timing she has to control.
  • Gbfsl
  • 04-13-2015, 06:06 PM
I find the feedback from this post and from my review as "interesting" and "frustrating" as the actual experience.

Like many, if not most, of the men here, I have a list of providers a mile long that I want to get to. I spend a lot of time and research before I make a date to try to avoid disappointments like this. For Kylee she has over 40 reviews since 2013, all a resounding "yes".

I hesitated writing my review because I really don't want to hurt anyone out there. But after posting a comment to another persons review I got two PM's saying she fell asleep on them. So I decided a review needed to be written. And now so many have come out and it appears this has been a problem for the last three years that has happened to numerous guys out there. Really!

This has changed my opinion of reviews here and I would encourage everyone to rethink your approach to reviews. Be honest. Good or bad, let the rest of us know what happened in your time with this lady. Then leave it to each Hobbiest to make up his own mind if he takes a gamble or not. But you all could have saved me a lot of aggravation, not to mention the missed opportunity of being with one of the other ladies on my "list" if just one or two of you had mentioned the fact that this lovely lady has a tendency to pass out in her sessions.

Just sayin.
Hi everyone this is Kylee Lynn (aka Kimberly Stone) I would like to apologize to Gbsfl and anyone else who has been affected by my behavior. I have had some medical problems which have progressed in the past year - I'm not going into specific detail - but sometimes the medication I was given would have negative effect such as falling asleep. I am truly sorry and would like the chance to make it up to you. I am a good provider and I take my job seriously so please let me make this right. I hope we can work this out. Kylee Lynn

PS. I will be running a special tomorrow "Stay Awake Sunday" for those risk takers out there Originally Posted by Kylee Lynn
I'm trying my best to not sound like an ass here,

But, you fall asleep in the company strange men? And have had these "accidents" happen before?

Woman - You are lucky to be alive.

If I was in your shoes, I would stop providing until I could get a handle on my medical condition or the medication.
beachcomber789's Avatar
THN and Grace have a sense of humor....Kaylee you said your piece, if there was one guy or two, offer them something to
make it up to them...that is all you can do. You are attractive and have lots of
good reviews....every one can have a bad day (or two)
I hesitated writing my review because I really don't want to hurt anyone out there. But after posting a comment to another persons review I got two PM's saying she fell asleep on them. So I decided a review needed to be written. And now so many have come out and it appears this has been a problem for the last three years that has happened to numerous guys out there. Really! Originally Posted by Gbfsl
You did the right thing.

Better that she gets her act together before she ends up locked up in a basement with a little white-faced puppet on a tricycle talking about, "You wanna play a GAME?"

I'm just sayin'.

I find the feedback from this post and from my review as "interesting" and "frustrating" as the actual experience.

Like many, if not most, of the men here, I have a list of providers a mile long that I want to get to. I spend a lot of time and research before I make a date to try to avoid disappointments like this. For Kylee she has over 40 reviews since 2013, all a resounding "yes".

I hesitated writing my review because I really don't want to hurt anyone out there. But after posting a comment to another persons review I got two PM's saying she fell asleep on them. So I decided a review needed to be written. And now so many have come out and it appears this has been a problem for the last three years that has happened to numerous guys out there. Really!

This has changed my opinion of reviews here and I would encourage everyone to rethink your approach to reviews. Be honest. Good or bad, let the rest of us know what happened in your time with this lady. Then leave it to each Hobbiest to make up his own mind if he takes a gamble or not. But you all could have saved me a lot of aggravation, not to mention the missed opportunity of being with one of the other ladies on my "list" if just one or two of you had mentioned the fact that this lovely lady has a tendency to pass out in her sessions.

Just sayin. Originally Posted by Gbfsl
God bless you sir! However, I find it all too common that this is the case. One hobbyist speaks up on an issue then they get subsequent confirmations from additional hobbyists only "after" said hobbyist raises said issue.

I think it is due to the fear of some provider's influence (as in the provider's ability to "black ball" someone with other provider's, mods, or admins). I don't care how many provider's there are in the metroplex, we as men do not like our options limited in any way, lol! Think about it, how many "NBA" threads have you observed since being here.

This could also be due to the fact that most of us are nice guys and don't want to feel like we are "hurting" the provider's business. This makes sense because, let's face it, this is a portion of these ladies livelihood. But are we really helping when we neglect to point out obvious flaws in the service provided? As I am in the line of work of pointing out flaws in controls and processes, I know all to well that these actions would not make one a very popular and/or "likeable" person. However, I have seen where these actions do help because it gives the line of business (provider) insight into how they can improve their processes and become more efficient and profitable.

On a hooker board/social site, where "everyone's" voice is heard, these things just come with the territory. It's unfortunate really because it only serves to complicate things and it promotes a very "club oriented" atmosphere at times. Although, it has it's benefits as well.

Just my one cent, but, before I digress, I want to say I could be absolutely wrong and not know what the hell I'm talking about.

Hobby on good sir!!!