Is it time to go back to being me?.. Never Mind... Ivory answered the question..... Guess I'm Back in Black....

nuglet's Avatar
Yes, it WAS amusing.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Still is.
It never seems to amaze me hearing someone that is a big person themselves calling another person a "fat ass" REALLY? WOW....
Whispers's Avatar
It never seems to amaze me hearing someone that is a big person themselves calling another person a "fat ass" REALLY? WOW.... Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
darlin..... My ass and thighs are not much different than Ivory's ass and thighs..... same cottage cheese....... same ample ass.....

I'm an old fat man and I know better than to run around in a thong with my old fat white ass with the cottage cheese and vericose veins on display in public....

If I know better it amazes me that she doesn't..... Then again she's trapped in her mind somewhere 15 years ago when she was a fine young specimen that had a place in the hobby...... Hell... I still think I tapped that about 16-18 years ago.....
Whispers's Avatar
Will the real Whimpers please stand up? Oh, darn, he's banned. And just when he was starting to convince people that he was an okay guy.

I didn't really want Whimpers to host any party for me anyway. Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
Really now? Haven't they warned you a time or two about calling me Whimpers?.......

I thought we were all buddy buddy.... now here you are dissing me....

Oh well.....

We can have a going away party in your honor without you.......
Whispers's Avatar
...... Someone who doesn't spread rumors that I organized a hooker union for the purpose of price fixing?

Darlin that info came from some of the girls.....

.....Someone who doesn't accuse me of using mind control over providers and hobbiests?

as well as that.....

Not counting the fact taht I've been a member of your Yahoo Group for a long time.... Oh what? We can't register by other names? oooopssssss....

.......Someone who doesn't have "cunt" in their vocabulary? Sorry...... 2nd time in 10 years I felt someone deserved that!

......Well, goodness, perhaps I should shop around for a host or hostess!

You can but a lot of people tend to think I throw a pretty good party!

Poor Whimpers, getting picked on and all. Why oh why are they picking on poor Whimpers? He's such a victim and all, you know. Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
Yeah yeah Yeah... Poor Pitiful Me!

Ya know something Taylor...... You can go and be all high and mighty if ya want to but if your going out.... Why don't you go out with a Bang.....

Let me see if I can help you......Why not one last Rumor?

Some of the ladies were piling on Sixx for thinking maybe he leaked some of that Powder Room stuff that caused such an uproar a couple of weeks ago?

Come on Taylor....... Would you like to enlighten the group as to which Lady with Powder Room Access copied and pasted Threads From The Powder Room and emailed them to a hobbyist?

You know the answer to that question I'll bet... You seem to know everything.....

Share with us all please... Come Clean... It will do your soul good darlin.

Whispers's Avatar
Dear Santa......

I tried....

I really, really, really tried........

But the hypocrisy surrounding me finally got to me.....

I was holding it all in and trying earn a real nice present from one of your elves......

and then.....

Well Santa..... you know what she did.....

I kinda lost it......

But if you believe in 2nd chances I will go back to "trying"... but you really need to have that elf get in touch with me and tell me it will all be OK...... Maybe she should come by the office and take me to lunch............. Then I would know it was all Ok....

Otherwise I'm back shagging strippers all day and going back to who I've always been because at the end of the day....... I can buy my own damn present if I have to!

Sincerely Yours......

sixxbach's Avatar

Check your PM's.... blatant insults will not be tolerated...

TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
Welcome back, ole friend! Forget all that negative stuff. I really think you are swell as far as you know.

Where are these posts that prove your accusations came from providers? Oh we are playing "he said, she said?" And, I'm out.
Whispers's Avatar
Points?.... You give me points?

She started the damn thing....... Ya poke a sleeping bear and ya can expect to get bit.....

What's the matter? Your sitting at home tonight instead of out kissing gals and eating Jack in the Box?

Ya went from the streets to hanging out with us until ya got you a VIP card and don't need us anymore?......

.....then some skirts invite ya over and ya wuss out on hanging with the guys in search of a free meal and now I get points?

Shit man......

I don't know what the fuck to say now.....

This MOD stuff is changing you!
  • Ivory
  • 12-16-2010, 07:53 PM
This should be amusing. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
I think you're right!
Really now? Haven't they warned you a time or two about calling me Whimpers?.......

I thought we were all buddy buddy.... now here you are dissing me....

Oh well.....

We can have a going away party in your honor without you....... Originally Posted by Whispers
She can't call you Whimpers but you can call Ivory a cunt? Logic-as well as common human decency-is obviously not your forte.

I am absolutely appalled.
LadiesFan's Avatar
Points?.... You give me points?

She started the damn thing....... Ya poke a sleeping bear and ya can expect to get bit.....

What's the matter? Your sitting at home tonight instead of out kissing gals and eating Jack in the Box?

Ya went from the streets to hanging out with us until ya got you a VIP card and don't need us anymore?......

.....then some skirts invite ya over and ya wuss out on hanging with the guys in search of a free meal and now I get points?

Shit man......

I don't know what the fuck to say now.....

This MOD stuff is changing you! Originally Posted by Whispers
Sixx is a damn decent guy.. he deserves better than this.

rrrabbit's Avatar
Sixx is a damn decent guy.. he deserves better than this.

LF Originally Posted by LadiesFan
Whispers's Avatar
Sixx is a damn decent guy.. he deserves better than this.

LF Originally Posted by LadiesFan

You think so?

have you been to a buffet with him?

Have lunch with him one time and come back here and tell me that....