Trump approval reaches record high in Gallup poll

I was referring to your post. #3. If you’re going to bring up history, you could have given an obvious reason why. Originally Posted by bambino
He has a SHORT selective memory...
I don't HATE anyone. I do not think Trump is the best person to be POTUS. Far from it. Never said otherwise. I am hardly alone in my opinion. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Who is the best person speed?
I hope when 2020 election is over you will seek a support group to cope with PTSD.
Lapdog's Avatar
Fake news.
Lapdog's Avatar
Fake news.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Fake news. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Fake news. Originally Posted by Lapdog
you sure about that after all you had to post it twice or is it a case of fat finger's

do you always like your own post
Lapdog's Avatar
It was a double post, Hotrod. My sincere apologies. And yes, I like my own posts simply because I rarely disagree with myself.
Is it like the blind leading the blind...
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You did say you want to be fair. Trump has undergone more negative press since Abraham Lincoln.
txdot-guy's Avatar
You did say you want to be fair. Trump has undergone more negative press since Abraham Lincoln. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

A lot of that negative press he brings upon himself. If the twitler in chief would just stop lying and commenting on issues of no real importance the news media would have less to report on.
I think that's a fair comment as well.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
A lot of that negative press he brings upon himself. If the twitler in chief would just stop lying and commenting on issues of no real importance the news media would have less to report on.
I think that's a fair comment as well. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
would you think it's a fair comment to say that the press has knowingly written many articles simply to sensationalize any trivial thing Trump does or says? to paint him in any bad light without the facts or any facts at all?

the press helped elect Trump by openly trying to keep him from getting elected and they are still doing it to this day. they haven't learned a thing. i find it amusing. i sometimes watch the MSNDC and the MADCOW to see her latest meltdown on this obvious travesty that is Trump's illegal presidency.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
A lot of that negative press he brings upon himself. If the twitler in chief would just stop lying and commenting on issues of no real importance the news media would have less to report on.
I think that's a fair comment as well. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Hardly fair at all.
The Churchill bust
The spying on Trump Tower
The reports on a collapse of the stock market on inauguration day
The Russian collusion hoax
That some of or all the Trump children were going to be arrested
The sport teams that refuse an invitation to the White House
The attacks on Barron Trump by Joy Behar
The attacks on Melania
And so many is this Trump's fault?

By the way, your use of twitler is going to cost you the ms congenialty award.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Rasmussen has been closer all along...

All of the others are just now catching up.
bambino's Avatar
Rasmussen has been closer all along...

All of the others are just now catching up. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
True, they’ve had him around 50%. They are the only polling organization that correctly called the 2016 election., BTW, Rasmussen has left that organization to start a new one.
lustylad's Avatar
I reported on the Gallup poll and approval ratings in general. That is all. If you want to start a thread on the unfairness of the media and how it impacts voters feel free to do so. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Thanks for starting this thread on your favorite POTUS.

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't you recently (within the last 3-4 months) argue that the media has no impact on how people think and vote? I didn't weigh in at the time, but I remember shaking my head in astonishment that you (or anyone) would make such an argument. If I am mischaracterizing your position, let me know.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
The MSM is worth at least 15% of the vote for the left.