F~Y~I~ Who cares?

St.Mateo's Avatar
A fool? No actually A pretty level headed person who is just like the next guy.
None of us are perfect by a long shot you included.
The title of this thread perfectly fits your attitute here.
I guess you just dont understand the idea of what ECCIE is trying to attain.
Go to PM now if you want to continue this
You and Mastermind should have just kept quiet and accepted what likely would have been a short and temporary ban. You both now admit that you were together while he was accessing and posting a false statement on one of your reviews. Two minutes later you posted under his handle.

No one with half a brain doubts that he was letting you see areas you shouldn't have access to. And your attitude is "who fucking cares, I'm Sabrina Nicole! I can break the rules and laugh in the face of moderators."

I hope you are banned permanently given your attitude and past things you and Mastermind have done. And they ban a person, not a name. So if you chane your name and come back, they will ban you again.
Torito's Avatar
In my opinion if a member had an ECCIE rules violation issue that he/she truly wanted to resolve, their best place would be in email to Dallas Staff.

Throwing out repeated "smart", challenging, and disrespectful remarks in Coed can only be to create Drama. That does not bring resolution.

I do have to admit though that some rather good returns have been made (Matador).


Sabrina, I don't know you beyond what you post here, your ads and the rave reviews that you get. I have not piled on the other post that you have now admitted was you posting under a male account, so I really have no malice or animosity towards you when I say this:

You may not care about the rules that the owners have in place on this site, but they are there for a reason. It is not up to every individual to evaluate if they want to obey them or not. By becoming a registered member you have agreed to comply with said rules.Are there people here who violate them? Absolutely but that doesn't give everyone else a right to disregard them. We may not understand the reasons for certain rules to be in place but, they are there for a reason. When in doubt about any rules, ask the Staff.

Since everyone is under the same rules and penalties for violating the rules, you should get banned soon, no questions about that. I am too lazy to look for the thread right now, but Brooke Cumsalot got banned for allowing someone else to have access to her laptop and posting under her handle( another female according to the thread ), and she got banned for it. Unless that you have some extenuating circumstances to explain this situation to the Staff, you should get the same treatment. Brooke served her sentence and is back here enjoying the benefits of the site. The biggest issue here would be if you are going to get the same length of time or different. The breach of security here is with an account with Premium Access so it may carry a different punishment. (*Apologies to Brooke, I am only using your name because is the one that came to mind*)

If you have direct knowledge with proof that these individuals created new handles without clearing that with the Staff, then you should report them. Passing this information around through PMs simply adds drama to this place. And if you have no evidence for your claims, then all you are doing is adding suspicion to the users of those handles. I have no doubt that there are several instances of multiple handle users, we should help whenever we can to clean up this site off those extra handles.

FYI: Several people here already decided that you and Mastermind are one and the same, meaning they don't believe your accidental posting story. I have not checked Mastermind's posting history so I will refrain from speculating, but the idea is already out there and is likely getting some legs.

My unrequested advice to you is that for the time being you refrain from posting, contact the Staff and come clean with the details. Serve your punishment and then request to be reinstated, the same way past rule-breakers have done in the past. You continuing to post here, will only add to the drama and may further turn off people who already feel wronged by your actions. Originally Posted by Matador
It's only drama cuz you want to hear somthing that your not,come clean,like I have to lie about posting by mistake from a client's account.Mastermind_1 sorry I ever asked to use your laptop.
You've been told to come clean because none of us are stupid. 1:31AM Mastermind_1 posts that he hasn't seen or heard from you in a while, but you are his ATF. 1:33AM Mastermind_1 posts the thread about Northpark.

How stupid do you really think the masses are? You can fool all people some of the time, some people all of the time-- but you aren't fooling anyone with this crap.
lilsmurf's Avatar
Chillax Sabrina,
this kind of thing doesnt help people want to see you babe.
You should have signed out of his account; and posted from your own account. From his computer. Thats not hard to do..Both of yall should thought of that.
Sorry, but duh.
St.Mateo's Avatar

Yeah I made a spelling mistake by accident I dont think your is a accident

This is done for now...
St.Mateo's Avatar
Ok this is open again simply because people want to comment so for a while it will unless some want to go crazy in which things get worse so lets do the right thing here

I may have been a little harsh but in recent days a few things on the board Using tasteless profanity blatant disregard for rules and most of all being disrespecful to the rest of us just irritates me.
This title of the thread says it all...

I have to leave Mods keep a eye here....
I will take the lead here. Sabrina is on vacation from here as well as Mastermind_1. If we she her reset herself up, then please report to Mods.


I think the 2 tings to take away here are 1) YOU are responsible for your account, period. 2) Security is not perfect, never will be, but that is No Excuse for flaunting the rules.

We created the rules,
we enforce the rules as best we can,
we expect the users to adhere to the rules,
we look for help from the users to identify issues,
We will deal appropriately with all rules violations.

Thank you all for your time, please enjoy the rest of your programming on the ECCIE station. We appreciate you being here and look forward to many more happy endings.

St. M., I don't think you were being harsh at all. You guys did what was appropriate, and very fair. She probably made the decision easier with this thread.

I don't know about everyone else, but I want to say thank you to the mods for dealing with all this crap for free.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
thanks guys i dont think you were harsh at all her attitude was uncalled for
Horrible attitude. Hope she comes back with a nice one.
dang. does this mean no more threADS from Sabrina??
dodger's Avatar
dang. does this mean no more threADS from Sabrina?? Originally Posted by JamieYoung
More to the point, does this mean no doubles for me with Dannie and December Love in alternate universes?

Or ... if there were ... how would I know?

Or ... is this another classic example of threadjacking.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
I'll get this one for you.

On behalf Of the Dallas male moderating staff let me just say talk is cheap, but,