Thanks guys! CIM, panties, outliving the dick, etc.

uncle buck 50's Avatar
Glad you can buy pussy, Tony! And the panties are probably a nice touch!
OldGrump's Avatar
Thanks for the Shout Out tony...I glad you're enjoying yourself here.

As far as this most recent review, without her name, I'm going to have to call...

Wait for it...Wait for it

Quack!! Originally Posted by ManSlut
Read the post below his opening one. Oh, that's right, she didn't say anything. Hmmmm. I think I have a clue (and a cute one at that).
Whoever it might have been, I got a lovely PM from her talking about how comfortable we are together and how much fun.we have as a result. I think she suggested next time I take more of her underclothes too. I'm still fantasizing about the outfit she met me at the door wearing.... So hot.

Thanks again guys for the advice!
daty/o's Avatar
I could be wrong PF, but I don't think you're doing yourself any favors.
I think she suggested next time I take more of her underclothes too. Originally Posted by pfmtony
Why only "think" if it was in a PM? Was it written in hieroglyphics?
See, now I called PrettyFuckingMarvelous on this shit, and I got an earful of pyschobabble. I continue to follow his threads watching him be asinine, an elitist asshole, a love god, a worn out tired love god who puts his vague-ass Big Chief Tablet low T discourse in "cave man terms" to be sure we all understand, but WTF? He has some behind the scenes props from, as much as I hate to say it, other old farts, So as long as the community as a "hole" figures that providers and hobbyists with a no-review policy are good for the board at large, so be it. Coed is the new personal blog forum for douches too lazy to run a one page Go Daddy site about their wonderfulness. Besides they have a captive audience here full of old guys who waited too long to get any strange and fellow no review bloggers.

So a couple of years from now when there's no recent reviews and Samantha Thom gets shorted again and everyone brings her a silk crying towel cause that no review policy is biting EVERYONE in the ass, here's where it started.

I contributed to one of his posts because the half wit internet psychobabble was just too much. But since he contributes nothing, what are we all doing in this thread anyway? Wait for the pod cast, you can listen to it while you take a shit.
Phil, need a hug man?
OldGrump's Avatar
Aww gee, guys, can't we quit the pissing match over how someone expresses his enthusiasm?

We all enjoy the selection here and find ladies that fit our desires. What more could we ask for?

Sorry, the fatherly need to discipline those whose tempers seem to be flaring just came out.
Fuck that OG, I had a Dad, he's dead these many years, I ain't shopping for another one. He had a saying..."Everybody was born with one asshole, and that's enough". That's my take on users and information vampires. You wanna cuddle the Marvelous one, do it where sensitive men can't see it or risk the vomit on your shoes. Difference of opinion builds character. Shared information builds communities. Enthusiastic Blogging Lurkers with handles who contribute nothing are gob shite.

Of course every little ray of sunshine is welcome, just not from a self worshipping elitist asshole who ought to get home and tend to momma and jr. marvelous and come back when he's got his man on and his jerk off.

Just sayin'

OldGrump's Avatar
Phildo, I sure wasn't offering to be your dad. Mine has been dead many years too.

I'm not into hugging guys, so I'll pass on hugging whatever that is you're offering, thank you.

I would say "now go get laid" but I don't want my ass jumped for telling you what to do. So have whatever kind of day you want.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm starting to experience early carpel tunnel, from clicking the "like" symbol on phildo's posts today...the man is on fire
lol.. fighting over nothing gentlemen.. you can fight over me..?
OldGrump's Avatar
lol.. fighting over nothing gentlemen.. you can fight over me..? Originally Posted by kimmiq
Now there's a lady who knows how to get a point across. Lovely offer, but why fight? Can't we share?
ManSlut's Avatar
lol.. fighting over nothing gentlemen.. you can fight over me..? Originally Posted by kimmiq
Sorry to sidetrack this thread for a moment, but kimmi I just checked out your showcase and what is that under your dress in photo # 4 where you're in that two-toned dress? It looks like a penis or a dildo going up your tummy?

Back to the thread....


tony, scale it back some, by all means be involved in discussions here, but maybe try to talk less about yourself and more about the issues. I think that's all Phil is trying to say...And no I don't want to hug either.