Providers posing as spouses at Swinger clubs

Any real wife who gets her nose out of joint over finding out the couple she and her husband swap with is a provider and a hobbyist is a pure-d hypocrite. Like I said above, in this life, in this world, it is caveat emptor. You can get blacklisted, but you can also get blacklisted for walking your doggie.
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is a pure-d hypocrite. Originally Posted by NorthWood
That sums up ex-wife number 1 (who this thread was refering to) quite nicely.

Ex wife number 2 was a provider and surely wouldn't have cared, we only went to swinger clubs twice together and just for exhibition purposes, never did swap though.
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  • rwksl
  • 02-14-2013, 09:21 PM
I've been to one particular swingers club several times with both well-known providers and also UTR providers as well as SB's and "civilian" dates - not to pick up another couple at all but for the voyeurism/exhibitionist angle. I'm not sharing my dates with anybody at all. That said, every time my dates have been approached by the female from another couple, most times more than once during a visit. Once, in the public sex area, while my date and I were carrying on, I had a guy elbow me and tell me that his wife wanted to blow me, which she did, without even a hint of a swap being discussed. I have seen well-known providers there and believe I even met a mod in the company of a couple of well-know providers there. One especially beautiful, imo, well-known provider that I first met at a swingers club told me that several swinger ladies asked her to let them go down on her, which she says they did. So there you have it. And so what? Swingers clubs are not completely about swapping. Caveat emptor. Originally Posted by NorthWood
Talk about hypocrisy. It's okay for someone's wife to play with you, but not okay for another guy to play with your date.