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MEGYN KELLY, HOST: Breaking tonight, President Odumbo declaring humanity at a crossroads between war and peace trying to rally the world in a generational fight against terrorists.

Welcome to "The Kelly File," everyone. I'm Megyn Kelly. At this hour, the smoke is still rising from more than a dozen new air strikes fired after from U.S. and partner nation aircraft hours after President Odumbo returned to the United Nations this morning.

He spoke today from the same podium where one year ago he announced the end of a decade of war in Iraq and the dismantling of Al Qaeda, a claim he made repeatedly at that time while touting his fulfillment of this campaign promise from when he was just a senator.

THEN-SENATOR BARACK ODUMBO, MAY 16, 2008: I'm running for president to change course, not to continue George Bush's course.

That's why there will be a clear choice in November, fighting a war without end or ending this war and bringing our troops home.

Both Bush and McCain represent the failed foreign policy and fear mongering of the past. I believe the American people are ready to reject this approach and choose the future.

KELLY: But today it was a very different message from President Odumbo. A 180-degree turn from the man who initially rejected the idea of a war on terror. Today it sounded much more like the call to action delivered to the United Nations by President George W. Bush back in September of 2001.

Watch this as we compare the message delivered from this podium 13 years ago and the one delivered today.

[ODUMBO's 2014 speech matches W's 2001 speech]

ODUMBO, SEPT. 24, 2014: We have reaffirmed again and again that the United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. Islam teaches peace.

THEN-PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH, SEPT. 2001: The terrorists are violating the tenants of every religion including the one they invoke.

ODUMBO: They have embraced a nightmarish vision that would divide the world into adherence and infidels. Killing as many innocent civilians as possible. Employing the most brutal methods to intimidate people within their communities.

BUSH: The terrorists call their cause holy, yet they fund it with drug dealing. They encourage murder and suicide in the name of a great faith that forbids both.

ODUMBO: And it is no exaggeration to say that humanity's future depends on us uniting against those who would divide us along the fault lines of tribe or sect, race or religion.

BUSH: Civilization itself, the civilization we share is threatened.

ODUMBO: Collectively we must take concrete steps to address the danger posed by religiously motivated fanatics and the trends that fuel their recruitment.

BUSH: Every nation has a stake in this cause. As we meet, the terrorists are planning more murder, perhaps in my country or perhaps in yours.

ODUMBO: There can be no reasoning, no negotiation with this brand of evil. The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force.

BUSH: This threat cannot be ignored. This threat cannot be appeased.

ODUMBO: In this effort we do not act alone.

BUSH: The conspiracies of terror are being answered by an expanding global coalition.

ODUMBO: We will train and equip forces fighting against these terrorists on the ground. We will work to cut off their financing and to stop the flow of fighters into and out of the region.

BUSH: We have a responsibility to deny any sanctuary, safe haven or transit to terrorists.

ODUMBO: We are heirs to a proud legacy of freedom. And we're prepared to do what is necessary to secure that legacy for generations to come.

BUSH: We did not ask for this mission, yet there is honor in history's call.

ODUMBO: I ask that you join us in this common mission for today's children and tomorrow's.

BUSH: So let us go forward confident, determined and unafraid. Thank you very much.

KELLY: Paul Gigot is the editorial page editor and vice president of The Wall Street Journal, a position he has held for more than a decade. He's also host of the "Journal Editorial Report" right here on the Fox News Channel.

Wow. The sound bite at the beginning sets it up that he is running for president not to continue George W. Bush's course which he considered a failed foreign policy. And yet he sounded very much like the man he once condemned.

PAUL GIGOT, WALL STREET JOURNAL: He sure did. Especially the use of the moral language. He used the word evil. Remember, that was a word that President Bush often uses. He said a network of death, that stark black and white terms us versus them terms that he condemned when he was running. He said we need to think about grays. And now the nuance is gone. He sounded like a Nobel Peace Prize winner who's been mugged by reality that not everybody wants peace.

KELLY: The Journal wrote an editorial a couple weeks ago suggesting that by launching this war in Syria the president is admitting is tacitly admitting that the liberal critique of the Bush's administration approach to Islamic terrorism was wrong, that their critique of it was wrong and that the Bush approach was right.

KELLY: And so, what does it mean now? Does President Odumbo -- now a wartime president.

GIGOT: That's right.

KELLY: Does he now have the same foreign policy approach as President Bush?

KELLY: And not only did it sort of collapse as we watched over the past six years, you know, a course that many people felt hopeful about has not apparently worked out. But the President was touting what he viewed as his successes thinks of -- less interventionalist policy. And here's an example of that. This is President Odumbo in 2001. This is the longer version. Listen to him talking to the United Nations, again about a year ago. Watch.

ODUMBO, SEPT. 24, 2013: Together we've also worked to end a decade of war. Five years ago nearly 180,000 Americans were serving in harm's way. And the war in Iraq was the dominant issue in our relationship with the rest of the world. Today, all of our troops have left Iraq. Next year an international coalition will end its war in Afghanistan, having achieved its mission of dismantling the core of Al Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11.

roaringfork's Avatar
"Leading from the side" LOL
“I realize that America’s critics will be quick to point out that at times we too have failed to live up to our ideals — that America has plenty of problems within its own borders. This is true,” the president said. “In a summer marked by instability in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, I know the world also took notice of the small American city of Ferguson, Missouri, where a young man was killed, and a community was divided. So yes, we have our own racial and ethnic tensions.”

Even after six years of desensitization, I felt a vertiginous jolt in my stomach at hearing this uttered by the master of our country's destiny. Makes me long for the days when I thought he might be smart enough to be evil. Originally Posted by roaringfork
What would world opinion be if the news media would have reported the Ferguson events as: :"A police officer was forced to use deadly force in Ferguson when he was savagely beaten by a 280 pound street thug."
rioseco's Avatar
LMFAO two of our dimmer dipshits at full cry. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Dimmest dipshits ?
If you assume anyone who won't stand on his own mothers shoulders to suck the cock of your bastard jihadist, imitation president like your kind does.......then yes I must agree Whirlybird and I are the dimmest dip shits ever !
How can you miserable douche bags swallow all that leftist shit, then ask for more ?
It is a fucking shame how bad you queer loving commies have helped to fuck up our nation. Wake up sperm receptacle ! The whole fucking worlds ablaze and I hope you cock worshipping man whores burn first !
Thanks for agreeing with me..
rioseco's Avatar
Thanks for agreeing with me.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Pull your head out of your own ass and you will have a new perspective on politics and just how very small you are.
Likely as not you'll also see that the "biggen" you believe to posess is not yours.
You maybe best served to pull that out too because it dont belong to you !
Dimmest dipshits ?
yes I must agree Whirlybird and I are the dimmest dip shits ever !

! Originally Posted by rioseco
Thanks for agreeing with me again

Pull your head out of your own ass and you will have a new perspective on politics and just how very small you are.
Likely as not you'll also see that the "biggen" you believe to posess is not yours.
You maybe best served to pull that out too because it dont belong to you ! Originally Posted by rioseco
Babbling bullshit will not make a point A very poor attempt of a insult, you are not quite ready for prime time. Spell chek will help you also.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Dimmest dipshits ?
If you assume anyone who won't stand on his own mothers shoulders to suck the cock of your bastard jihadist, imitation president like your kind does.......then yes I must agree Whirlybird and I are the dimmest dip shits ever !
How can you miserable douche bags swallow all that leftist shit, then ask for more ?
It is a fucking shame how bad you queer loving commies have helped to fuck up our nation. Wake up sperm receptacle ! The whole fucking worlds ablaze and I hope you cock worshipping man whores burn first ! Originally Posted by rioseco
Amen to that!!!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
just how very small you are.
Likely as not you'll also see that the "biggen" you believe to posess is not yours.
You maybe best served to pull that out too because it dont belong to you ! Originally Posted by rioseco
*Pic removed - JCM

Eva's "biggen"

Eva's "biggen" Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Looks like you are jealous no stones...LMAO Another dipshit thinking my handle is related to dick size. fucking retards...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, it can't be your intellect, LittleEva.
Well, it can't be your intellect, LittleEva. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
LOL coming from you dull knife that is funny. One line statements baffle you.
LowRider69's Avatar
If Obama had a son, he'd run off and join ISIS.
LowRider69's Avatar
Dimmest dipshits ?
If you assume anyone who won't stand on his own mothers shoulders to suck the cock of your bastard jihadist, imitation president like your kind does.......then yes I must agree Whirlybird and I are the dimmest dip shits ever !
How can you miserable douche bags swallow all that leftist shit, then ask for more ?
It is a fucking shame how bad you queer loving commies have helped to fuck up our nation. Wake up sperm receptacle ! The whole fucking worlds ablaze and I hope you cock worshipping man whores burn first ! Originally Posted by rioseco
Swallowing is what swallowers do.