a question for the guys

elghund's Avatar
I have not seen jealousy on this board. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Try mentioning China to Doove and see what happens....

offshoredrilling's Avatar
ok, you got me LOL
Try mentioning China to Doove and see what happens.... Originally Posted by elghund
Such provocations usually lead to predictable reactions. They are not particularly helpful in our quest for less drama.
elghund's Avatar
Such provocations usually lead to predictable reactions. They are not particularly helpful in our quest for less drama. Originally Posted by jackfengshui

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-25-2010, 02:21 PM
Try mentioning China to Doove and see what happens....

elg........ Originally Posted by elghund
Such provocations usually lead to predictable reactions. They are not particularly helpful in our quest for less drama. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
I think he was just funnin' with me Jack - goes back to the thread of emann9er's review of China.

At least i hope he was just funnin' with me.
I think he was just funnin' with me Jack - goes back to the thread of emann69er's review of China.

At least i hope he was just funnin' with me. Originally Posted by Doove
This paranoid mod can sleep well tonight then.
elghund's Avatar
I think he was just funnin' with me Jack - goes back to the thread of emann9er's review of China.

At least i hope he was just funnin' with me. Originally Posted by Doove

Of course I was!!!!!
I've seen many men try to go that route. some with the trying to save the woman route, some with being the BF/lover. none have worked out. My observations show that usually its the woman that loses interest or who reverts to the old Professional status do to boredom - misses the nightlife etc. I would think that the younger Pro - less time in the business and even less [staff edit by jymie; prohibited topic]- trying to escape the field would stand a better chance, followed by the much older somewhat burned out Pro seeking to escape.
In any case I wish the best to those that seek a better life for themselves both male & female.
74Jag's Avatar
  • 74Jag
  • 10-26-2010, 05:01 AM
Hi, Irish,
Are you talking about the traditional French mistress, as in Camille? He pays the bills & stops in for an hour on the way home from work every day. And some evenings you go to the opera or the casino together. Otherwise you're free to shop & visit friends, but no boy friends. It lasts until he finds someone new or you fall for Robert Taylor.

Yes, if I had the money, this would be more attractive than serial trophy wives. Sigh.
Actually, every relationship is "donation based". It could be fine dining, flowers and gifts, or just cash.
Quite well put Jack. As Chris Rock said it. pussy cost money, dick is free..

What brought me to this 'hobby' is realizing that all women are whores, I'd rather deal with the ones that are up-front about it rather than the social deception.
Oh please Dirigible..get off your whore soap box....in this world right now...every one is a whore..including you..You go to work to make money to survive..
jeez your such a whore!!:-D
offshoredrilling's Avatar
anita germane Oh I forgot about going to work
Anita you are quite right. I suppose that is one reason that I have more respect for "working girls" than the run of the mill diamond hound. To rpeat, you are at least upfront about it. I imagine if if I had the same opportunity I would do the same thing.

Doesn't mean I have to like being forced onto the buyer's side of the market. Try this little exercise and close your eyes and imagine for a moment that you work 8 hours a day 5 days a week to, as point out, make money to survive. Then give it minute or so... and imagine that you also have to pay a sizable chunk of those oh-so-irreplaceable hours, in order for anyone to share "time and companionship" with you. Fun, right?

Actually I don't work at the moment, but I'm not saying that to invalidate your point. I have before, and I no doubt will again. However, it was being out of a job that taught me the lesson—for I have discovered that if a man is out of a job then almost no woman will sleep with him. That fits my definition of a whore.

The supreme irony, is the easiest way for a broke man to get laid is to pay someone for it. I now prefer this option over working full-time. Since you also prefer this option over working full-time I'm sure you can empathize. Oh... except for the part where you get money rather than paying it... so laugh all the way to the bank... you've earned it, right?
Well Dirigible...I actually did work 12 hour a day...6 days a week to support my children and this was when I was pregnant. I did give some of that money to the man that I was involved with ..through him living at my home for free..never paying a bill that was due..and expecting me to take care of all his needs..AND guess what I didn't get the satisfaction of a "happy ending"..
so in a sense..umm yes I have experienced that..Grown from that ...and right now with the economy the way it is..this is the only job out there where I can make sure my meager bills and my children are taken care of..for Im not in the system..no food stamps and I pay my own rent...no welfare for me either!

...I kinda look at it like this...I'm single..and you gents well your kinda my guy for that hour..so..in order for you to hang out with me..you'll be expected to treat me like a real lady and " pull a bill of my wall"..like the men back in the day used to do..and most do now..

Its called understanding... this is a bizness you choose to be apart of..so don't be so demeaning about women..Not all of us are as bad or lowlifey as you proceed to make us out to be...

And yes..sir..i do work hard for every dime I earn...And as my reviews state...I do a fantastic job with whom I work with...soooooo well thats about it..

Except ..I do have empathy for you..I understand not working ..been there...perhaps you were dealing with the wrong types of ladies..perhaps you approached them in the wrong manor..I don't know..I dont presume to know you and know your thoughts...

however I'm not going to judge you becuz your not working right now..Im sure when you do get working again your mind may change about alot of things...however I except you for who you are...and wouldn't think about calling you names because I understand your pain.
oooo it double posted me..