Every community has the need of it's members to ensure the safety of all. When a lady does not respond to our requests, then maybe those who wanna "run something" can concentrate on things of this nature and finally discover some solutions we all deem as actual problems as evidenced by the many concerns addressed on this board and have been for years now.
Rather than, focusing on the aspects of this biz the ladies have more than proven they have the capability to handle individually and for themselves as each desires. And whom, really don't need the gents to worry their "pretty little heads" with. LOL (no offense meant.....the last was a comment made about the ladies and if ya weren't involved, it won't make the sense to you that it will to those who participated)
Cause if we needed men to do that for us, we'd all get pimps. Internet pimps simply profit in a different way by rallying the crowd to behave in a manner they can profit from the ladies who do what they do, and the only difference is, they do none of the hands on abuse. At least that I'm aware. This kinda abuse did more damage than any beating I'd be willing to take. Just so ya know.
So yeah, let's discover a real solution for a change. Ya'll are obvious master minds and I believe you can actually make some positive impacts if ya really wanted. I have hope. Everyone has always told me I could, so I do. For once in my life, I'd like to see a gent do what I was always taught they are supposed to, protect and defend women from harm. This problem is harmful to our biz, therefore, it is harmful to the community. So, I'm asking for a real solution for all the ladies and the gents. Protect us from those who would harm our income by not responding to that which we need, in order to continue to provide the stellar services each of you desires.
We'd be grateful for a real solution that actually makes an effort to end the madness this type of problem causes and only increased because ya couldn't keep your hands outta our pockets either. Snowball effect of great advice you share so openly. Not my fault, I'm just pointing it out. I'm not angry, and don't wish to be erroneously painted as such, because you probably didn't realize ALL the ramifications of your good intentions of sharing how to negotiate with "just a little ass". I'm trying to tell ya what ya really did and appealing to any sense of compassion you might have. Do your fellow hobbyists and the ladies a real service for a change. Show me/us that what I've been taught but never shown, is actually something that is real.
I've behaved as expected, entertained many here and privately, tried to help anyone when asked, so now, as a Reputable provider, I'm asking not just for me, but for all concerned. It wouldn't hurt to also kill that link, but I'm not gonna ask that. You'll do what ya like and be perceived by the community as your actions show exactly what your intent is and what you're really about. A Respectable Hobbyist who actually is concerned for the greater good of all or an Internet Pimp who incites others to behave in manners that only cause problems already known, to actually multiply in nature. Problems which affect many gents you claim to give the best tips or advice to. It worked in ways ya never imagined, so yes, again I ask you to find a real solution to the problems you caused many.
Just a suggestion for a change we all can actually benefit from.....don't shoot the brilliant mind that connects dots and that's not easily intimidated. Recognize it for what it is.....and appreciate it's attached to a sexy dynamic woman who enjoys and is grateful to be able to fulfill your needs and desires in the manner I know is best for me to do so.