Unsolicited Texts from Providers

dirty dog's Avatar
OK...this might be one more for the ladies. It's a topic that's discussed in the Men's Lounge from time to time, but I think the conversation should be shared with the women. And.....this is not directed at any particular provider, nor is it a complaint per se. I just think there are a number of women who are ambitious but, as they say, you don't know what you don't know. But....

Ladies...unsolicited texts asking "can you see me today" or "I have a special," etc....could be a bad thing UNLESS the man has expressly told you it's OK. As an example, my text alert went off today. It was a provider that I'd called a couple of days ago, and she couldn't see me then. She texted me today asking if I could see her today. I happened to be standing right next to my wife. I went to the bathroom and politely asked her not to text anymore unless I'd just called her. Nothing against her, she's one of the sweetest girls I know and she just didn't know.

But ladies, based on ML discussions, I'd say most of the guys feel the same as I do. Originally Posted by Kshunter
Its okay with me as long as they can afford my fee and for the record, my fee is for my time and anything that happens is between consenting adults and may not be legal in some southern states.
Never done it, never will. Its a clear violation of the cardinal rule of hobbying: you paid me to go away, so that is what I should be doing.

I welcome texts and emails from hobbyists in between visits, but any contact outside of "are you available today?" should be instigated by the hobbyist, not me.

Just my .02 Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Blue_Buddies's Avatar
Ummm. It doesn't matter to me. Sometimes I won't see them until they text me. But send me an original pic when you text me. Not the one that's been on bp for the last 9 months.
This is why I prefer to communicate through email/P411 and reserve my hobby phone for logistic coordination the day of our date. If I were to text as my means of scheduling/communicating, there is no way that I could keep up with who sent what, when and then guage when I should respond accordingly. I have a busy life outside of the hobby and can respond when my schedule allows.

I generally do not contact my hobby friends in any way that has not been explictly granted to me. I assume they want no communication, unless I am told differently. When you want to see me, you know how to find me

For out of town clients when I tour, it is a bit different, but I give the option upfront. Unless told otherwise, I shoot them an email only when I have scheduled a visit to their area.

I know others who perhaps have more strategic approaches than I do. That just keeps it simple for me. I also don't ask clients to see me. I don't think it's appropriate in the hobby. I may put up an ad or a threAD but I let people contact me from there. I think that it is a more discreet and classier approach.