Reviews ?

PJ I see your point and you know my thoughts on reviews however I also see what men want them since it gives them an idea of what to expect although no encounter is exactly the same so if you enjoyed your time with the lady than that is all that is important...but than you are smart and know your ladies as we know you....wicked wink.....:mf_lustslo w:
shorty's Avatar
Or you could buy Premium Access. That is what I did and I don't regret it. Yes, I've done reviews but have found out there a pain in ASS. What reviews that are listed for me, will be my last reviews. Personally, I don't like other people knowing who I see and what went on.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
my reviews do not meet the "prime access criteria", but i'm not complaining about that, and i am honestly not trying to stir the pot or anything like that. Originally Posted by PAPA JOE
this is not about prime access for me. i have had prime access on many boards and for the most part, there's not much in there for me. if i wanted it, i could spring for it and pay.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Reviews are a double edged sword. Whether you care to admit it or not, most ladies businesses depend on reviews. If the reviews dried up I'm willing to bet most of their business would too. Not all, but many. Just look at the complaining on other threads when a hobbyist doesn't write an expected review.

I think most guys are looking for consistency across several reviews for whatever services you offer. I agree that the overly-graphic, blow-by-blow reviews by an over-exuberant client are not really necessary, but they sure are fun to read!

That being said (now with the mod hat on) there are certain things that really must be in a review for it to be beneficial to the gentlemen here, and to the ladies for that matter. Complete contact info, links to showcase/ads/P411 whatever is applicable. Activities and ROS, are critical as well.
Writing reviews are a pain in the a$$. I don't do them anymore. I stick to verified providers and try to have a good time (although that can be a shot in the dark). And I'm not willing to purchase PA. The only place I spend money other than for time is for P411.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Do you know how many providers say "check my reviews to see what I offer".....

Also how much info do you ladies share when giving a reference? I know its more than "he's good "

A lot of ladies that the less questions a guy has to ask the better they feel ..... This is the advantagr of reviews.....
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Do you know how many providers say "check my reviews to see what I offer"..... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Perfect EA!! Wish I had thought of that one.
tia travels's Avatar
Also how much info do you ladies share when giving a reference? I know its more than "he's good " Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
If you mean he's good'd be surprised...almost 97% of the time it's:
1) Did you actually meet him?
2) Is he safe?
3) Would you see him again?

Maybe some might ask about hygiene and if the donation was right, but hardly any will talk or ask about performance.

If you just meant "he's OKEE DOKEE to see", then still, usually #s 1-3.
shorty's Avatar
Yes, some providers do say check my reviews for my menu. However, there are some that will do more than the menu but doesn't want it posted in the review. It still goes back to researching the lady and being comfortable with her to make that initial contact.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I get that you ladies don't ask about performance because thats not why you are in this. This is a business for you ladies and a luxury for us. Its peeformamce based for us.

Also I bet if the guy was the worst sex you ever had I bet you woukd be wondering why the lady didn't mention that when you called her for a reference.....
Meiji's Avatar
  • Meiji
  • 06-01-2011, 08:16 PM
I think informative reviews are vital to quality hobbying. I don't need a play by play, and I generally gloss over most of that in my reviews because it's not really needed. I think a good review has an accurate statement of what is on and off the menu, what she looks like (especially if her photos are inaccurate), what her TCB is like, and what her incall is like, and what her attitude during the session is. I think you can write an accurate, informative, and entertaining review with just that information.

Using superlatives (this chick is SO HOT!) or chest beating about what you did with her is counterproductive because WALDT and a provider's session with two different hobbyists is going to be different for various reasons. I usually only see well-reviewed providers. When I do research on providers I want to visit with, I'm looking for attractiveness, service, and attitude that establishes a baseline of what to expect. Generally if that expectation is met or exceeded it's a great session, and I'd say the only times I'm disappointed are the times when I don't see well-reviewed providers.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Yes, some providers do say check my reviews for my menu. However, there are some that will do more than the menu but doesn't want it posted in the review. It still goes back to researching the lady and being comfortable with her to make that initial contact. Originally Posted by shorty

the more thats provided in the review the easier and more thorough our research will be thereafter the less questions we have to ask.

Also I get everybody's point on the graphic stuff and agree.....
tuckahoe's Avatar
Reviews from respected members keep me from making mistakes when picking a lady. If I see consistent reviews from those respected members, I am assured of a good date. It takes some time to write a review, but it helps the other guys. It is good exposure for the ladies to build business. It helps new providers learn what they need to know to be successful. I hope you guys will do us all a service by continuing/beginning to write reviews.
I will admit I will use the reviews for research on the guy as well as check references...I also take the time to get to "know" the person via their post and PM conversations and decide from there...I have mentioned this before for me personally the ones I see on recurring basis don't do reviews that often and I have learned to avoid gentlemen with too many reviews and personally after a certain number of reviews isn't that a turn off for you gentlemen?
I get that you ladies don't ask about performance because thats not why you are in this. This is a business for you ladies and a luxury for us. Its peeformamce based for us.

Also I bet if the guy was the worst sex you ever had I bet you woukd be wondering why the lady didn't mention that when you called her for a reference..... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Not so much after a certain number of reviews but if 6 reviews popped up within a couple of days them I would more than likely avoid her at least til it "appeared" she slowed down a bit....