you cant make me .... opinions...comments

rcg001's Avatar
It is OK sweetie, we all need to vent sometimes. Peace out!!
giasanto38ddd's Avatar
OMG what an awful day - I feel your pain!

I'm so tired of these "I'll post a bad review of you" threats. That never works out and those guys always get banned. I'm over that!
giasanto38ddd's Avatar
THANKS see now thas what this is all about...
Guest032213-02's Avatar
Meg, you are my grammar wife!

Ok, let me decipher this for you guys:

First i thought my car was broke-broken

tripple a-AAA


(( missing a apointment))-an appointment

fortworth-fort worth

niether guy-neither


( i use real pics and drive my self)-I use real pics and drive myself

a eccie member-an eccie member

i dont screen-don't (umm say what?)

2 thouroughly-too thoroughly

its the magnoloia hotel-it's the Magnolia

apt was sopposed-appt. was supposed

i arrived a lil early about 20minutes-a little early, about 20 minutes

im uncomfortable-I'm uncomfortable

i am having a uneasy feeling-I am having an uneasy feeling

no if u dont see e im goin to post a ncns review on u i tell him u cant do that first im early 2nd im here-if you don't see me I'm going to post a NCNS review on you. I tell him "you can't do that. First, I'm early, 2nd I'm here.

i then tell him he has 2 option A send pm or B rescheual give referance-I then tell him he has 3 options. A-send a PM, B-reschedule, or C-give references.

addition expense-additional expense

so i get home-So I get home

its the-it's the

became member today-became a member

how "convienient"-convenient

then he texts me i will also post a negative ad on bp about u if u dont come see me now!!!! i say i will be happy to once u have made me comfortable and do option A or B ....he says ok i pmed u...i have yet to recieve pm.-Then he texts me "I will also post a negative ad on BP about you if you don't come see me now!!!" I say "I will be happy to once you have made me comfortable and do option A, B or C. He says "ok, I PM'd you." I have yet to receive a PM

=======side not-side note

i do have-I do have

(( just because i accomidate new guys as long as im comfortable who arent so hip on this site as far as posting reviews ))-Just because I accommodate new guys as long as I'm comfortable who aren't hip on this site as far as posting reviews

i ncns- I NCNS

Ok, I give up...

whats everyone think-i thUNk u ShuD tRi speElcHeKK

Yea I know, I'm anal...but I do this for a living and it's a pet peeve of spank me!

Meg Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
...Ok, I give up...

whats everyone think-i thUNk u ShuD tRi speElcHeKK

Yea I know, I'm anal...but I do this for a living and it's a pet peeve of spank me!

Meg Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
With rare exception, I gave up long ago and my tongue hates me!
I applaud your efforts, but fear they are wasted on a very small choir.
However I'd be more than happy to spank you as an incentive to continue your literary mission.

pmdelites's Avatar

Actually, it is Fort Worth.Not fort worth. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
slightly off topic but responding to posts....

if the criteria is spelling, then either is correct.
if the criteria is capitalization, then either is correct.
if the criteria is formal capitalization, then Fort Worth is correct. as is Ft. Worth.