Providers who havent gotten any reviews lately (risky)

eccienewbie you are TRULY a breath of fresh air! I do love a man that knows what he is talking about!
So are you saying I'm at risk to hobbyist because I haven’t or any other girls haven’t received a review in 3 months? Heck I think it’s been about a year since I receive one and I'm doing just fine. When you build up a good client base and have repeat business you don't have to advertise or post as often.
I have to agree....I don't ask for or feel that I need reviews! I have guys I've seen over 10-20 times and they have never written a review nor have I asked them to. I've realized some guys simply write reviews on an AMAZING EXPERIENCE OR AN ABSOLUTE TERRIBLE ONE! Some guys go off the # of reviews a lady has and some simply just go off of an ad posting and/or the ladies showcase. To me if you are more concerned or worried about the # of reviews you have, you're not focused on what's IMPORTANT and that's MAKING THESE ECCIE MEN FEEL INCREDIBLE....I mean most of us that are here as providers I would think, are here not only to provide for our family but to create a stellar reputation. And reviews don't necessarily make or break that reputation ...ijs!
So are you saying I'm at risk to hobbyist because I haven’t or any other girls haven’t received a review in 3 months? Heck I think it’s been about a year since I receive one and I'm doing just fine. When you build up a good client base and have repeat business you don't have to advertise or post as often.
Originally Posted by BrandyMichelle
This is spot on, from a woman's point of view. Reviews are just a form of legitimacy, and a way to know if a lady provides the atmosphere you want.

I don't pick my clients based solely on his reviews or if he even has any, because some of the best ones don't. Some people have a different take on discretion and anonymity. Quiet as it's kept, but I can go anywhere in the US, not advertise, and bank because of repeat clientele.

Never chase a review because of the time it's been from one to the next. A reviewer will review not matter what. He doesn't even need an incentive to do so.
rcinokc's Avatar
I tend to use reviews to look for trends, for instance if someone's yes reviews start turning into no's it can be a red flag. Especially if it happens on several boards, or there is information in the ML or it's equivilent on another board. I also look at postings in co-ed etc. just to get an idea if this is someone that I will get along with. I've actually passed on people due to drama and rants in co-ed more than I've passed based on reviews.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 09-24-2012, 06:27 PM
As some have mentioned, if someone has a sufficient amount of repeat clientele, reviews are not necessary for her business. They could actually be a hindrance if she is not open to seeing new customers and prefers not to have a bunch of horny guys contact her.

My philosophy on reviews has changed since the ASPD days when I had met some members in person. I now veer toward the reviews from the lesser-known members. These reviews generally do not have multiple pages of comments or hundreds of registered views. I would like to know the level of hospitality provided to the average joe. More than likely, she would treat me in a similar fashion especially on a first visit. Of course, this require work to separate the wheat from the chaff in regards to bogus reviews.
Also, reviews are hard to trust because hobbyist lie trying to impress their new ATF. I've seen ladies (back when i was active) with great reviews, but my experience with them was sub par. Hobbyist know that some ladies look in on their reviews, and its no secret that a lot of hobbyists pedistalize the providers that they like; AND bad mouth other hobbyists who give their "friends" less than raving reviews.

So, when the rubber meets the road, you have to go with your gut. It's all about connection anyway.
I don't know about that. If I really had an ATF, I don't think I'd want to review her because I'd want to keep her to myself as much as possible.

Another thing to keep in mind is that some hobbyists (myself included) don't do negative reviews. If I'm not happy with service I simply don't go back (however, I have forgotten to review a few girls because I was too busy to do them). What I like or dislike is up to me. I've read negative reviews that made me want to see someone because what the reviewers didn't like is something I personally enjoy.

So if I do write a review it's because the girl was exceptional in some way. That, and I try to be positive because getting a young woman to suck my cock is supposed to be FUN!
I've been asking every client I see to not post a review of me....unless it's bad. If he is not happy with me, other men have the right to know. But I have so many good reviews the past 2 years, I don't really need any more...I don't particularly like reading them anyway. I don't like to be described/rated like an object. :/.
This is spot on, from a woman's point of view. Reviews are just a form of legitimacy, and a way to know if a lady provides the atmosphere you want.

I don't pick my clients based solely on his reviews or if he even has any, because some of the best ones don't. Some people have a different take on discretion and anonymity. Quiet as it's kept, but I can go anywhere in the US, not advertise, and bank because of repeat clientele.

Never chase a review because of the time it's been from one to the next. A reviewer will review not matter what. He doesn't even need an incentive to do so. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Other than the free advertising/promotion, its really nothing more than another biography and rapport of a provider. I respect my clients for being my [clients] more than my reviewers. Of course, I do offer review specials when they do want to chime in on my service.
Other than the free advertising/promotion, its really nothing more than another biography and rapport of a provider. I respect my clients for being my [clients] more than my reviewers. Of course, I do offer review specials when they do want to chime in on my service. Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby
Let me ask you about that: do you feel that they wouldn't review you otherwise?

And it's never free if they're not paying your full rate.

I remember when first started, I saw a lot of the popular board guys, they would breathlessly say, "Oh yeah, I GOTTA write a review about this! If I do, do I get a discount next time?" No. Firstly, my rate was 150/hr when EVERYBODY was 250-300. (When things were good too. I could just kick myself!) You just got a DEAL. Number 2, either you want the review credit or not. And as you would have it, they never wrote the review.

I intentionally priced myself that way so I wouldn't get lowballed, and wouldn't you know it? I told myself that either I was going to get clients that respected me or none at all. So once my rates reflected my work ethic, I saw better clients that reviewed me, and I didn't know I was being reviewed! And when I would ask for them from friends that didn't review, they brought me to my current understanding of reviews: my ultimate goal was their business, not their review.

Since that time, they have served their purpose, and to many it's attractive that I don't have so many.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I've been asking every client I see to not post a review of me....unless it's bad. If he is not happy with me, other men have the right to know. But I have so many good reviews the past 2 years, I don't really need any more...I don't particularly like reading them anyway. I don't like to be described/rated like an object. :/. Originally Posted by samantha thom
I can kind of get with that notion.

I remember when first started, I saw a lot of the popular board guys, they would breathlessly say, "Oh yeah, I GOTTA write a review about this! If I do, do I get a discount next time?" No. Firstly, my rate was 150/hr when EVERYBODY was 250-300. (When things were good too. I could just kick myself!) You just got a DEAL. Number 2, either you want the review credit or not. And as you would have it, they never wrote the review.

I intentionally priced myself that way so I wouldn't get lowballed, and wouldn't you know it? I told myself that either I was going to get clients that respected me or none at all. So once my rates reflected my work ethic, I saw better clients that reviewed me, and I didn't know I was being reviewed! And when I would ask for them from friends that didn't review, they brought me to my current understanding of reviews: my ultimate goal was their business, not their review.

Since that time, they have served their purpose, and to many it's attractive that I don't have so many.
I have known about the game for about 5 years before i found any review boards. I have never had a man leave my boudoir unhappy, and i am pretty confident that i never will, as i will never invite a man to an unfurnished residence, nor eat food infront of a client, nor try to cheat a client out of time, nor decide that if we are not clicking, i am going to be a bitch during the rest of the session, i feel like i have worked with the public before in a real job,with real job standards, so i know the standards people expect in serivce, i have studied hospitality in school. So I would never base my service off the expectation of getting a review, I just know its going to be a great review because I Always give great service. I used to think oh guys don't wanna think that you have been with a bunch of guys etc, society type thoughts and standards that are put into your mind, but as you get older you realize is all crap. So this whole review thing i was like WOW, lol these ladies are being promoted, rewarded for having a high number of clients. Which is great i mean talk about double standard reversed, I saw girls with 100+ reviews, even 90-60 is alot,

I mean come on its obvious the more reviews and especially the more "yes" reviews the more popular you are. Because suerly there are guys who are repeating, and guys who want to get in on the fun simply because she keeps popping up and it seems alot of new guys also believe that if the girl has So MANY reviews she must be a sure fire thing! (i mean i look at reviews of everyday things too, like restaurants, clubs, they have commercials for sites that do nothing but show your eviews for campanies, so obviously escorts and this review thing is something very clever) Plus service is on-point everytime, heck is so many people want to let the rest of the board know that you are Spectacular, i see that as a compliment and i think the majoirty of the rest of people do to. . . Even for the guys it is kind of a conquered the boards kind of thing to have the most reviews, and they have their own rewards in writing reviews about a great girl (this is all in my opinion and view, i dont know if i am being sterotypical) if i am being sterotypical though, i think that is often justified on this board lol. NO but really, I am definetly just so glad at the end of it all to be apart of the boards now. I am just trying to see if anyone is analyzing things in a similar nature as myself. Some girls don't think reviews mean anything, and some girls obviously do, or else they would have not accumulated so many. So i am one of those girls that does want to get alot of reviews (i'm sure once i have like 50 i will stop asking lol), and also continue to meet wonderful gentlemen and wow them into wanting to review, i think this review system is great for the gals and the guys to support each other that were out here, we're having fun, this is my story lol.
Don't forget sometimes reviews are used to clarify what activities are available. I look to see this especially if it is not detailed on 411 or a webb page. I also glean info on the incall location as far as safety etc. Do they match their pictures? etc.
When I first got into this I really wanted the reviews but now I'm like if u write one that's fine if nt that's ok to..I have build my reputation up now so it doesn't matter..
berkleigh's Avatar
I honestly prefer to NOT be Reviewed anymore.

Usually, the client asks if it is Okay.
Some do not.
Either way, it doesn't matter.

I believe some guys are given credit for BCD access, but others use it to their advantage and rack those damn things up.
A lot of "Fake Reviews" are written as well with bogus activities so that the Hobbyist can have his Ego stroked and maintain his reputation and status with his Hobby Buddies.

Just as some Gentlemen prefer Quality over Quantity, some Providers care for that as well.

I know I will not see a Hobbyist with 227 Reviews in a years time frame or those who are "p411 Okay'ed" just as frequent.

...And I have the right to do so...

Your experience with me with be unlike no other session with someone prior or after as everyone is different.