Why Screen - Newbie's Read Please

Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I'm old. I'm experienced. I'm relatively asshole-ly. I refuse to do screening that would potentially give someone the ability to find me easily in RL. It's that simple. I've seen enough women on here & elsewhere to be able to provide references. If you don't like the women I see, then I can almost always walk away: but I've never been denied an appointment w/a provider I really WANTED to see either.

April, YOU (or Dallas--who falls into the short-list of "women I'd trust to hold onto my wallet, inside the hobby or out") may not be asking questions to stalk or harass me, but I'm certainly glad I didn't give out more RL info. to SOME of the women I've met who are Cra-cra-CRA-cra-cray--and don't give me that "well you're a BP troll" crap either: the times I've been MOST grateful my RL phone wasn't the one being burned-up were THREE women I met on ECCIE! Three. Women. From this site--they weren't "recently joined" either. W/two of them, I'm sorry they know what city I live in to this day, so MY experience is to walk away anytime someone wants to look @ my ID or needs to know where I work.

We all do what we believe is in our best interests for our safety & security. I do not fault you for screening the way you do. I do not fault me for being unwilling to participate in it (nor do I fault the others who have refused).

PS: This topic is as dead-a-horse as the "NBA Policy" topic. Are we required, as a forum, to beat these same topics to death on an annual or semi-annual basis? I'm looking for the sticky now on "Co-ed Forum Topics That Must Be Resurrected Like The Undead Every 6-12 Months"... LOL
DallasRain's Avatar
lol OHD~~ 0ne day babe!

I will ONLY ask for the work info if you have no references or the references are questionable......and alot of the spas & body rub only girls will NOT give references....Now if you are a well known & respected hobbyist on the board,it is an instant "shoe in" for fun!
lol OHD~~ 0ne day babe!

I will ONLY ask for the work info if you have no references or the references are questionable......and alot of the spas & body rub only girls will NOT give references....Now if you are a well known & respected hobbyist on the board,it is an instant "shoe in" for fun!
Originally Posted by DallasRain

1+ April
same as anything else - its about finding compatibility.

I wouldn't want to see a provider who didn't care enough about herself to screen - and I'm sure the good providers don't want to see a client who won't verify.

If you are a new dude - you can find girls who won't ask a million ? but who have a good enough rep to verify you. Go there first, don't hastle the girls who do screen.

There is a price to be paid for joining the community. I suggest P411 as that price. If you are not willing to do that, then you take more risks, IMHO.

I didn't know this starting out. Wish I had.

In any event, stay safe ALL!
annie@christophers's Avatar
That sounds like a fucken nitemare. Thats why when the guys use use they dont have to give the girls any info they give it to me...my girls trust my judgment and the guys that use us all the time know they are not EVER getting called by me. I have in the past had some CRAZY bitchs take numbers and call after...its usually told to me by first or second guy and the girl is fired . Jackie was a perfect example of calling/stalking people. Screening has to be done to both parties comfort zone. I am a firm believer that anyone can get around screening. There is a HUGE false sense of security on date check and p411... YOU HAVE to trust yourself with your screening. Or at least pay taxes or your local union.... lol xo annie
giantbourbon's Avatar

There is a price to be paid for joining the community. I suggest P411 as that price. Originally Posted by gregster
+1 ... When I started out I was lucky enough that a very reputable lady took a chance on me based on a friend's recommendation. Then I joined P411 and the rest has been easy. In my experience, it seems that most ladies are satisfied with my being able to provide references from a number of VPs, they don't always call them and check. Between the list of VP refs, 10+ OKs on P411 and my activity on this board, I usually pass a quick muster with no problem. P411 is't foolproof but it's a reasonably good way to demonstrate you're a serious hobbyist especially if you don't have a lot of references yet.
This may seem like a dead horse, but there has been an influx of new people and it's only right that some of us "old timers" help them along with the etiquette involved with hobbying.
And as helpful as stickies might be, how many people REALLY read them? LOL!
Having services like date-check and P4 are good to have, but even with a thousand OK's and positive recommendations, the SMART ladies check with the ladies who gave them. And by helping new people with not only etiquette, but teaching them about research, helps ALL of us.
Karrine_Kream's Avatar
From my experience if they are actually a "newbie" they will give you anything you ask without any issues unless they begin to feel like you are requesting too much information-or too personal.

(I will say it is all about delivery)

Prime example of "It's not WHAT you say, it's HOW you say it."
Old Horn Dog is right. The reputable established ladies here on Eccie are reputable until they decide differently. Then the hobbyist is out of luck - there is no way to put the water back in the rusted-out bucket. I learned this lesson from well-respected Eccie ladies. Thankfully I no longer need to give personal info. I will not give info again.
blak_dynamite's Avatar
Amen to that!! Up until recently, I was govrn't employed and held a high postion, things like this you can never be too careful. You never know who's out there just looking to see who's reputation they can tarnish. You can never be too careful
This may seem like a dead horse, but there has been an influx of new people and it's only right that some of us "old timers" help them along with the etiquette involved with hobbying.
And as helpful as stickies might be, how many people REALLY read them? LOL!
Having services like date-check and P4 are good to have, but even with a thousand OK's and positive recommendations, the SMART ladies check with the ladies who gave them. And by helping new people with not only etiquette, but teaching them about research, helps ALL of us. Originally Posted by Nicolet

I Learn from reading all the post from the "old timers" and appreciate the info on all parts!
TeddyRuxpin225's Avatar
I'm still pretty much a newbie, and April really made me feel comfortable with the whole process. Not gonna lie, I was a little uncomfortable about how much info would need to be given, etc, but it was pretty painless.
gimme_that's Avatar
Give as much info as you want newbies. From past negative hobby experiences I know far better than to do this. They may get a name if I don't have current refs at minimum but never work info.

I only hobby myself when I'm not in a relationship

Luckily for me I'm not married with financial obligations for found infedelity. (In my past one lady actually didn't screen her clients and had a personal screener, who relay my info to my girlfriend at the time who was an ex friend of hers........)

My advice to newbies in regards to your real world info and work info if your gonna use it:

1. See a touring provider, prescreeen or if your really desperate prepay.

Why. Because most times they are working to screen you well ahead of time. They have a quota to fill, and if they don't get a callback from a reference its ok. The p411 will be enough. Local ladies are very clicky. If one lady knows your info.....best believe one or a few others know as well. Also prepaying a touring lady shows your serious, and she will feel she will incur less risk. This doesn't always work but its an option.

Plenty of times when I didn't have references between relationships touring providers make excellent choice for newbie providers. And most weren't newbie friendly. But a few needed to make their touring quota$$$$$$ and came up short. Pay more or book more time to avoid the later hasstle.......or not

2. Book a hotel outcall.

Book a hotel outcall in your name. And see a provider you trust. Claim you are on business as most will be. Some ladies consider name confirmation safer. Some won't.......again touring ladies are cool for this. That way if you feel the ladies who are newbie friendly aren't to your liking or a risk to you, your not shitting in your own back yard. She's gonna leave and fly back.......

Now eventually you do wanna see local ladies. It will make your p411 oks and time frames make more sense. After you get a reference things will be much easier.

3. Book half hours.

They are cheaper initially, and you can easily see and acquire multiple references in a short time frame. Then you in like flynn.

4. Make your own reference......sort of......

See a NEW lady on BP who only advertises there who is actually talkative and engaging, independent and with buiness sense. Those are the types who actually are looking to advertise on safer sites like these. See her and review her and put her on the map. Her new found legitimacy through other reviews and reports will lend you more credence. This requires more time and tutalage. Don't push boundaries but be helpful.

I am not asking the questions that I ask because I want to stalk your house or blackmail you. Originally Posted by April Cox

Unfortunately you may not be using the info maliciously. So you may be getting lumped in with many providers who are careless with info. You ladies see upwards of many men, I all but expect you to write or record something to remember guys by for personalization. Ladies will do this.

But also I don't know what potenttial circumstances might tip your newly acquired newbie info into the wrong hands. Maybe your arrested and your custody of your kids is in jeopardy unless you reveal your sources, maybe your mad I used you as a reference too many times to see other ladies and never returned to see you, maybe you just don't like how someone posts that you don't agree with and you want to teach him a lesson, etc.

I simply want an idea of what you are about and the type of person you are. Originally Posted by April Cox
Did you mean "who" you are.......and by "type" ethnicity. Let's not cover intentions let's be specific. This is not match.com or eharmony Also what I am about personally and the type of person I am is immaterial. This is not a date its fucks for bucks with a lil GFE and personability tossed in for good measure. There's a thin line between being extrovert and being too probing.

The stuff you want is pillow talk well after I have been serviced safely by you and are more comfortable and forthcoming then.

Maybe there's some apprehension about giving out info for screening which is understandable. If that's the case, then said lady can turn down a date. Originally Posted by BRdude
Yes she could turn down the newbie and his money$$$$.

He will then take his money and try another provider who will be willing to accommodate or not. I know from personal experience myself......any lady who wouldn't see me when I didn't have references, I won't double back and see them once I acquire references either. Especially if we have talked via phone as part of her initial screening. Some ladies screen but some also screen but are personable enough to figure you out and go with their gut.

I have noticed an influx of "guys who have no references or just have spa references".....I am willing to work with them if they have a verifiable work reference..........

I also notice alot of gals coming from Texas and California to work....MOST {not all} are such low donations and do not screen properly {if at all}...........

........ I think that Nola is being flooded with these types of girls who "fly by the night to make a quick buck" and don't care about BCD skills or even care about the clients needs & wishes........

Your right. And these newbies in having difficulty seeing you ladies locally.....since they don't desire to use work info........are in fact seeing those touring fly by night ladies. They are settling I guess. But what are you to do when you have disposable income, no good references, and a hard dick........you find a way lol.

Ok, I'm one of the newbies, I feel that I have been very fortunate to have seen a couple of well established VP's, the first one I saw did, in my opinion, a very reasonable screening, name,race,age,work. What I am wondering, should I expect this with new providers I see or will they just check references ?? I agree we should all be very careful in our endeavors, but I also have concern over how many people have info, I try to do my homework and I understand the ladies doing theirs makes all of us feel safe Originally Posted by traveler_
This is a legitimate gripe here. If your gonna "go bare" with all your info once to a lady of your choosing to avoid the crazy providers, you shouldn't need or have to do it again. But there are plenty ladies who will expect you to do so, and to me that's overkill.

Depends on how attractive she is. Lol

Get in good with a couple local leading established ladies and you will have reference for where ever you want to play. the here today, gone tomorrow loose cannon ladies are not necessarily good for reference. Originally Posted by April Cox
But those ladies are convient though. I can't hate that they are oppurtunistic. They make a profit off ladies who screen way too hard.....and that's ok. Both partys should do what they are comfortable with.

There have been many times when I was seeing a provider and noticed through picture association she had a lengthy arrest record with greenery, solicitations charges, and theft of propertys. And that chick had the nerve to try to screen me and I'm record free.........WTF lol

And least we forget.......some ladies are clicky. When one has your real world info.......they all now all have your real world info. Choose wisely guys.

Yes I understand that BRdude, as a matter of fact I was a bit concerned that the second VP, did not screen at all, said that my location and gut feeling made her comfortable, and she is truly a special lady with many many yes reviews Originally Posted by traveler_

No surprise here. Its mostly gut based.

I have asked for reference checks on P411 and alot of times I get the "same old cliche answer"--If I gave him an ok,he is ok.....................OK first off,ANY site can be compromised.........Second,I would like to know some extra info on him to help me cater a session to him.
We ladies all need to keep each other safe....sure it IS competition,but there should also be some compassion involved!
Originally Posted by DallasRain
And there are providers who can't stand these types of reference verifications. It seems you "cater to info" you need sounds like dick pleasure tips, is he fat, how big is it, does he take long to cum info........some providers don't need all that.......not bad if you do, it just can be too much. If I used a good reference and she turned around and told me a lady asked questions like that, I won't see that new chick.

Here's a helpful thread quote as to ladies distain for weird reference verifications that resonated with me. If I was a provider and got messages asking me this Id be email only.. Here's the thread lol

When did reference become about this?


IMO a reference is not about letting you know “Bob” has GQ looks, with shaved silky balls and is a big tipper.

A reference is to let you know that “Bob” is not LE and he did not hurt me, rob me, rape me, or short me. References are about safety.

If you want a good looking guy, who is not over weight, .........., and shaves their balls - GET ON A DATING WEBSITE LADIES.

We are paid professionals and every client might not be the greatest, but as long as they are not disrespecting you - who cares? This is work and every hour of every day at work is not always pleasant, I don't care what industry you are in.

Don’t contact me for a reference and ask me “does he take a long time to cum” - who cares? - if he paid for 60 minutes and he wants to fuck you the whole time, well that’s what he is paying for.

Don’t contact me for a reference and ask me if he is a “good tipper” … that is so tacky and I will never divulge if or what a client tips me.

Rant over
Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Sorry felt compelled to add this quote from another thread above.......wondering why ladies rely soley on p411 oks and don't need to call you as often......this is why......

I'm old. I'm experienced. I'm relatively asshole-ly. I refuse to do screening that would potentially give someone the ability to find me easily in RL. It's that simple. I've seen enough women on here & elsewhere to be able to provide references. If you don't like the women I see, then I can almost always walk away: but I've never been denied an appointment w/a provider I really WANTED to see either.

April, YOU (or Dallas--who falls into the short-list of "women I'd trust to hold onto my wallet, inside the hobby or out") may not be asking questions to stalk or harass me, but I'm certainly glad I didn't give out more RL info. to SOME of the women I've met who are Cra-cra-CRA-cra-cray--and don't give me that "well you're a BP troll" crap either: the times I've been MOST grateful my RL phone wasn't the one being burned-up were THREE women I met on ECCIE! Three. Women. From this site--they weren't "recently joined" either. W/two of them, I'm sorry they know what city I live in to this day, so MY experience is to walk away anytime someone wants to look @ my ID or needs to know where I work.

We all do what we believe is in our best interests for our safety & security. I do not fault you for screening the way you do. I do not fault me for being unwilling to participate in it (nor do I fault the others who have refused).

PS: This topic is as dead-a-horse as the "NBA Policy" topic. Are we required, as a forum, to beat these same topics to death on an annual or semi-annual basis? I'm looking for the sticky now on "Co-ed Forum Topics That Must Be Resurrected Like The Undead Every 6-12 Months"... LOL
Originally Posted by Old Horn Dog
Thanks for your post and yes I don't mind them beating this topic to death. That way when guys are outed and they come on board to report or need sympathy.....you can shove threads like these straight in their face and say I told you so........

Old Horn Dog is right. The reputable established ladies here on Eccie are reputable until they decide differently. Then the hobbyist is out of luck - there is no way to put the water back in the rusted-out bucket. I learned this lesson from well-respected Eccie ladies. Thankfully I no longer need to give personal info. I will not give info again. Originally Posted by newalhobbyist
There's something for everyone......I can name at least six situations with ladies locally here on eccie in the last five years who have passed off or outed info online with client lists to others.....but I won't of course. The old dawgs know though.
I always tell gents if she doesn't ask anything about you, or know anything about you, she not only disregards her safety, but yours and others as well. Think of how any and everybody gets through her door...do you really want that?

If blackmail is that much of a concern, get out of this, or get out of this. This is not for you. Also research the provider. It's OKAY that once you've found a lady you've passed screening with, to continue seeing her . For one, she can vouch for you, and two, you are comfortable with her and don't need to screen.
To me, P411 was a waste of money. It only came in handy when I traveled. When I just stay in Nola and hobby here, I never used p411. Sure I could have used it, but I didn't NEED to, so I let it expire.

There is craziness on this board, lol it can be funny (read through some of the old co-ed threads). But just because guys and girls are verified, vouched for.....doesn't mean that they have been cleared by a psychiatrist that they are not crazy. Like Gimme said, you never know how someone will react when they are put under pressure so to me, the less someone knows about me, the better. Even the sweetest person in the world will do what they have to do when they are put in a real bind.

To me the best policy is to keep your RL info to yourself. There are so many ways to hobby. Not every way is the same and expectations are different for different ways.

Remember to not get controlled by your little head. You give out all your real life info once because she is just so damn smoking hot and you will do anything to get with her....in the electronic age, there is no assurance ever that it is safe. People hack people's emails and can get your email with your info for example. I have heard accusations of email hacking a few times (make sure you use a safe password, something that is very hard to crack).

Everyone has their own thing going on, but when it comes to the safety of your info and the ability to earn a living, better safe than sorry. Both as far as screening and also information security.

Remember the hobby is just that: a hobby, if your hobby is getting you in trouble, time to pick a new hobby.

Also, there is becoming less and less of a difference between eccie and BP, as more BP talent is migrating over to eccie.