I'm out !!!

Yep the rude people have run me off!! Evil wins in this case , not fair but I'm not thick enough skinned as they say, I never dealt with mean people like this in my life!! Who does this?????
Seriously I've never come across people like this ever In my life!!!
So anyway I'm out!
Sandy Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Baby Girl ... this happens all the time. Shit just has to get stirred by someone even if we say or do things with best intentions, someone ALWAYS takes things wrong or out of context.

I know it's not easy to deal with and you have a friend right here if you need one! I deal with a lot as well.
LynetteMarie's Avatar
please stay. we need more people like you and less like them. you don`t want to give into that game? right? i am here as well.. and i want you to stay. Originally Posted by ninasastri
I agree with Nina.

What happened? DM or email me if you need to vent...there certainly are mean spirited people here (on the boards etc...) but they exist in every facet of the world as well...the key is to be comfortable and happy with yourself and spread that joy to those who are unhappy.

Stay with us, ladybug!

topsgt38801's Avatar
Yep the rude people have run me off!! Evil wins in this case , not fair but I'm not thick enough skinned as they say, I never delt with mean people like this in my life!! Who does this?????
Seriosly I've never come across people like this ever In my life!!!
So anyway I'm out!
Sandy Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
There are some folks that do go to extremes in vocalizing their opinions and sometimes just go too far period. I am not aware to why you are making this statement, but hang tough and do not leave the board. I enjoy seeing your posts and comments and if you leave, that only means the other side has won. You must always stand up for what you believe is right and correct and sometimes it is tough in the face of adversity, but stay with us and do not let it get the best of you.

Whatever your decision, wishing you the best and if you do decide to leave, I just hope it is temporary.

lil_michelle's Avatar
Don't let them (us) run you off...... sometimes the "heat of the moment" gets the best of us all...... I know it did me...... I am sorry if my comments upset you further and that they no doubt added fuel to the fire....... you should stay and keep up the happy moral you do day in and day out...... Your upbeat attitude and cheerful disposition is what the National forums should be about....... don't let some very ill placed hijacks change that about you.......

My deepest appologies to all for my part in perpetuating that hijack in your thread............ I am putting myself into timeout from posting for a while........

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude

SlowHand49's Avatar
Hope you change your mind, Sandy. It's always best to just ignore the idiots in life, they are plentiful.
Babes....just hit the ignore button on all the sadistic idiots that are upsetting you...you won't be subjected to what they have to say and can carry on just fine....it's worked great for me
Chica Chaser's Avatar
SnL please check my PM to you. This one is closed