Trump wins again!!!

How about like the Indian and the MAGA cap wearing kid.... Originally Posted by WTF
Sounds like the start of a joke you would hear in a bar...
bambino's Avatar
Trumps been WINNING for two years!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-01-2019, 09:10 PM
Trumps been WINNING for two years!
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
Trump had a good life...he don't need this shit.
themystic's Avatar
Damn and here I thought this was good news. The dems are the biggest crybaby bitches I have ever seen. And I have seen a lot of crybabies. But they win the award for the biggest bitches of the year. Unbelievable. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I vote Melania Cunt Face as biggest crybaby since you brought the topic up
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Trump supporters still don't get it. Economy was doing very well last November when Republicans got badly beaten at the polls. Obviously there are more important concerns on the minds of voters than just the economy.

Trump's approval ratings after the shutdown were close to the worst they've been since he took office. Even Rasmussen which is very pro-Republican has his rating in the mid-40s. The latest Gallup poll has him at -22%.

Tonight's SOTU address should be very interesting.
bambino's Avatar
Trump supporters still don't get it. Economy was doing very well last November when Republicans got badly beaten at the polls. Obviously there are more important concerns on the minds of voters than just the economy.

Trump's approval ratings after the shutdown were close to the worst they've been since he took office. Even Rasmussen which is very pro-Republican has his rating in the mid-40s. The latest Gallup poll has him at -22%.

Tonight's SOTU address should be very interesting. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
But Republicans picked up seats in the Senate. You don’t seem to get that.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-05-2019, 07:37 AM
But Republicans picked up seats in the Senate. You don’t seem to get that. Originally Posted by bambino
Yes they did but not near as many as they should have.

They will lose some in 2020 because of how many more Republicans are up for reelection.

Probably will still hold the Senate.

Stick to the spell police in this thread, politics is obviously not your strong suit.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
But Republicans picked up seats in the Senate. You don’t seem to get that. Originally Posted by bambino
I got it. Even I predicted a Senate pick-up for Republicans based on the fact that I believe 23 of the 33 seats up for re-election were Democratic, many in fairly solid red states. Could have been much worse for Democrats but they won in W.V., Nevada, Arizona, and Montana. Couldn't have been much worse for Republicans in the House. Or in the Governor's races. Or in the state legislature races. But since Republicans picked up 2 Senate seats that seems to be of ultimate importance to Trump and his supporters.
bambino's Avatar
Yes they did but not near as many as they should have.

They will lose some in 2020 because of how many more Republicans are up for reelection.

Probably will still hold the Senate.

Stick to the spell police in this thread, politics is obviously not your strong suit. Originally Posted by WTF
Should have? According to who? You?
I get it. I know people don't like him. But the disapproval ratings don't mean election results. Trump is a winner and I still don't see anyone on the dem side that can best him. I am,however,enjoying those clowns trying to figure out what the dem party stands for now that the progressives are taking over. Middle America is recoiling in horror. And the dems do not even have a clue but Trump does and that's how he will win....again.

Trump supporters still don't get it. Economy was doing very well last November when Republicans got badly beaten at the polls. Obviously there are more important concerns on the minds of voters than just the economy.

Trump's approval ratings after the shutdown were close to the worst they've been since he took office. Even Rasmussen which is very pro-Republican has his rating in the mid-40s. The latest Gallup poll has him at -22%.

Tonight's SOTU address should be very interesting. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
bambino's Avatar
I got it. Even I predicted a Senate pick-up for Republicans based on the fact that I believe 23 of the 33 seats up for re-election were Democratic, many in fairly solid red states. Could have been much worse for Democrats but they won in W.V., Nevada, Arizona, and Montana. Couldn't have been much worse for Republicans in the House. Or in the Governor's races. Or in the state legislature races. But since Republicans picked up 2 Senate seats that seems to be of ultimate importance to Trump and his supporters. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Look, you keep pointing out that Trump lost the house like it’s a historic event. Just the opposite. It’s the historic trend. Trump lost less seats than Clinton or Obama. Obama lost both chambers. They were two terms Presidents. You seem to think Trump losing the House is a significant event and has some deep meaning. I don’t. I think the Dems are overplaying their hand already. Their far left views don’t play well in the electoral college. Gringrich learned this the hard way. The Dems will too if they continue down the road they are going now.
bamscram's Avatar
Trumps been WINNING for two years!
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino

Really? Why does his aproval rating keep dropping?

bambino's Avatar
Really? Why does his aproval rating keep dropping?

BAAAAAAAA Waco. Originally Posted by bamscram
Looks like 48%
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Look, you keep pointing out that Trump lost the house like it’s a historic event. Just the opposite. It’s the historic trend. Trump lost less seats than Clinton or Obama. Obama lost both chambers. They were two terms Presidents. You seem to think Trump losing the House is a significant event and has some deep meaning. I don’t. I think the Dems are overplaying their hand already. Their far left views don’t play well in the electoral college. Gringrich learned this the hard way. The Dems will too if they continue down the road they are going now. Originally Posted by bambino
And you keep pointing out Republicans picked up 2 Senate seats. Democrats picked up the most seats by Democrats in the House since 1974, post Watergate. Obama did not lose both chambers in 2010.

Republicans losing the House, losing 7 Governorships, and losing control of several state legislatures with many others turning purple is VERY significant in my opinion. Trump will continue to have his base voters. In 2018 many of his 2016 supporters voted for Democratic candidates. Republicans lost in suburbs that have traditionally been Republican owned.

I do agree with you that if Democrats move too far to the left they will be in trouble in 2020. All they have to do to win in 2020 is get back Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, states Trump won in 2016 by a handful of votes and states that in 2018 voted heavily Democratic.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Looks like 48% Originally Posted by bambino
And Rasmussen predicted Republicans would win the vote count in the 2018 mid-term elections, the only polling company to predict a Republican victory. Republicans lost by 8-9%. Rasmussen is consistently Republican biased.

Here are some recent polling results from some other companies.