A Question for the Hobbiest

gentlehands469's Avatar
So let me ask this question, why do some providors only do LFK and not DFK? I have met two ladies that only wanted LFK.
OK no kissing, but pull out your cock and I will suck it. The things I have heard from ladies in the hobby.
BigBob thats just because you're trophy c*ck is always enclosed in that glass case....so when I get to "break the glass in case of emergency" I know its clean!! LOL
when are you gonna quit driving that vette around town naked and let me kiss that trophy c*ck again>?! LOL, trophy c*ck!

Your FW neighbor

PS. No I haven't been drinking!! LOL
rachet3375's Avatar
I smoke but when I make an appointment with a provider I know is a non-smoker I won't smoke on my trip to her incall. My routine is to shower just prior to leaving and to brush & wash. I chew gum enroute and I have found these neat little disposable toothbrushes that are perfect to use just as I am pulling into the parking area. I do not want ANYTHING to deter her from wanting to kiss me. Consideration is key to a good visit.
MarcVerma's Avatar
Brush your teeth
Wash your ass
Don't forget
To bring the cash Originally Posted by cookie man
So let me ask this question, why do some providors only do LFK and not DFK? I have met two ladies that only wanted LFK. Originally Posted by gentlehands469
Well GentleHands, I will do LFK when the breath is that bad. Like I said before, some peoples breath and taste is so bad, it literally makes me gag... So, how do you tell someone their breath smells, without offending them?

Khloe Cruise
This will gross you out. My dental hygienist was telling me about a new test she is offering to search for bacteria in your mouth that can cause gum disease. You give a saliva sample and send it off to a lab that does DNA testing to identify the types and quantity of gingivitis-causing bacteria in your mouth (if any) and recommended antibiotics to kill them. No amount of brushing or over-the-counter mouthwash will kill this stuff once it takes hold - only professional treatments. The gross part is that people can transmit the bacteria to each other through kissing. Next time you see someone with swollen, red, inflamed gums then keep your lips shut tight! (Just for the record I am clean!) Originally Posted by Eklutna

Thanks for this interesting bit of information, I vaguely heard about something like this. But, I was unaware of how bad it could really be.

Khloe Cruise
I smoke but when I make an appointment with a provider I know is a non-smoker I won't smoke on my trip to her incall. My routine is to shower just prior to leaving and to brush & wash. I chew gum enroute and I have found these neat little disposable toothbrushes that are perfect to use just as I am pulling into the parking area. I do not want ANYTHING to deter her from wanting to kiss me. Consideration is key to a good visit. Originally Posted by rachet3375
+1 +1 +1
Sometimes a catchy mnemonic can help the simple minded hobbyist have a successful session.
-such as...

Brush your teeth
Wash your ass
Don't forget
To bring the cash Originally Posted by cookie man

OMG I died when I saw your little song, I nominate it for the official ECCIE song!

When I was newer to the hobby (way back when, lol) I was shy and didn't know how to deal with this issue. I just held my breath and did the best I could if someone had funky breath, and YMMV on the DFK if it was just too horrendous. Since then I have incorporated an "everyone mouthwashes and washes their hands before the session" policy. So even if you are minty fresh, you get a dose of listerine. It keeps people from feeling singled out, which I think is super important, because you don't want any hard feelings going into a session. The only thing is that I kick myself in the ass everytime I forget to make someone do it, because occasionally someone who really needs it will slip through

For me, for the most part, it seems that the overall hygiene of the guys has improved since I first started. More guys have minty breath when they first walk in the door, more have neatly trimmed packages, more accept my offer of a shower when it is 100+ outside. I am glad that hobbyists pay attention to the hygiene threads, kudos to you, and I applaud your efforts!