Guys asking for 'Specials'

pyramider's Avatar
SNL should not be posting photos from my restaurant. Luckily, she did not post the signage patrons see as they leave my almost quality establishment.

Why don't the ladies have TAINT specials?
john_deere's Avatar
haggling with hookers. now that's classy!
I can see both perspectives...

MEN: Never hurts to ask, lots of girls do (savvy consumer)

WOMEN: I'm not "that" kind of girl (savvy business owner)

The reality is once you start running lower your own stock. Special isn't always synonymous with desperate but if clients assume it is, you're F$CKED and not in the good way

Personally, I don't do any specials but I also don't rip clients off by charging for every minute of his time. I treat my clients well and they always come back. If a new client ask for a special, I politely tell him I do not have any - if he says thanks and hang up, his prerogative. If he says okay and agrees to the price, I make him an appointment.

If he goes for option 3 and tries to haggle me down by telling me what he can get from someone else - I politely explain to him my situation and an amazing thing happens - he usually books at full price.

At the end of the day it's all about making the client happy. Making your customer feel they are getting their money worth at ANY price and making them feel valued enough to return - Business 101.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Guys in general want to fuck as cheaply as possible. Hey, the goal should be to fuck for free, but that is easier said than done. That is the reason guys turn to P4P, but when doing so, the goal is to still fuck at a reasonable price. Granted, each guy's economic situation is different. Some can afford more; some can't. Most guys play within the rules and won't question a provider's rates. Having said that, I there are times when it might be appropriate to ask about rates or specials. If a girl is known to run specials, then by all means asking is okay. If the market is known for a lot of girls running specials, then it is okay. If you have seen the lady multiple times and both parties are comfortable with each other, then nicely asking for a "frequent flier" discount maybe in order Now, to ask out of the blue as a first time customer with little info on the lady, then it is in poor taste to ask for a special. I'm sure this topic will always be around. Guys are looking to get laid as cheaply as possible, and girls do use a variety of marketing tools (i.e. specials) to attract clients. It is inevitable for this to happen.

BTW, Val, when are you coming back to NW Florida? Got you on my bucket list
I can see both perspectives...

MEN: Never hurts to ask, lots of girls do (savvy consumer)

WOMEN: I'm not "that" kind of girl (savvy business owner)

The reality is once you start running lower your own stock. Special isn't always synonymous with desperate but if clients assume it is, you're F$CKED and not in the good way

Personally, I don't do any specials but I also don't rip clients off by charging for every minute of his time. I treat my clients well and they always come back. If a new client ask for a special, I politely tell him I do not have any - if he says thanks and hang up, his prerogative. If he says okay and agrees to the price, I make him an appointment.

If he goes for option 3 and tries to haggle me down by telling me what he can get from someone else - I politely explain to him my situation and an amazing thing happens - he usually books at full price.

At the end of the day it's all about making the client happy. Making your customer feel they are getting their money worth at ANY price and making them feel valued enough to return - Business 101. Originally Posted by misspriss

john_deere's Avatar
hell...i think, given the way some dudes act, that we should be surprised that the sliding scale for extended time doesn't go UP! lol!
I can see both perspectives...

MEN: Never hurts to ask, lots of girls do (savvy consumer)

WOMEN: I'm not "that" kind of girl (savvy business owner)

The reality is once you start running lower your own stock. Special isn't always synonymous with desperate but if clients assume it is, you're F$CKED and not in the good way

Personally, I don't do any specials but I also don't rip clients off by charging for every minute of his time. I treat my clients well and they always come back. If a new client ask for a special, I politely tell him I do not have any - if he says thanks and hang up, his prerogative. If he says okay and agrees to the price, I make him an appointment.

If he goes for option 3 and tries to haggle me down by telling me what he can get from someone else - I politely explain to him my situation and an amazing thing happens - he usually books at full price.

At the end of the day it's all about making the client happy. Making your customer feel they are getting their money worth at ANY price and making them feel valued enough to return - Business 101. Originally Posted by misspriss
I don't think the guy was wrong asking if the OP had any specials, and it's certainly the OPs purgative to tell him no however she wants.

This market is just like any other. The prices will adjust itself depending on the product. Too high, not much demand... To low, hyper demand. Find your happy medium and stick with it. Specials IMO are like advertisement in a saturated market, not permanent but designed to get attention and create new customers.

Now back to the original point, was the guy wrong no... Was the op wrong, no. It's just business and prices shouldn't get tangled up with a persons "self worth". IMHO. But maybe thats unavoidable IDK.
Hey valerie you running an 98 minute special
  • Laz
  • 11-15-2012, 03:18 PM
I can see both perspectives...

MEN: Never hurts to ask, lots of girls do (savvy consumer)

WOMEN: I'm not "that" kind of girl (savvy business owner)

The reality is once you start running lower your own stock. Special isn't always synonymous with desperate but if clients assume it is, you're F$CKED and not in the good way

Personally, I don't do any specials but I also don't rip clients off by charging for every minute of his time. I treat my clients well and they always come back. If a new client ask for a special, I politely tell him I do not have any - if he says thanks and hang up, his prerogative. If he says okay and agrees to the price, I make him an appointment.

If he goes for option 3 and tries to haggle me down by telling me what he can get from someone else - I politely explain to him my situation and an amazing thing happens - he usually books at full price.

At the end of the day it's all about making the client happy. Making your customer feel they are getting their money worth at ANY price and making them feel valued enough to return - Business 101. Originally Posted by misspriss
Logical smart answer.
I like your looks and attitude babee. Come to Louisiana and I pay full price for you.
Have fun and be safe
rcinokc's Avatar
Seems to me that the simple solution would be to tell those who ask "no". They will either book at full price or move on. You win either way. Lots of guys will ask, and if the answer is no they will go ahead and book. They just want a discount IF it is out there. If they get shot down rudely they are not likely to book at any price.
Doris day's Avatar
First of all, I feel my rates are fair considering what I offer. I dont consider myself "high end" or bottom of the barrel, just a nice older provider taking advantage of her "peak years" lol. One of my first dates, back in July, was with a nice( or so I thought at the time) gentleman. He was staying at a nicer hotel. We talked for a bit. He showed me pics of his travels, deep sea diving expeditions at beautiful beaches. We had a nice evening and even continued texting for several days after. A month or two later, he texts me, saying he had just booked his next over seas vacation and was short on cash, would I consider a freebie....FOR REAL?!? I have not had a vacation in years, and I was supposed to feel bad that he was broke after booking his???I will say, this guy did have balls!! LOL, I still shake my head when I think of this!!I hope I posted this the right way, still getting used to the eccie format.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-17-2012, 10:56 AM
An interesting topic, and I think there is some right and wrong on both sides.

Most ladies post 1 hr prices. Some post 1/2 hr, or 2 hr, or overnight rates but many do not. Assuming she doesn't have the info on her ad or web site I see absolutely nothing wrong with asking "What would it take to see you for 4 hours?", or "Do you give a discount for multi hour dates?", or "Are your rates in XXXX city the same as when you're in Home Town?". I understand Valerie's rant, but sorry V, most guys have learned it's a very bad idea to assume a lady's artithmetic is logical. I met a lady once for 3 hrs, and since she had only an hourly rate posted I assumed 3 times the hourly rate was safe. That's what I left in the envelope. She was exceedingly angry because somehow I was supposed to "know" that her 3 hr rate was MORE THAN three times her hourly rate. No, I make no such assumptions any more. Likewise a lot of ladies who have home town incalls have different rates when they travel, and different rates by city--so asking is a lot better than guessing. And when a guy sees an ad for $300 this week, $250 the next week in adifferent city, and $400 the week after in a different location, why is it so hard to think he may associate these as "specials" rather than the different cost of doing business in different cities? If the hang-up is on the word "special" that seems a bit of an overreaction.

Of course the asking should be polite, and essentially whatever the lady quotes is what it is. Pushing for a discount because you're "special", or good looking, or broke is garbage. Haggling after she clarifies any ambiguity deserves being hit with both barrels.
OK, ladies, what would you suggest I do in this situation.

A lady I've seen a couple of times and would love to see more of has just raised her rate by about 1/3. Her old rate was already at the top of my hobby budget, but obviously I was able to justify paying it. Her new rate rules me out. Should I:
a) take her off my list since I can not afford her new rate, or
b) ask her if she would be willing to "grandfather" me at her old rate?