US Credit Rating....tick..tick..tick

As has come to light in the past few days (again), personal or corporate income tax for the extremely well off is a joke and has been so for many years. It's just a talking point with no "there" there. There are many ways to argue it, even the point of spending $$$ on accountants and lawyers to avoid paying taxes - hmmm, money out is still money out - it's just personal preference. I suppose an accountant or lawyer is more deserving of the cash than others who are poor, old, whatever. One can argue that and make some valid points.

But, the credit rating "news" is just a way to point out to us who are NOT in DC how nice it would be if Congress got its stuff together and actually did something for the country instead of the interests who own them - R or D. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

Top 1% of earners pay 40% of income tax
Top 10% of earners pay 70% of income tax
47% of earners pay no income tax
40% of earners make a profit off the tax system [get money from government]

what is the moral justification to use the force of government to take money from one person and give it to someone else who is able to support himself?

Do you agree with equality of opportunity for all citizens, or equality of result?

Shouldn't somebody who works longer and smarter be entitled to more?

Of all the politicians who received money from BP, the one that received the most in history from BP is Obama [and he hasn't been a politician all that long!]....corporations usually obey the tax laws but the problem is the tax loopholes written by politicians who put their self interest ahead of the citizens' partial answer is term limits
For the last 70 years, one of these countries pursued policies of big government/interventionism/crony capitalism -- the other small small government/laissez-faire economics. Anyone care to guess which is which?
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Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
47% pay no income tax.....

Obama's approval rating is 47%.....Hmmmm lol.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Top 1% of earners pay 40% of income tax
Top 10% of earners pay 70% of income taxAt a lower rate than the other 90%
47% of earners pay no income taxWell, if one makes $20K and has a family - so?
40% of earners make a profit off the tax system [get money from government]I'm sure they're all driving Rolls down to the Welfare! Haven't heard the "welfare Cadillac" dodge trotted out in years

what is the moral justification to use the force of government to take money from one person and give it to someone else who is able to support himself?Beats the shit out of me, why not ask whomever is responsible for all of the world's religions. OR, since you're so good with stats, what % of those benefiting from receiving government assistance do not work, or, better yet, what percentage of working people receive governmental assistance yet still work? You might actually be surprised at the answer to that.

Do you agree with equality of opportunity for all citizens, or equality of result?This means nothing in the context of what is actually being discussed.

Shouldn't somebody who works longer and smarter be entitled to more?See previous answer^

Of all the politicians who received money from BP, the one that received the most in history from BP is Obama [and he hasn't been a politician all that long!]....corporations usually obey the tax laws but the problem is the tax loopholes written by politicians who put their self interest ahead of the citizens' partial answer is term limitsWe have term limits, they're called elections. I guess you couldn't see the part where I said D or R, eh? Originally Posted by Marshall
EJunkie's Avatar
Uggghhhhhh! Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

Is there a Troll food icon?

Should there be?
Uggghhhhhh! Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

Don't let facts interfere with what you want to believe......

At a lower rate than the other 90%
Take a look at your tax rate table then give us the correct answer.....
47% of earners pay no income taxWell, if one makes $20K and has a family - so?a family of 4 with 2 children under 16 and earning $50k pays no tax.....
40% of earners make a profit off the tax system [get money from government]I'm sure they're all driving Rolls down to the Welfare! Haven't heard the "welfare Cadillac" dodge trotted out in years
I'm not even talking about welfare, I'm talking about a tax refund for taxes they never paid because of deductions/credits etc.!!!!!!!! Actual monetary redistribution of wealth Comrade Candy!!!
what is the moral justification to use the force of government to take money from one person and give it to someone else who is able to support himself?Beats the shit out of me [tempting]why not ask whomever is responsible for all of the world's religions.religion advocates charity without force, and charity of your choosing] OR, since you're so good with stats, what % of those benefiting from receiving government assistance do not work, what percent of those should be working? You love to reward people for being lazy and stupid.....if you require them to take care of themselves, they will or, better yet, what percentage of working people receive governmental assistance yet still work? conservatives like me have no problem helping those who do their best to help themselves, though, hopefully, they didn't make their situation worse by poor personal decisions You might actually be surprised at the answer to that. 14% of people are now on food stamps....60% of school children receive free or subsidized school meals......

Do you agree with equality of opportunity for all citizens, or equality of result?This means nothing in the context of what is actually being discussed.
Yes it does Comrade Candy....equality of result is the goal of redistributionists......
Shouldn't somebody who works longer and smarter be entitled to more?See previous answer^
this has everything to do with's about a tax system that rewards the lazy and stupid and punishes and your comrades believe that those who are successful didn't earn their success....they were lucky or took advantage of others....not true!!!!!!!! tax system needs to be fair......those who achieve benefit society more than non-achievers because they provide goods and services to people at affordable prices and provide jobs through their spending, effort and investment.....
Of all the politicians who received money from BP, the one that received the most in history from BP is Obama [and he hasn't been a politician all that long!]....corporations usually obey the tax laws but the problem is the tax loopholes written by politicians who put their self interest ahead of the citizens' partial answer is term limitsWe have term limits, they're called elections.only term limit is on president through Amendment 22 and that was passed in reaction to that commie FDR I guess you couldn't see the part where I said D or R, eh? R's are bad, D's are worse......Wall Street gives their money primarily to D's.......the common man is better of with R's rather than D's
Is there a Troll food icon? Originally Posted by EJunkie
Maybe not an icon, but an avatar:
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Maybe not an icon, but an avatar: Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
We are so fucked. We better all learn to speak Greek. Originally Posted by pjorourke

Speaking Greek should be for pleasure.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Hell, Marshalalalalalalalalalala (while holding your ears), just wish you were as good with cogent arguments as you are inventing names.

I kinda like it, actually

Reminds me of a story my ol' Pappy once told me, something about an acorn and a blind hog.....
I kinda like it, actually
I knew you'd like it...........
Reminds me of a story my ol' Pappy once told me, something about an acorn and a blind hog....
did he ever tell you the story about the hooker and the nun with dysentery?
. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Rudyard K's Avatar
47% pay no income tax.....

Obama's approval rating is 47%.....Hmmmm lol. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
I'm not sure who said it, but...If your rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on Paul's vote.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I'm not sure who said it, but...If your rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on Paul's vote. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Not so fast. The trick is to never let Paul think you will rob him to pay Mark or Luke....which is the pickle our current POTUS finds himself...
The University of Texas knows shit is about to hit the fan; they just bought $1 billion of gold bullion, yes gold bars, the real thing.....