Lateness question

offshoredrilling's Avatar

Your food late better be free statement says alot. Originally Posted by brianjackson

Indeed it does, as do all the other statements made in that post. It's really no wonder some people have to pay for companionship...
So, I recently had an appointment with a provider. We set up a time and she told me the place (hotel). I had some stuff to do in the area so I did as much as I could before the appointed time then headed to the place.
Well, as I'm sure you've guessed by now, she was delayed and said she'd be there in 10 min. Without dragging this on she was an hour late, regularly saying 10 more min. After 30 I considered bailing but I may a date and felt obligated to keep it (plus I was horny as hell).
So my question is: If time is money (and it clearly is in this hobby) shouldn't we as hobbiests be compensated for OUR time? I'm not talking about the 10-15 minutes late issues, but an hour? I would say at the very least we should get a reduced rate. Our time is valuable too!
I have a bad feeling I may just have been blacklisted by a bunch of providers Originally Posted by youngatheart

You are absolutely correct to feel the way you do.

I do not ever delay or reschedule appointments, or make one if there is even the slightest doubt that I will have a personal matter preventing me from meeting at the agreed upon time.

And because of that I have absolutely zero tolerance for gentlemen who are inconsiderate of my time. Of course it is understandable that something may come up at the last minute, but we all know that there are certain types of individuals who assume that a girl (and/or her "manager" if there is one) is either desperate or greedy and will be willing to wait around all day making herself available at someone's beck and call.

And even worse, as has been illustrated in this thread, are the men who have a sense of entitlement because there is a transaction involved. Again, it's really no wonder why some men have to pay for companionship...
Speaking of being compensated for lost time...
What about the Clients who cancel last minute, or book an appt. then the day of, are never heard from?
Don't some professionals collect a fee, such as Doctors, Attorneys, ect....? Originally Posted by AlbanyBlonde

For precisely that lack of recourse we as providers have, even with gentlemen who are visiting with me for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or even 15th time I always consider an appointment tentative until I have spoken with them 30-45 minutes prior to confirm.

I don't (or wouldn't) ever double book, but more often then not have conflicting requests on any given day. When that happens I always give someone the option that if an already scheduled appointment falls through I will gladly get back to them if last minute isn't an issue...
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
Great topic!

So, I recently had an appointment with a provider. We set up a time and she told me the place (hotel). I had some stuff to do in the area so I did as much as I could before the appointed time then headed to the place.
Well, as I'm sure you've guessed by now, she was delayed and said she'd be there in 10 min. Without dragging this on she was an hour late, regularly saying 10 more min. After 30 I considered bailing but I may a date and felt obligated to keep it (plus I was horny as hell).
So my question is: If time is money (and it clearly is in this hobby) shouldn't we as hobbiests be compensated for OUR time? I'm not talking about the 10-15 minutes late issues, but an hour? I would say at the very least we should get a reduced rate. Our time is valuable too!
I have a bad feeling I may just have been blacklisted by a bunch of providers Originally Posted by youngatheart

One would think if she was running an entire hour late that she would share that instead of saying ten minutes. As for compensation, I think that's something to be worked out with the individual gal. If I were a hobbyist and was lied to to save an appointment, I'd haggle the rate. An hour is NOT ten minutes, so, I might mention it in a review, unless I visited her regularly and it was a new phenomenon.

Business is business..... Once the arranged meeting time had passed, you were no longer obligated. The provider should understand that. It is part of doing business.

There have been unforeseen circumstances where I had to call a client and tell him I would be an hour late. If he wanted to change to that time then that was great. If he needed to cancel, then I would understand.


Lea Originally Posted by Lea Madisson

a well known provider, that i have seen, was a hour late, my next visit w/her was half off, more recently, my provider lost track of time, and did not contact me til 3hrs later, i was upset, very next time i saw her was also half off Originally Posted by Franklin4

I recently had an appointment at a hotel where I was staying for an outcall massage from CL. We were set to meet at 6pm. The lady in question called me at 6:30 saying trafic was hell and she would be another 10 minutes. 7pm rolls around and she is not there. I call and she says another 10 minutes (whats with the 10 minute excuse anyway??) 7:30 she calls and says shes 10 minutes away. 8:00 I call her and tell her forget it. Well, she starts getting bitchy with me telling me that I made an appointment with her and she will black-list me if I cancel. She also tried saying that she is paying for a driver and expects to be compensated for the ride regardless if I cancel the actual apointment. I continue to try and act civilized in my tone and let her know that I will not wait 2 hours after the time we had set to meet, and being lied to about "10 minutes". Well she threatened to sue me at this point saying we had a verbal contract and that I would be hearing from her lawyer. I hung up at this point and she tried calling me back numerous times over the next hour to continue our discussion. Thankfully I had used the hobby phone and simply turned it off. Never did hear from that lawyer.

The "happy ending" to this story is that it occurred in NYC. I went for a walk after the fiasco and soon saw one of the many signs on doors advertising for a massage. Paid the door fee and tip and had a really good time. Originally Posted by wantsome
If I get one of these types of meets, I have to switch spots immediately, because my location was disclosed. What a pain in the ass and pocket.... The person is forever blacklisted in my book.

Ahh!! This is a great subject. I do agree with all of the points why should i set a time up with the provider i work outside of Rochester and it takes my 40minutes to get to downtown area. I leave work make the drive to have the provider either not answer phone or is late i hate that. Our time is money as well.

I would also like to see a lawyer try and sue Wantsome for not taking the appointment. I could see the judge now so what was your appointment for? So i couuld bang the plantiff your honor?

We are paying for there time right so why shoudnt we be compensated when they run 10Mins late?. Originally Posted by vern0064
"Ten minutes"
There have been times a session runs over the time limit... I certainly don't get out a stopwatch and start charging by the minute. lol

If that ten minutes (max) happened frequently, I'd get a different gal or negotiate a rate.

Speaking of being compensated for lost time...
What about the Clients who cancel last minute, or book an appt. then the day of, are never heard from?
Don't some professionals collect a fee, such as Doctors, Attorneys, ect....? Originally Posted by AlbanyBlonde
ahhhh the all time "I wish"
I wish I were paid for each minute of computer time. I wish someone else could list my ads. etc etc

I believe this is what the agencies and parlors thrive on.

Some ladies do require a deposit, AB. I think it's difficult to maneuver, though.

I have "eaten" more monies/time than I would ever like to have. Half empty tours, altering my life's daily routine to only get a cancel or the like....

Fortunately, tours have also flourished, and my life's daily routine some days more flexible.

You have to be resonable and look at the nature of the business. We know they get stood up all the time also so I would think they take a sure thing when they have it even if it means being late for someone else or even standing them up. All things considered I can kind of understand it. Its frustrating but understandable.

I am sure you fly when you tavel. Because of the nature of their business you are often late. I am sure you fly again.

Your food late better be free statement says alot. Originally Posted by brianjackson
I, for one, do NOT always take the sure thing. I have canceled an appointment or two because I wasn't the person's "type."
I also do not think it's acceptable or understandable to stand a person up.

The airplane and food references, though, yeah, I'm with you!! I was once stuck in an airport on my way to the Rockies for a weekend. THAT SUCKED. He understood, and we worked it out...

Being late without valid excuse messes up schedules on both sides and is equally unacceptable.

I am just really curious as to what could have possibly cause on going "gimme 10 more minutes".

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina

I .... called, confirmed and drove there....
Originally Posted by Gotyour6
That's too bad. Just as bad as the original poster's topic....
yankee13's Avatar
Just like mick jagger said. Waiting. On a. Friend
AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
A Deposit?! Lol, I wish!
Franklin4's Avatar
I am never late, for anything.
I always prefere to b early
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 05-30-2012, 06:54 PM
the provider has something happening beyond their control, but lying about it to not loose a deal

my experiences

one provider said they would be 10 minutes late, and it was a bit more, about 30 minutes, but they kept texting/calling me to let me they are one still on their way, and when they did show up, they were very happy i didn't cancel, and I got extended service no charge, it was worth it

another provider thought i was someone else they didn't want to see, and well, gave me run around, when they realized they were wrong, weren't apologetic enough, like a discount, or extended service, so I said see-ya, off my list forever

another time, i had limited time with no response from my date, and was horny, and I was not far from little theater, and I called a great tenured provider, the chatty one, and was accommodated for a great BBBJCIM, so keep the black book with you for an alternate, lots of great providers out there

to say they should pay you will always be a tough one to win, because you pay for an hour, so it sort can be flexible. if your schedule does not allow for flex, then it best just to reschedule, if it allows for flex, it is reasonable to expect an upgrade to first class,

sometimes it is best to just cancel, and not threaten Blacklist, because then your in a tit for tat revenge shit, provide's late, they will usually understand cancel
There must be an Excuses for Crappy Providers out there that teaches them to always say 10 minutes regardless.

Anything more and most guys would start to reconsider.
Lexxxy's Avatar
I hate running late, however, if the maid is right outside my door I will hold it off a few mins. Also, I have long thick curly hair and I have killed about 30 hotel blow driers in my day lmfao. I take about an hour to get blow dried and straightened, longer if the drier keeps overheating. Sometimes if I have a morning date or a blow drier that keeps overheating I will just have a date with wet or damp hair to avoid running late. I used to bring my own drier but it doesn't work at some places because of energy restrictions or whatever the maintenance man tried to explain to me.
The latest I have ever ran is 15 minutes and I felt so terribly, I ran late because I wasn't about to have a maid looking in the door while he came in.
DDarkness's Avatar
I guess that when faced with this dilemma myself I've simply said I'm sorry that you are having that problem. We'd planned on seeing each other at this time and because you are unable to make it I guess we'll have to reschedule. Perhaps another time?

Ah such is life ... sometimes

youngatheart's Avatar
Glad I got everyone riled up! thanks for the (mostly) thoughtful replies, especially from the ladies.
In this instance, I was able to wait but could have done other errands had she been honest and said I'm running an hour late. In fairness, unbeknownst to me, she did give me a break on the rate. Unbeknownst because we had orginally agreed on an hour but her lateness resulted in only 1/2 hour appt and I guessed at the 1/2 hour donation, and guessed incorrectly by 50%. I had already left but she informed me of my error in calculating and didn't push the issue. Will I see her again? Probably but........if she's more than 15 minutes late we're done.