Verified Provider Lounge?

Not trying to rain on anyones parade, but as its been said before if you don't want it known by everyone don't post it period in any forum. Staff edit, forbidden topic, CC
interests's Avatar
Staff edit, forbidden subject matter, CC
Not trying to rain on anyones parade, but as its been said before if you don't want it known by everyone don't post it period in any forum. Staff edit, forbidden topic, CC Originally Posted by chelsea simms

I don't care if the men read what I post or not. I just don't want them to be able to post in the ladies threads and derail the topics...kind of like ladies are not allowed to post in review threads, because we would derail the male-only subject matter.

By the way thanks for all the positive comments!!! I have been busy lately and not responding to many threads. I do hope we can make the provider lounge a reality!!!
  • Paven
  • 07-15-2011, 01:36 AM
Marla and her good ideas, doo daw doo daw.
Marla I'm with ya! Just asked the same question in the sticky thread and waiting on a reply. I will say I DO give a shit. I understand this place leaks like a bad boat, and most likely always will, but there should be someplace to "talk" as ladies.

I am almost certain that the paying male members don't have this issue to get into the LR. If I am wrong on that someone please feel free to correct me.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
I want to update you girls and others on what is in the works and answer a few questions as well. So here it goes...

So I am wondering if we could get a Verified Provider Lounge? Where the only screening requirement is to be a verified provider.

This would be separate from the super ultra mega high security of the PR.

There are sometimes things I REALLY REALLY want to say to a large group of ladies who are not in the PR, but it seriously is not something that needs to be put in co-ed discussions. Not so much that I would be worried about guys reading it or info leaking out to the men, just I don't want to subject the entire male membership to female psycho-babble. Also it is topics I do not want men to be able to comment on and mess up the flow of female comments and derail threads with what the guys think about certain topics (kind of like why ladies can't comment on the reviews). Originally Posted by Marla
A proposal has been made to the owners for a "Verified Provider Lounge" that would be outside of the Powder Room. Some of us to recognize the need for another venue for VPs where topics and be discussed that do not need to increased security of the Powder Room.

Don't the City/State Infoshare forums serve this purpose? Or are you seeking a National lounge? Huck Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
One of the ideas is to re-open the City/State Infoshare forums while also adding a National Forum for things like Escort 101 kind of questions. The Infoshare would be the place for alerts. Both the Infoshare and a "Ladies Lounge" would have to be monitored more closely to make sure more that they stay informative.

I agree... I had a mod tell me to contact someone to get access to the PR since thats where one of my posts ended up being, and I sent everything that they asked but have never heard a response. So i think that this would be awesome. Originally Posted by Michelle Snow
I am taking personal responsibility on girls who where denied access to the PR not being informed. I am the one who puts the list together for approval and sends out the application letter. I am also the only that submits the approvals to be added. However, I have not done a very good job in contacting those denied. While I can not go into a deep discussion as to what the requirements are for the PR in this thread, you should have received a letter with that info when you inquired about PR access.

If you do not know what the requirements are, email or PM me and I will resend. If you did not get accepted or do not know your status, email

Not trying to rain on anyones parade, but as its been said before if you don't want it known by everyone don't post it period in any forum. Staff edit, forbidden topic, CC Originally Posted by chelsea simms
I understand this place leaks like a bad boat, and most likely always will, Originally Posted by Ava Stone
While Chelsea is right about "if you don't want it known" I do want to reiterate that we have not had a major mass breach in quite some time. However, we will always have leaks of some sort, mostly from individual providers who are upset at someone or are WK'ing a hobbyist. Has always been a problem and will always be a problem... but I do believe we do a good job keeping those things to a minimum.

I am almost certain that the paying male members don't have this issue to get into the LR. If I am wrong on that someone please feel free to correct me. Originally Posted by Ava Stone
You are right about the LR. It is easier to get in...all you need is premium access which one gets through writing reviews or paying for it. it would be hard for ECCIE to say pay me money but you don't get all the access. It is just a fact of life for the guys that leaks will be a problem.

On the provider side of things, because of past mass leaks, more stringent measures had to be taken to protect Providers from possible safety issues... and the ECCIE ownership wanted to make that paramount.

We have come a long way in the past six months. While not all is perfect, it is still a great place to be and share and feel as safe as one can in this hobby.

I will let y'all know what is going on as things are discussed and decisions made.


  • LynnT
  • 07-22-2011, 01:48 PM
The ladies lounge is great. A chat, no alerts room.

Not everyone gets into the PR or it takes time. Some ladies need to chat. Just being verified is cool.
Lea, thanks so much for the update and for all your hard work as a mod!!!!!

Marla and her good ideas, doo daw doo daw. Originally Posted by Paven
Paven, I hobby-love you! Heck I RL love you ;-)

Marla I'm with ya! Just asked the same question in the sticky thread and waiting on a reply. I will say I DO give a shit. I understand this place leaks like a bad boat, and most likely always will, but there should be someplace to "talk" as ladies.

I am almost certain that the paying male members don't have this issue to get into the LR. If I am wrong on that someone please feel free to correct me. Originally Posted by Ava Stone

The PR has super ultra mega security, and yes I do care that stuff not leak out of there! What I am proposing is a "step-down" from the ultra security that keeps so many of the verified providers out of the PR. The PR has stringent terms for being admitted and that is why it is more secure. The provider lounge would have no terms other than you must be a VP, so YES it would prolly leak like a sinking ship...but honestly it is a fair trade off to have a place where ALL VPs can come together because in the PR while I totally enjoy the security and wouldn't trade it for the world there are so many verified providers that cannot get in there right now because they just don't meet the requirements and they are missing out on having a place that is essentially ladies only (even if it would be kind of leaky).

The ladies lounge is great. A chat, no alerts room.

Not everyone gets into the PR or it takes time. Some ladies need to chat. Just being verified is cool. Originally Posted by LynnT
+1 kind of ties in to my above explanation.
Where's the ladies lounge?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Abby, check this thread about PowderRoom access

This thread here is discussing the possible creation of a different ladies area.
PJ1964's Avatar
If men were smart/patient, they'd just sit back, read and learn!!