Y'all are losing the law-and-order argument

  • oeb11
  • 06-13-2020, 07:43 PM
CT-yeah, and?

the Cops don't have to shout anything.. they simply put a bullet in your back as you run away.

Response - That is false - not police procedure - and you are aware that it is false - CT.
If u want to enable the 'Dead cops' marcher - please go join them and see what kind of welcome U get.

not to mention - don;t call police when ur home is broken into in the middle of the night.

but - i forget that DPST's cannot comprehend their Hypocrisy!
winn dixie's Avatar
yeah, and?

the Cops don't have to shout anything.. they simply put a bullet in your back as you run away.

When and where has this happened frequently?

huh? are you on your "Faggot" campaign again, in disguise? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Cmon. Its well reported you like the thai lady bois
and arrest him for what? for being a public drunk?

that is why the de-fund Cops movement is so strong. why arrest a drunk and crowd the CO-VID infested jail, for a fucked up drunk?

I realize that question makes no sense to you. an alternative method for handling minor nuisances never crossed your mind.. it has to be police. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Yup, release him on the spot. Properly place the drunk who just tried to resist arrest behind the wheel of the car he was already obviously driving drunk and passed out in.

Such brilliance you exhibit there Mr. Tran.
winn dixie's Avatar
Yup, release him on the spot. Properly place the drunk who just tried to resist arrest behind the wheel of the car he was already obviously driving drunk and passed out in.

Such brilliance you exhibit there Mr. Tran. Originally Posted by eccielover
chung should think before he posts his thoughts. Maybe writing them down first will let him see the stupidity he spews
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
no.. but he doesn't deserve death for doing so.

and arrest him for what? for being a public drunk?

that is why the de-fund Cops movement is so strong. why arrest a drunk and crowd the CO-VID infested jail, for a fucked up drunk?

I realize that question makes no sense to you. an alternative method for handling minor nuisances never crossed your mind.. it has to be police. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

the concept of law and order and things like being drunk in public and creating an incident that has consequences make no sense to you. would you and BLM be happy if next time we let this guy get the cop's weapon .. gun not taser .. and shot the first cop before the second cop shoots the black guy?

there ya go .. race issues solved! new rule of society .. blacks get to shoot the first white cop free. no charges nada. of course they must surrender to the rest of the cops or be shot dead on the spot.


that nonsense makes about as much sense as letting a bunch of radicals commandeer a police station and some prime real estate in some city. oh wait .. they did that already in Seattle. never mind.

Chung Tran's Avatar
Yup, release him on the spot. Properly place the drunk who just tried to resist arrest behind the wheel of the car he was already obviously driving drunk and passed out in.

Such brilliance you exhibit there Mr. Tran. Originally Posted by eccielover
thanks.. you don't get it, just as I knew you wouldn't.

resist arrest? Motherfucker was passed out drunk.. arrest him for being a drunk?

arrest him and do what with him? if he went willingly, you have a drunk in jail, costing us money, catching CO-VID, and waking up sober.. why waste police on a nuisance like that?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
thanks.. you don't get it, just as I knew you wouldn't.

resist arrest? Motherfucker was passed out drunk.. arrest him for being a drunk?

arrest him and do what with him? if he went willingly, you have a drunk in jail, costing us money, catching CO-VID, and waking up sober.. why waste police on a nuisance like that? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

so drunk drivers shouldn't go to jail. all of them or just the blacks ones?

i wonder what the news would be if this dude smacked into a car with a white family in it and killed them all? probably nothing but a three paragraph write-up in the "City" section and a couple three obituaries.

you are aware how many drunk driving deaths there are each year, yeah?

that's not a public nuisance it's a public menace

Texas Drunk Driving Accident Statistics
  • 910 Fatal DUI Crashes resulting in 1,024 DUI fatalities.
  • 1,594 Suspected Serious DUI Crashes resulted in 2,169 suspected serious injuries.
  • 3,530 Possible Injury DUI Crashes resulting in 5,841 possible DUI injuries.
More items...

Jul 9, 2019

Texas Drunk Driving Statistics 2019 | The Weycer Law Firm

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thanks.. you don't get it, just as I knew you wouldn't.

resist arrest? Motherfucker was passed out drunk.. arrest him for being a drunk?

arrest him and do what with him? if he went willingly, you have a drunk in jail, costing us money, catching CO-VID, and waking up sober.. why waste police on a nuisance like that? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Yeah, it's you who don't get it.

Are you really suggesting you let a guy passed out drunk in his car in a Wendy's drive through alone and call it nuisance.

So when he wakes up two or so hours later, still drunk as fuck and decided to continue his drive home in his lethal weapon of a vehicle.

Jesus, WTF are you thinking.

Please, explain how that situation should have been handled.
isolated? have you not been counting the many incidents caught on tape? and this one, in the middle of a huge BLM movement? you can't make this stuff up!

the Cop who shot him.

Brooks was asleep in a Fucking Wendy's drive-through lane. they woke him up to kill him. you would think he was Lizzy Borden the way they pounced on him. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Yeah, but he woke up fighting and then took one officers taser and broke away and ran. The Officers gave chase and Brooks turned and pointed the taser at one of the Officers. Officer fired a shot mortally wounding Brooks, Justifiable Homicide. You can slice this pie anyway you like, Police are in the right this time.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Yeah, but he woke up fighting and then took one officers taser and broke away and ran. The Officers gave chase and Brooks turned and pointed the taser at one of the Officers. Officer fired a shot mortally wounding Brooks, Justifiable Homicide. You can slice this pie anyway you like, Police are in the right this time. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Killing a drunken man who pointed a taser at you is "Justifiable Homicide"?

The police were right?

Do you say these kinds of stupid things often? Wow!
Killing a drunken man who pointed a taser at you is "Justifiable Homicide"?

The police were right?

Do you say these kinds of stupid things often? Wow! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
So let's play out the scenario to the next logical level.

He already fought back and took the taser. Now he uses the taser on the officer and decides to take the officers handgun.

What's next? Maybe you should rethink the stupid things you say.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar

you keep giving the Protesters ammunition.. Breonna Taylor, the Georgia shooting, Floyd.. this.

I never see outrage over the next police shooting.. only excuses.. "those are bad people anyway".. "we must have police".. you excused the Buffalo Police for opening a can of whoop-ass on that fragile old man.

y'all are losing the fight.. Atlanta will burn tonight.. and y'all will blame Antifa, BLM, and the "Socialists" once again. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

That fragile old man was a 6'7" activist who was caught earlier on camera saying he hoped he got punched in the face. Try to keep up.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Killing a drunken man who pointed a taser at you is "Justifiable Homicide"?

The police were right?

Do you say these kinds of stupid things often? Wow! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Self defense actually.
Killing a drunken man who pointed a taser at you is "Justifiable Homicide"?

The police were right?

Do you say these kinds of stupid things often? Wow! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Yes it is. If he would have tased the officer, Brookes could have retrieved the Officer's service weapon and would have used it on both Officers. I am wondering now, what the hell would you have done?
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Yes it is. If he would have tased the officer, Brookes could have retrieved the Officer's service weapon and would have used it on both Officers. I am wondering now, what the hell would you have done? Originally Posted by Levianon17
They had his car. He was running away, and the police were chasing him. Somehow this doesn't strike me as a smart plan for the police. Maybe they could have gone to his home and arrested him when he eventually showed up.

I seriously doubt that killing him was neccessary.