Crickets from the media

winn dixie's Avatar
Hadnt heard or seen any coverage of this at all! That shows the agenda of the lsm!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It looks like live5news reported it....seems like a media outlet Originally Posted by matchingmole

local news would report it, however this wont get national attention. doesn't fit the national media narrative.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The news media is gone , No reporting on anything that goes against the narrative ( remember only black gets killed ) Just look at cnn reporting on the peaceful riots with buildings and cars burning? in the background
PythonLeeJackson's Avatar
Amazing, not a word on this... I’m sure he’s a loyal Democrat, geez!!! Originally Posted by pleasurem
Ok so whats your problem here. The black guy will be ARRESTED, TRIED AND CONVICTED...
He will go to Jail for the rest of his life, with no chance of parole..he’s guilty RIGHT?

Meanwhile Cops have killed many black folks in all kinds of situation. And most of them are NOT justified. Most are committed by Cowboy cops that are trigger happy.

And many get let off Scott free by the system which is very much Pro Cop. Pro White.
That’s the way it is.....get over it. Why should it be nationalized publicly
Oh so you white boy racist bigots can bitch over.
Get a life and relax, cup cake
  • oeb11
  • 08-29-2020, 11:36 AM
you display plainly your OBLM Racism and marxism - pj
your rants are just speed and reproduced from XiNN
Wait for the Chinese to come over under Biden's orders to take over - and You will find real racism from teh Chinese toward black peo[ple.

you are alienating your white supporters who despise racism in all its' forms with your acting out.
That 'racial identity' politics is of teh Racist ,marxist DPST party feeding their black plantation group propaganda designed to fracture and sdestabilize America - and falsely paint peole who are for Equality under the rule of law as Racist.

you advocate for a Marxist totalitarian regime - and if you think you will be better off - think again.

You are being used by the LSM and DPST party as a pawn in their 'class struggle' for marxism.

If gay, marxist racist OBLM is your cup of tea - go for it. You have that freedom now.

those freedoms will not exist shortly after Biden harris take over. You are being used.
matchingmole's Avatar
teh Chinese
  • oeb11
  • 08-29-2020, 11:41 AM
As a child - the Three Stooges came on tv early morning - and i often watched before leaving for school. And i grew up and outgrew that programming.
It is clear that some just never do grow up!
winn dixie's Avatar
Ok so whats your problem here. The black guy will be ARRESTED, TRIED AND CONVICTED...
He will go to Jail for the rest of his life, with no chance of parole..he’s guilty RIGHT?

Meanwhile Cops have killed many black folks in all kinds of situation. And most of them are NOT justified. Most are committed by Cowboy cops that are trigger happy.

And many get let off Scott free by the system which is very much Pro Cop. Pro White.
That’s the way it is.....get over it. Why should it be nationalized publicly
Oh so you white boy racist bigots can bitch over.
Get a life and relax, cup cake Originally Posted by PythonLeeJackson
Cops have a difficult job! Out of the thousands of cops there are a few bad ones. But less than most occupations. Lsm's agenda does not show all the good they do. Nor does their narrative let them report the actual footages and facts of some of these cases!
Quit being a perpetual victim and man up to see the truth in facts!
He will claim police brutality while in custody and get millions or he will have an self caused accident with a hefty trash bag while in jail and his family will get millions and he will get a street named after him.

His mama will be on TV crying and talking about how he is a good boy, the kindest gentlest soul ever lived, and how everyone loves him, and how the white man again put a black man down.

His criminal record? That was the white man's fault.

In America now, if a Black person wants to get ahead, just say they are victims of racism and they will get a lot of $ to go away and shut up. Originally Posted by CG2014
His mama, his sisters, his brothers, his left out a few, but all will be talking about what a great guy he is NEVER wrong. Catch the whole thing on video and it still won't matter.

Just like Ted Bundy's mother claimed about Ted: "he's the best son in the world." Ok, maybe the standards have slipped just a wee bit and everybody's son is worse than some dude that killed about 30 women.... Bundy's mom wanted to strangle the prosecutor for being SO WRONG about her son.
So the left wing nutjobs think that if a white man gunned down three black people in Chicago after a fender bender the coverage would be the same. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
If that scenario would have happened Chicago would be on fire right now and they'd be sucking 4 feet off of lake michigan to put the fires out.

So where's all the rioting and looting and firebombing when white people get murdered?
HoeHummer's Avatar
It looks like live5news reported it....seems like a media outlet Originally Posted by matchingmole

I wonder if that asshole had shot a policeman if the “proper” news media might have covered it?

False equivalencies is all the WSND’s have.
HoeHummer's Avatar
If that scenario would have happened Chicago would be on fire right now and they'd be sucking 4 feet off of lake michigan to put the fires out.

So where's all the rioting and looting and firebombing when white people get murdered? Originally Posted by sexykarma
Right here.

Ooooops! That was without someone’s getting killed by a black man.

Yous will not replace us, right?

Fucking WSND’s!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Which city did those morons set on fire? I don’t recall any.
lustylad's Avatar
Meanwhile Cops have killed many black folks in all kinds of situation. And most of them are NOT justified. Most are committed by Cowboy cops that are trigger happy. Originally Posted by PythonLeeJackson
This is where you are WRONG. The statistics simply do not support your conclusion.

Less than 10% of all blacks killed by police in this country since 2015 were unarmed. That means over 90% of those killed were carrying a weapon (and many were brandishing it in a threatening manner).

This is according to the Washington Post database, no less.

So even the sympathetic lamestream media proves you are WRONG.
matchingmole's Avatar
As a child - the Three Stooges came on tv early morning - and i often watched before leaving for school. And i grew up and outgrew that programming.
It is clear that some just never do grow up! Originally Posted by oeb11