Reports of Hillary meltdown on election night

The more I think about it, the more hilarious this entire episode is.

How well we remember the stunned look on all of the Clinton Minion's faces as the results came in. The puzzled look on all of the Main Stream Media's faces as the 8:00 o'clock hour approached, and Trump had already cleared 230 Electorial Votes, which changed to a combination of despair mixed with confusion as The Blue Wall collapsed. What the fuck was happening.

CNN and MSNBC refusing to update the count as results came in, perhaps thinking that if they didn't report it, it must not be happening.

And of course, Martha Rattaze breaking down into tears. After all, her and her compadres had done everything possible to see that Hillary would win.

The first Presidential Election I remember was Eisenhower. I can remember certain things about each campain as I grew older. But nothing tops this one.

Never have political fortunes changed so dramatically in just a few hours. As the results came in, it was as if America suddenly slammed on the brakes, opened the door, and told the entire Progressive/Liberal/Socialist/Main Stream Media, and their Crowd, to get the fuck out of the car.

And take that Bitch Hillary with you.
  • DSK
  • 12-20-2016, 05:29 PM
Typical of a liberal and especially one whose " destiny " as " the smartest woman in the world " ( as the " in-the-tank-for-the-liberals " media would have us believe ) thought the Presidency was hers for the taking ( by rigging the game ! ) and has been a narcissist for all of these years. Just like her sexual predator and disbarred ( in his own home state ! ) husband. Pizz on that crooked broom driver !
Her history of berating " staff " is not new. She cursed the Arkansas State Troopers on her protection detail and the military aides during Slick Willy's term. Her mouth is as foul as any sailor's.
Some of today's talk shows are saying that she wants another try in 2020 ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I hope she does run in 2020, but I doubt the Democrats would be stupid enough to give her another shot at it. Either way, if we can get two hardline conservatives in place on the court, would should be safe for awhile.
I B Hankering's Avatar
More fake news being gobbled up by the gullible. Patriot news is one of the sites identified by both the CIA and FBI as Russian propaganda. Originally Posted by YosemiteJohn
Bullshit lie! You'd be a liar and the source of FAKE NEWS. Cite where the hell the CIA and FBI made any remark about that particular website.

Sad Pathetic excuse for a Human. She's all the 0zombies got...

It's really kind of sad...

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
for the most part, this is old news. reports of her antics after it became clear she would lose is typical Clinton.

while it's unlikely any video will ever come out or that close sources will go on record, her actions election night is proof enough she collapsed emotionally .. i don't care if some Doctor had to sedate her crazy ass ... she needed it. so after she calls Trump to concede this drunken ass whore then needs to be sedated or just has the decency to just pass out .. bahhaaa

regardless, she sent podesturd out to placate the masses that their anointed Queen didn't actually care about them anyway .. and hope for a miracle by morning! bahhaaaaaaaa
bambino's Avatar
I'm pretty sure Bill was relieved. Now he can fuck around without being tied to Hillary's White House.
I'm pretty sure Bill was relieved. Now he can fuck around without being tied to Hillary's White House. Originally Posted by bambino
By the way........"Where's Bill"???
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-20-2016, 07:55 PM
In 1993 I got an earful of "off the record" descriptions of HillaryNoMore throwing a shit-screaming profanity tantrum directed at Bill-the-Predator in the upstairs wing at the WH over an invitation being extended to "THE BALL" for the bimbo he met from his "Hollywood Friends" who "cut hair" and who Bill was going to install as the "President's Barber" as a replacement for the guy who had been cutting hair for a number of Presidents prior to the Clintons arriving. SS agents demanded transfers.

She has "problems," besides wasting over-priced champagne!

Her anger and temper tantrums are legendary. They are offensive. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Those tantrums did not mellow when she moved from the WH to the Senate or the State Dept. I don't count IPatriot as the most unbiased of media by any stretch, but in this case it seems to be completely consistent with a number of similar meltdowns she has had over the years--only this one was with more expensive props. If I believe the dollar figures mentioned, which I find a bit questionable.

The most despicable part is that in most cases she would target the lowest rung of the support staff, folks who had no way to remotely defend themselves at all without being fired--I guess she had no desire to have a remotely fair encounter (what a shock I am sure).

PS: Just out of curiosity: I wonder what makes your "off the record" source so vastly superior to the cameramen you seem so fond of ridiculing. Could it be that anyone who speaks ill of Clinton must be authoritative, and someone who spoke ill of one of your heroes must be a fraud? Just wondering.
Those tantrums did not mellow when she moved from the WH to the Senate or the State Dept. I don't count IPatriot as the most unbiased of media by any stretch, but in this case it seems to be completely consistent with a number of similar meltdowns she has had over the years--only this one was with more expensive props. If I believe the dollar figures mentioned, which I find a bit questionable.

The most despicable part is that in most cases she would target the lowest rung of the support staff, folks who had no way to remotely defend themselves at all without being fired--I guess she had no desire to have a remotely fair encounter (what a shock I am sure).

PS: Just out of curiosity: I wonder what makes your "off the record" source so vastly superior to the cameramen you seem so fond of ridiculing. Could it be that anyone who speaks ill of Clinton must be authoritative, and someone who spoke ill of one of your heroes must be a fraud? Just wondering.
Originally Posted by Old-T
I've got no love for Hillary and this "news" article does seem to ring true. But the article does not identify and quote a SINGLE eyewitness to what happened.

It's all hearsay quotes.

Like the Kincannon character being quoted about what some other reporter supposedly told him.

I give the article zero credibility. Even if I want it to be true.
I've got no love for Hillary and this "news" article does seem to ring true. But the article does not identify and quote a SINGLE eyewitness to what happened.

It's all hearsay quotes.

Like the Kincannon character being quoted about what some other reporter supposedly told him.

I give the article zero credibility. Even if I want it to be true. Originally Posted by Revenant

Seth Rich is shaking his head from his grave on your little statement, NYsupRUNer

goodman0422's Avatar
I don't doubt she had some type of meltdown but I don't believe Hillary has the physical strength to flip over a table or throw something so hard it becomes imbedded in the drywall. If any of this happened, I would guess it was her staff or supporters.
We all know she was unable to make an appearance so it is likely that something happened but the total lack of evidence makes this nothing more than a rumor at best.

Good story but, until we see actual evidence, it's just a story.
By 2020 she probably won't know who she is, or where she is anymore ..... and her diarrhea will be uncontrollable ..... but the saddest part is, if she ran in 2020 and got the nomination ..... she'd still get 53% of the votes and we would finally have America's first brain dead president ..... oh wait ..... that was Obama .....
LexusLover's Avatar
Just out of curiosity: I wonder what makes your "off the record" source so vastly superior to the cameramen you seem so fond of ridiculing. Originally Posted by Old-T
Sometimes it's not the "source" per se, but the probability the source would have the information "sourced"! In the case of my "source" the probabilities are at their highest level in both elements.

So, personally, I'm not concerned about the accuracy of the information, PARTICULARLY, as you confirm, the behavior reported is consistent with PUBLISHED events.....that were revealed YEARS LATER!
  • DSK
  • 12-21-2016, 08:43 AM
I've got no love for Hillary and this "news" article does seem to ring true. But the article does not identify and quote a SINGLE eyewitness to what happened.

It's all hearsay quotes.

Like the Kincannon character being quoted about what some other reporter supposedly told him.

I give the article zero credibility. Even if I want it to be true. Originally Posted by Revenant
I would give it 5% credibility, it certainly rings true but we really need to get a receipt for that glass ceiling she was going to smash. That certainly sounds like something she would do - be a shame if someone got hurt during that cunt's stunt.
I'm pretty sure Bill was relieved. Now he can fuck around without being tied to Hillary's White House. Originally Posted by bambino
So Bam, do youse know dat poster YosemiteJohn what posted in this thread at # 10 and # 12 ? Says he's from Pittsboig ! He sure sounds like a lyin liberal ! Could he be assup's newest butt buddy from up your way ?