What's the over/under....

rooster's Avatar
I bet you wouldn't care about the "over/under" if one of your family members had his or her face blown off by a gun and you had to give a DNA sample in order to positively ID the dead body.

What's the over/under that Clarence is morally (and possibly illegally) corrupt and is using his position on the bench in order to better serve his wife.

The OP started a thread a while back saying he was supposedly moving away and wouldn't "bother" us anymore. That question is better asked of him. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
what's the numbers legal vs illegal gun murders ????

moved.. who knows or cares. Not "bother" mmmm ahhhh thanks Op Sir Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
OP doesn't bother me at all..... unlike some others.....

In fact, I'm happy to see his poasts..... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar

Wood-head is just butt-hurt cuz I have been the most consistent in calling him out on his simplistic, knee-jerk drivel that supposedly supports his poorly thought out "arguments."

I've barely posted in Upset this year, but he sure don't like it when I do. And he's too dopey to realize that it is so much fun getting a foolish reaction out of him that he risks motivating me to post more often...

Leave the tired emotional arguments out of this threAd please, WP. None of us are unsympathetic to children who get killed by a maniac. But harassment of gun-owners by gun-owner-haters like Kathy Hochul ain't gonna help this one bit.

In fact....some would even argue that she risks making a situation like this MORE likely by restricting the ability of someone to intervene when something like the Tops tragedy happens.

But both of those situations are unlikely. Statistically, mass shootings involving innocent victims are not common. And so are successful interventions to stop them. So let's leave that out of this.

The REAL problems....the ones that are continually ignored by both sides....are societal. We know what most of those are, so let's leave those out of this threAd too. Cuz no one is going to do what it takes to really address them.

Here's the deal: those of us who follow the laws and cause ZERO shit with our guns are really fucking sick of being beat up on by idiots like Kathy Hochul and Chuck Schumer. Stop harassing us with your simplistic, vote-seeking bullshit that will do nothing but distract from the real problems.

And whether ya like Clarence Thomas (or his wife) or not...whether you agree with him or not...his majority opinion is what rules right now.

We know the mind set of this court. I cannot imagine that they are gonna sit by and let Kathy and Gavin and their pals ignore them and try to come up with rules to make things even WORSE for gun-owners in their states than they are right now.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Wood-head is just butt-hurt cuz I have been the most consistent in calling him out on his simplistic, knee-jerk drivel that supposedly supports his poorly thought out "arguments."

I've barely posted in Upset this year, but he sure don't like it when I do. And he's too dopey to realize that it is so much fun getting a foolish reaction out of him that he risks motivating me to post more often...

Leave the tired emotional arguments out of this threAd please, WP. None of us are unsympathetic to children who get killed by a maniac. But harassment of gun-owners by gun-owner-haters like Kathy Hochul ain't gonna help this one bit.

In fact....some would even argue that she risks making a situation like this MORE likely by restricting the ability of someone to intervene when something like the Tops tragedy happens.

But both of those situations are unlikely. Statistically, mass shootings involving innocent victims are not common. And so are successful interventions to stop them. So let's leave that out of this.

The REAL problems....the ones that are continually ignored by both sides....are societal. We know what most of those are, so let's leave those out of this threAd too. Cuz no one is going to do what it takes to really address them.

Here's the deal: those of us who follow the laws and cause ZERO shit with our guns are really fucking sick of being beat up on by idiots like Kathy Hochul and Chuck Schumer. Stop harassing us with your simplistic, vote-seeking bullshit that will do nothing but distract from the real problems.

And whether ya like Clarence Thomas (or his wife) or not...whether you agree with him or not...his majority opinion is what rules right now.

We know the mind set of this court. I cannot imagine that they are gonna sit by and let Kathy and Gavin and their pals ignore them and try to come up with rules to make things even WORSE for gun-owners in their states than they are right now.

. Originally Posted by rooster
rooster's Avatar
Thanks, O. I edited my post to include your quote too. Cuz you, me and Paulie get it. Even Joke-ass does - he just likes to inflame when he gets the chance over things like this that he doesn't like. That's fine.

lilylivered's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Thanks, O. I edited my post to include your quote too. Cuz you, me and Paulie get it. Even Joke-ass does - he just likes to inflame when he gets the chance over things like this that he doesn't like. That's fine.

. Originally Posted by rooster
in ROC as far as I cant tell, one killing by a legal hand gun, got off in court as a hero saving the lives of many a few years ago
Last month murdered with a illegal hand gun by bother of ahem good he's dead jail bird
Gov Nanny Kathy don't like hero's killing her illegal gun owners friends. that many of she let out
Thanks, O. I edited my post to include your quote too. Cuz you, me and Paulie get it. Even Joke-ass does - he just likes to inflame when he gets the chance over things like this that he doesn't like. That's fine.

. Originally Posted by rooster
The point isn't the drivel you spew. It's the fact that until it hits home those like you think it's fine and nothing needs to be changed.
How fast do you think gun laws would change if a couple R senators had a family member killed while watching a parade yesterday morning? My guess is a "special session" would be called and by dinnertime last night assault rifles would be banned.

For far too many "R" politicians it's so sad that campaign contributions from the NRA mean more than the face that was blown off a 10 year old child.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
The point isn't the drivel you spew. It's the fact that until it hits home those like you think it's fine and nothing needs to be changed.
How fast do you think gun laws would change if a couple R senators had a family member killed while watching a parade yesterday morning? My guess is a "special session" would be called and by dinnertime last night assault rifles would be banned.

For far too many "R" politicians it's so sad that campaign contributions from the NRA mean more than the face that was blown off a 10 year old child. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
making it harder for legal gun owners will do nothing but make it safer for the illegal gun owners ta do what they do. Killers just LOVE them lets have more NO gun areas of legal guns

Dang, for the 4th in ROC the illegal owner had fun shooting each other. And giving the cops a hard time so the wounded could DIE
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen for your reading pleasure

#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
buffalomw10's Avatar
Starting to feel like the wild,wild west but the one thing missing is legal prostitution,damn.
rooster's Avatar
The point isn't the drivel you spew. It's the fact that until it hits home those like you think it's fine and nothing needs to be changed.
How fast do you think gun laws would change if a couple R senators had a family member killed while watching a parade yesterday morning? My guess is a "special session" would be called and by dinnertime last night assault rifles would be banned.

For far too many "R" politicians it's so sad that campaign contributions from the NRA mean more than the face that was blown off a 10 year old child. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
One could argue that you have missed the whole "point" of this thread. Which is (was?) whether or not you think that courts will rule that NYS is in violation of its recent ruling on the 2nd Amendment...and how long you think it will be before they nullify portions (if not all) of the new gun bill they just implemented.

I didn't really ask for your opinion on gun laws in general. Why, one could almost argue that you have gone "off topic." But it is the Sandbox, after all. So more discretion is allowed here, and it should be. And I always....welcome the opportunity to debate issues like this with someone as... thoughtful and... careful as you. Mostly cuz it is so easy to do when I'm blind drunk...

But it seems that your "point" is to continue pleading the emotional issues, and to ignore the Majority Opion also. That "point" is not mine. Or that of SCOTUS. Or a few others that have looked at this in a similar way.

Here's what the WSJ Editorial Board said today:


Sheesh. Much of it sounds so familiar. One might even be tempted to think ol roo just stole his OP from them. But the date and time-stamps show that this is nothing more than a few people who have actually THOUGHT about this coming to similar conclusions. And they arrived at those conclusions because it is obvious that NY politicians think that they can ignore the SCOTUS majority opinion.

Many of you won't be able to read the whole WSJ article, as it requires a subscription. Sorry. But it raises the same "point" that I did, stating that NY officials have ignored the warning contained in the opinion regarding expanding the definition of public spaces "too broadly."

The piece also speaks to concerns about the provisions in the law requiring some kind of subjective interpretation that the permit applicant be of the "good moral character" required to obtain a gun permit. Whew. Now...I'd love to see any of you whore mongers try to defend THAT provision. And do it here, please. On this hooker board. (As buffalom laments, something is "missing")

But back to my "point" in this respone, which is that your "point" is not in agreement with the court's opinion either. Yours is, as you state more accurately, a "guess." And not a very informed or original one. Cuz SCOTUS is just as likely to shit all over your fantasy about a "special session" to ban assault weapons as they are over this bullshit that Hochul and company have come up with.

Meanwhile, as the WSJ Editorial concludes:

"All of this looks like a willful attemt to defy a Supreme Court ruling."

I'll stick with that. And predict that this will not go well for Hochul et al.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
nothing in the news I've seen of anyone NYS or FED in NY court shopping ta put all this on hold. I'm thinking we'll know if found one to try in Aug.

and a like for post above this one
and one above that one
offshoredrilling's Avatar
If your in the 6mth window to renew permit, do it now or just before new law kicks in.

That way you will have more time ta out ride it. Then hope a court kills it before next renewal.

true you may loose a year or part of a year before next renewal. But if you wait till after law kicks in. The form asks for more info you may not want to give to NYS

Then go back to renew at last min to get the full 5 years next time around. mmmm unless NYS pulls more shit that is

I would start trying week before law kicks in. Remember NYS computer systems SUCK. mmmm whats the over/under when before Sept 1st the NYS system for renew crash's, and not up again till after the 1st ???? mmmm LOL ya nay want to do it NOW anyways LOL

I want to thank the PD that was on the radio saying renew now if within the renew window. And why its a good idea this time to renew early.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
can I bet next week filings will start ????
jokacz's Avatar
OK how many of you "Pistoleros" have drawn your penis substitutes and shot someone in some scenario you saw as justified?

Did it make you feel like a man?

I'll be waiting