gtqhsoon serts up fake dates and never follows through!!

ManSlut's Avatar
My thoughts:

The unsafe services Snow Kitten offered were to ride him RCGarmchair in his wheelchair on the icy sidewalks.

Dear Snow Kitten, I am calling a medical supply company now to rent me a wheelchair for 24 hrs. I'll get back to you on this one!

seanj317's Avatar
1 post and no reviews, Kitten my dearest! WTF! you should have passed on this guy!

Now please kiss the purple dinosaur to re-engage your good luck!
(P.S sorry i couldnt see you today! Fucking Work!)
Chung Tran's Avatar
maybe he's feeling sorry again... ok, ok, 9-hour session next, promise!
This is a lie- she tried to set up unsafe services and I declined to see her. Period Originally Posted by gtqhsoon
damn he joined almost 3 years ago ,and only posted now, maybe he was scared off by some unsafe practices
sounds like a creeper to me....imho, ladies don't see this weirdo
Phoenix Skye's Avatar
This is a lie- she tried to set up unsafe services and I declined to see her. Period Originally Posted by gtqhsoon
This is not a lie the provider is telling the truth I can't tell you how many time he tried to set something with me but I would not put up with his bullshit I am glad you called him out on it. You get what you deserve gtqhsoon
YES! This guy is a complete phony, I dont know how he could even say I set up unsafe services! HE SET EVERYTHING UP!!! LOL! Lesson well learned ladies and now we all are aware and its something that has been known! Thanks for the support everyone!!