Showcase, what do you look for?

HoustonRiley's Avatar
They all look for different things. Once I was criticized for not having professional pics. So I got professional pics soon as they were posted I was then criticized for having too professional of pics. Specials or not. Tons of pics or only one that shows a girls butt cheek at the end of the day it's a little bit about what they actually want a like and a little bit about the luck of the draw or in this case the luck of the click.
I keep many updated and recent pics/selfies in my showcase.
I have thought about getting professional pics but do not want too much touch up on them...but I do just fine the way mine is.

I keep many updated and recent pics/selfies in my showcase.

...but I do just fine the way mine is.
Originally Posted by Alana kay
Yes please. Give it to me straight. I can take it. Thanks .... Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
I love this verbiage from your showcase:

"There Is still an additional $500 upcharge In place If you whine about having to take a supervised shower or for simple whining In general."

Very comical. First time I've seen this. This is something that you or any other lady shouldn't have to ask for or state. Should always be a gentleman.

And for the record, I always take a shower once I arrive. No supervision required unless of course she wants to help out. Lol.
PrettyBoyG's Avatar
Other than BBBJ pics are most important to me. If the showcase is full on professional Photoshopped pics, I will move on and not waste my time. I have never met a provide who look better than her professional pics. Its 2017 and their is no need for professional pics. A smartphone with self timer and tripod work just fine. I need to see your entire body.

Since so many providers lie about their age, I look at their last page of reviews. If you were claiming to be 30 in 2010, their is no way you are 29 in 2017. There is too much Bait-and-Switch going on by these old established providers on Eccie. Some are still using the same pics and claiming to be the same age as they were at ASDP.
I like a full body shot, from front, side and back. You don't have to show your face, but it helps.
I don't like when a provider shows just her best parts, ex. legs, face, hair, tits, but leaves out the rest.
It's like they are hiding something. At my age, I don't discriminate a lot. But there is some need to sometimes.
Showing up and seeing something unexpected is a turn off. Makes me wonder what else is hidden.
Be honest about the looks and shape. Be very clean. Have a good attitude. Those are my top 3 things.
I love a soft smooth skinned provider. Everyone has different tastes.
Honest pictures makes it easier to match up with those who like the body type you have.
I love this verbiage from your showcase:

"There Is still an additional $500 upcharge In place If you whine about having to take a supervised shower or for simple whining In general."

Very comical. First time I've seen this. This is something that you or any other lady shouldn't have to ask for or state. Should always be a gentleman.

And for the record, I always take a shower once I arrive. No supervision required unless of course she wants to help out. Lol. Originally Posted by eastside70
Thank you! I have been traumatized in the past, some guys have left my clean white sheets w/dirty brown streaks. I was trusting w/a few guys who claimed they 'just' showered but that was a lie.
When I asked a few guys to shower upon arrival and trusted they would thoroughly shower themselves and I waited for them on the bed in the next room, they only rinsed themselves, never bothered to use the soap or anything. A rinse is not a shower.
Now I stand in the bathroom and watch and make sure they thoroughly wash their tool box.
No one should take it personal.
There are guys who won't come visit w/me because of my shower rule and that's quite alright w/me.

Clean tastes good and I only spit shine clean merchandise