Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced he is allowing the stay home order in Texas to expire on Thursday, April 30.

It's going to be a fine line balancing getting the economy back up again and keeping the infection down. The second wave is inevitable.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I hope so - quicker route to herd immunity.

Keep the old folks safe and the rest of us are ready to get busy.

The case mortality rate for anyone under 50 and healthy is extremely fucking low. Might as well catch it and move on with living... Originally Posted by friendly fred
But there’s no way to,keep,the older and the otherwise vulnerable separated from those who catch it and are asymptomatic. You’re just starting to see that in nursing h9me deaths, which are skyrocketing now. And by the time it will take to get to herd immunity levels of 70% — assuming there is long lasting immunity — You’ll have killed another 40-60,000.
Ralph Fults's Avatar
Jesus is my epidemiologist.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
I'm surprised to see that Sherry of DFW hasn't weighed in on this.🤔
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm surprised to see that Sherry of DFW hasn't weighed in on this.🤔 Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
oh she has.. in other threads, some that she authored!

the data seem to be going the other way in the Metroplex.. the last couple of days have seen the most cases and deaths. granted still not high numbers, compared to other spots. with that in mind, I don't think a "measurement" of the next 2 weeks will tell us anything, that would suggest phase 2 should kick off.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Jesus is my epidemiologist. Originally Posted by Ralph Fults
what does your Epidemiologist think about your being stationed on a Whore Board?

just asking..
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-30-2020, 09:51 PM
I'm surprised to see that Sherry of DFW hasn't weighed in on this.🤔 Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
She's booked up for through next week with all the tricks she gets here
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 04-30-2020, 10:17 PM
Isn’t it a bullshit opening?
25% occupancy
Spas Gyms shit not still open till the 15th Originally Posted by AmericanHardwood
The 18th to be accurate.

and yes, it is a bullshit ass opening.

I mean, after we flattened the curve (which was about 2.5 weeks ago), there was literally no point in keeping America shut down.

To all the people who are crying to keep on with the lockdown, what is the point?

The reality is, when places open up, the chances of infection goes up.

This is going to happen now or later on.

A vaccine ain't going to happen, so what the hell is the point of stalling the inevitable?
But there’s no way to,keep,the older and the otherwise vulnerable separated from those who catch it and are asymptomatic. You’re just starting to see that in nursing h9me deaths, which are skyrocketing now. And by the time it will take to get to herd immunity levels of 70% — assuming there is long lasting immunity — You’ll have killed another 40-60,000. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
We should separate them to the best of our ability, and like Sweden, request individuals exercise appropriate hygiene. For the most part, those dying are old and unhealthy, with hypertension, obesity, diabetes and heart disease and are going to die soon one way or the other. Many may have died of the regular flu this year.

I think the health care system now has protocols in place to save many more people now than at the start of this pandemic - some rapid learning has taken place. Parallel stage 2 and 3 trials, humans and monkeys, are going at incredible speeds and might create usable vaccines in record time and large volumes.

Immunity for those who have already had the disease is very likely and in New York City apparently 25% of the people have already developed antibodies. I can accept your estimate that another 50,000 people might die if we let it run through the United States but credible evidence suggests we have slowed it down but have not eliminated its natural course. If we wanted to buy time to get better prepared, then we have done that. 250,000 people die every month in the USA - One extra weeks worth of deaths while tragic for those involved needs to be compared to the horrible alternatives.

Destroying businesses and jobs also causes deaths - either by suicide, abuse, etc.

Having the hospitals shut down for all but emergencies has delayed countless diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that would extend quality of life for many people.

The tradeoffs are hard and the risks are enormous. However, a total collapse of the economy or the destruction of several trillion more dollars of business assets is bound to cause many failed people to end up with shorter, more miserable lives from their despair and subsequent poor emotional maladjustment leading to the classic "diseases of despair" which cause the obesity, hypertension, etc.
texassapper's Avatar
Idiocy. Six weeks cases will be above current levels. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
and if we keep delaying the same will be true out in the future too.

Choices have to be made.

If you don't feel safe, stay home, let the rest of us live our lives.
texassapper's Avatar
A vaccine ain't going to happen, so what the hell is the point of stalling the inevitable? Originally Posted by Aoi
Well there's the forlorn hope that by destroying the economy, the Democrats can get the Orange man Bad out of the Whitehouse and get back to graft, vote stealing, and corruption as normal.
texassapper's Avatar
But there’s no way to,keep,the older and the otherwise vulnerable separated from those who catch it and are asymptomatic. You’re just starting to see that in nursing h9me deaths, which are skyrocketing now. And by the time it will take to get to herd immunity levels of 70% — assuming there is long lasting immunity — You’ll have killed another 40-60,000. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
those folks in the nursing home are dead regardless of when we open up. Delyaing the opening keeps them alive for a few more months... but we aren't at hospital bed capacity or ventilator capacity, so there's no point in "stay at home".

The deal was flatten the curve and then we can re-open. When did the deal change?
TexTushHog's Avatar
those folks in the nursing home are dead regardless of when we open up. Delyaing the opening keeps them alive for a few more months... but we aren't at hospital bed capacity or ventilator capacity, so there's no point in "stay at home".

The deal was flatten the curve and then we can re-open. When did the deal change? Originally Posted by texassapper
The deal was, or should have been, to isolate those infected and do contact tracing. But we fucked up and waited way too long to do that. But we could still do a sufficient lock down to most,y eliminate unnecessary deaths in the US. WE’re no where near here immunity levels. But, if we had made the lock down more stringent, and would keep it in fir 3-4 months, we could keep infections low enough that contact tracing, isolation, etc. At the end if four months could keep things at a manageable level. Of course, that presumes that Herr Groppenfhurrer is competent enough to get testing in such a place that we could do tests if the entire population every week or so. My guess is he’s too incompetent to do that and too stupid to understand the math that shows that’s the cheapest and safest way to reopen.
The deal was, or should have been, to isolate those infected and do contact tracing. But we fucked up and waited way too long to do that. But we could still do a sufficient lock down to most,y eliminate unnecessary deaths in the US. WE’re no where near here immunity levels. But, if we had made the lock down more stringent, and would keep it in fir 3-4 months, we could keep infections low enough that contact tracing, isolation, etc. At the end if four months could keep things at a manageable level. Of course, that presumes that Herr Groppenfhurrer is competent enough to get testing in such a place that we could do tests if the entire population every week or so. My guess is he’s too incompetent to do that and too stupid to understand the math that shows that’s the cheapest and safest way to reopen. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Are you getting a government salary or what?

3-4 months? Half the people working out there need money every week and don't have a guaranteed paycheck. Social distancing and masks is the best we can do and the case fatality rate for anyone under fifty is less than the flu. Kids are almost immune and the Swiss now even encourage those under 10 to hug their grandparents!

This just in - the case fatality rate verified by random serological testing in Guilan Province, Iran is 1 out of one thousand!

Surely we have a better health care system than they do!


Is the nation that defeated the Nazi's and the Japanese in WWII afraid to face the flu? Are we men or are we cowards?
texassapper's Avatar
The deal was, or should have been, to isolate those infected and do contact tracing. But we fucked up and waited way too long to do that. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
The Chicom virus was in the US weeks earlier than anyone knew at the time. Add to the fact that the ChiCom knee benders at the WHO were stating that there was nothing to worry about as late as the end of January and there wasn't going to be anyway to isolate and track people. Besides just stopping flights from China was RACISM!!(tm).

But we could still do a sufficient lock down to most,y eliminate unnecessary deaths in the US. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Could we? evidence suggests the answer is no. And what exactly is an unnecessary death? How would we be able to distinguish it from a necessary death? You might as well define the location of the goal posts on a whim.

WE’re no where near here immunity levels. But, if we had made the lock down more stringent, and would keep it in fir 3-4 months, we could keep infections low enough that contact tracing, isolation, etc. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Are you for real? 3-4 months? And at the end, there wouldn't be any jobs for anybody to return to!! well except for govt. employees... I mean when are they EVER unessential workers amiright?! That's just a non-starter in terms of possibilities. No one is gonna accept that unless we're stacking bodies like cordwood in the streets.

At the end if four months could keep things at a manageable level. Of course, that presumes that Herr Groppenfhurrer is competent enough to get testing in such a place that we could do tests if the entire population every week or so. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Test the entire population of the United States every week or so?!!! Dude... you have got to stop dippin into the medicine cabinet this early in the day. And how the F. are you gonna test the entire population every couple of weeks? I mean our good friends the undocumented voters are never gonna show up for that shit! lol. That's perhaps the funniest shit I've read yet... and you seem to post pretty sober stuff normally.

My guess is he’s too incompetent to do that and too stupid to understand the math that shows that’s the cheapest and safest way to reopen. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
You got the math on this? Because I have been reliably assured by top men, TOP MEN, that the models that drove this whole media paniced shit show were spot on... well except when they weren't. Like hospital beds in Cali. Let's face it... your TDS is making you say and think mathematically stupid shit because to say anything otherwise is to admit you were wrong.

Better a national economic depression than be wrong in your character judgement, eh?

The models are shit and wouldn't be accepted in a stats 101 JC course let alone something we should be trusting national policy on.