... The House-led Republicans can then CHANGE the newAlas Salty the Republicans after winning control of Congress in November will be unable to change the new reconciliation bill or pass a new one altogether because the Dementia patient will still be in the White House and will not sign the bill
Reconciliation bill - and slice and dice it fit the
current need... OR push another new bill altogether.
And when Trump is again elected by the voters in 2024
- He can work to repair the damage that Biden has brought
to the country.
IF you fellows do not like the Biden Economy - as most Americans don't
- then please remember "Elections DO have Consequences"...
#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Smarty1 is absolutely correct - the Libtards know they are losing big this November and this is their plan to destroy the economy the next few years and turn around and blame Republicans because they know libtard voters are the dumbest sheep out there