Listing on RTP will bring LE

I don't see how they could find your exact location from a review board. Hotel might have tipped them off. I'm sure LE has all our pictures posted in these hotels! A good reason for those ladys who don't show their face!
Jannisary's Avatar
I did not get busted.I was told to leave or get busted.So I left. It was not my fault through lack of screening or anything else other than deciding to be a provider of illegal services in the first place.Twist it however makes you feel better.LE told me they found me from RTP. Originally Posted by Rxo
Well I'm sorry you got put through the ringer by the police. That is always unfortunate regardless of the circumstances. Where did this happen at though? Some areas are much more diligent on hunting down providers working in their area than others.
And of course, Ryder, we all know the police are entirely truthful when they talk to you ... like they were when you asked if they were law enforcement and they said no

Nobody on RTP told them where you live. Nobody on RTP told them where to find you. Nobody gave them your phone number, You did. You didn't ask them who they'd seen before and then checked with those providers. You didn't take their names and look through RTP, Eccie or any of the other sites for information.

Have a good life, Ryder.
coachstl's Avatar
So....they found you on RTP just like all the other guys found you. That doesn't explain how LE found out where you lived. Nikki is right. You did show your face on your ads and on RTP. All they had to do is print it out, get an idea of where you're at, and start showing that printed page around. Not hard to find your incall. That's why some local providers are just offering outcalls now.

This is a very young, inexperienced provider and those are the types that LE loves to go after because they are easier to scare off.
  • Rxo
  • 01-14-2013, 11:02 PM
Stlbondfan you are showing your true colors on your disdain for providers. Once again I did not get busted, was told to leave,was at a hotel,do not live in St Louis,did not do anything different than other providers in regards to pics or screening.Again believe what you want it's pretty clear you're so hooked into your board that you can't admit a problem may be there!
No more to say here except Ladies be careful how and where you post.
Ryder, if you remember correctly I gave you a shining review -- and I meant it. I have nothing but respect and affection for most of the providers I have seen.

And as you also recall my parting message to you was a goodbye and an offer to make money legally. If I had disdain for you, I would not have done that.

And apparently we are using different definitions of busted. I'm saying busted because LE paid you a visit; you got caught. You apparently were not arrested for which I am very glad. None of us hold any illusions to the sanctity of the RTP board. We're well aware of the security flaws and the inherent problems. There is no excuse for being careless. I've been a trifle too careless myself and have taken steps to remedy that.

I would, however, suggest posting here or on RTP (while not perfect) is far safer than posting on BP. Wherever you end up, if you find yourself in the same line of work, please be careful and take all the necessary precautions
did not do anything different than other providers in regards to pics or screening Originally Posted by Rxo
I beg to differ on that one.
coachstl's Avatar
Ryder, one of the guys that saw you told me that your screening process was pretty weak. Certainly didn't require at least two referrals from other providers, as all safe providers do. Can't blame this on RTP. Sounds like the business was never really for you. You were a good provider and a sweet girl. I'm sure you'll land on your feet. But you could have left without the parting shot. All you did was remind us how important it is to keep your guard up at all times.
Jannisary's Avatar
This sounds a lot like what happened to Brooke awhile ago. LE shows up and rousted her out of the room.
I sent her (Ryder) a pm advising her NOT to post her location in her ads.
She ignored my advice and continued posting Earth City in BP and other forums.
Sorry she had problems but it wasn't like we didn't try to help.

  • Rxo
  • 01-15-2013, 12:35 AM
No parting shot intended.Was warning for the PROVIDERS! Why have all you guys chimed in? Trying to make it look like it was my fault.I just checked in hadn't even seen anyone, talked to one RTP member,got in the shower and banging on my door there's cops.
Where does screening come into play in that scenario?
If you really cared about the safety of the providers and not just trying to protect your little playground RTP you wouldn't have tried to discount my warning!
LemMotlow's Avatar
No parting shot intended.Was warning for the PROVIDERS! Why have all you guys chimed in? Trying to make it look like it was my fault.I just checked in hadn't even seen anyone, talked to one RTP member,got in the shower and banging on my door there's cops.
Where does screening come into play in that scenario?
If you really cared about the safety of the providers and not just trying to protect your little playground RTP you wouldn't have tried to discount my warning! Originally Posted by Rxo
You don't have to believe it, but everyone here is trying to help you. I know you don't see it that way, but we really are trying to help. We do not want any LE problems for any lady on this board or any other- including RTP.

I know a lot of ladies post pics that show their face. That, IMO, is a huge mistake a lot of providers make. We (us guys) understand the importance of discretion and do not expect that from ladies that post on any board or BP. If you have a pretty face or not will come out in reviews. That is the lady's decision.

If you post face pics, then you open yourself up to many possible negatives- family or friends may find out what you are up to, or LE may use your images to identify if you are in a particular area of town by showing your pics to hotel employees. Best I can tell, this is what happened to you.

So if you state on RTP that you are near the airport, how hard would it be for LE to show the pics around (that you have provided) and find you?
  • Rxo
  • 01-15-2013, 02:06 AM
Many of the 5star ladies on RTP show their faces.In fact there's contests on RTP for pics and executive show everything pics.That puts a lot of pressure to have good pics.Plus the if she uses fake pics thing.
So if you all are really interested in keeping providers safe start a change on the board to not allow face pics so new girls will have a level playing field.
LemMotlow's Avatar
Many of the 5star ladies on RTP show their faces. Originally Posted by Rxo
But does not mean I think that is a good thing.

In fact there's contests on RTP for pics and executive show everything pics.That puts a lot of pressure to have good pics. Originally Posted by Rxo
Yeah, but you can choose if you want to be a part of that.

So if you all are really interested in keeping providers safe start a change on the board to not allow face pics so new girls will have a level playing field. Originally Posted by Rxo
Not my job. This is the decision of the individual.

You should do this on your own terms. Not anyone else's terms. If someone doesn't want to see you because you don't post your face- so be it. There are plenty of ladies on RTP that have not posted face pics because they know the value of their privacy and it does not seem to be affecting their business. Established STL Ladies, please help explain if you are so inclined.
I show my face because I choose to. As you see I no longer offer incall due to that along with everything else going on. If you read through all the threads LE has been coming down on EVERYONE since fall!
Tiffany Piper- Busted pimping a minor
Brooklyn- "Accidentally" Drowned her baby
And god only knows what else they have managed to find while raiding the St. Louis and St. Charles area!
As I said before. Since you do show your face in the ad and LE is paying hotels rewards I'm almost positive that is how that went down!
Thanks for trying to warn us ladys but I have no fear of RTP or any other board that most likely has LE hovering all over it!
Doing incall at this moment is simply not a good idea!
You also should not worry about your pics vs someone else! You should never try to be as good as or better than someone else... You should strive to be YOUR BEST! These men appreciate that!