Have you ever got in your own way?

canuckvic's Avatar
None of us are perfect, hell I trip over myself everyday. Most of us are mild however a few can be over the top. A very wise SP told me once that we're a bunch of grown men typically picking on 20 something girls. I think there is nothing wrong with keeping things within your comfort zone for your own safety and piece of mind.
I was going to see a new provider one time and as im pulling up to the hotel i notice a lot ..and i do mean alot of cop cars at the hotel..as i pull into the lot i notice two cops getting out in their gear ..the jump out boys ..and my mind starts to race wondering WTF and i call the provider and ask her what is going on and she is unaware of whats in the parking lot so i inform her to take a look out her window and she also sees the same thing i do...i am now on pins and needles and thinking about leaving.
She assures me she knows nothing about it and that everything is okay..so i walk in to find a sign in lobby that has Local police seminar on it with the time and schedule and she has booked into a hotel where this seminar is going on all day...lol
I make my way thru all of the cops to her room and she has her door rigged so all i have to do is walk in....I am as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof..I open the door and the room is dark except for a few candles she has burning and i ease my way in looking all over the room as i enter.
I dont say a word to her and walk into bathroom and check adjoining door to see if its locked and she hugs and greets me...turns out everything is on the up and up but the pressence of all the cops at the seminar was very unsettling.
We sit and talk and laugh about her booking into a hotel that has police seminar and eventually get to the activities and everything went great.
I exited only to walk right by 2 policemen and then as im going out door at lobby i see at least 60 policemen ..I call her back after reading sign that says seminar lasts 3 days and inform her she may want to change hotels so no one else has to endure what i went thru.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I'm always nervous about seeing a provider the first time. It is just the whole gamut of issues-- is she really who she claims to be, am I being set up for cash/dash, will she be a NC/NS, is it a sting, etc. There's never really been a time that I've backed out of a firm date, but there's always those concerns. Now, when I repeat, there are no worries whatsoever. It is game on!