topsgt38801's Avatar
Positively B. If they have a problem with anyone due to any reason, it should be listed on their web page and provided in the screening process. They have every right to not see anyone they please, but once an appointment is set and the person has made the trip, they should proceed with the program. I have been with a few providers that once I met them, I would have preferred not to see them, but continued and just made it a shorter appointment.
whitechocolate's Avatar
topsgt, I agree with you as I said in my original post. A "limited" improvised session with a donation decrease would be my first call.
  • td476
  • 04-15-2011, 02:18 PM
I can't imagine being turned down at the door. Whatever you do, be easy on him. It's gotta hurt the self esteem that you can't even pay someone to have sex with you. I would say C to spare his feelings, but you are opening yourself up to a negative "review" that way. I would probably still choose C and then call or text him afterwards to tell him the real reason. That way he won't have to cry in front if you.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
As long as I don't have to pay it wouldn't bother me whatever you say.

If it were me and I had a attraction preference then I would ask for a picture during the screening process. If it were a race preference then I'm sure there are several tactful ways to let a potential client know about it.

The way I see it is a provider has the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason she sees fit just like a client has the right to walk away for whatever reason he sees fit. Now if that's done on a consistent basis then eventually it will hurt one's reputation.
whitechocolate's Avatar
EA, that is a very fairminded and logical approach. Being a provider or client and expecting that you can perform with anyone is crazy. Unfortunately, the guy rejected no matter how tactfully is hurt and apparently in this case is seeking his retribution in the form of a NO review which has Miss Molly upset. Any suggestions for her? I think she just needs to go on and have outstanding sessions in the future with great reviews and learn from this experience.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Well it isn't much of a review if nothing happened and all she did was turn him away.

Any logical man on this board would be able to see thru a guy that wrote a "no" review soley based on being turned down for preference reasons. We would be able to tell that he just got his feelings hurt. If she is lucky she might even have a mod as generous as some in Houston that would move the review to a forum that would allow her to tell her side of the story as well.

Like I said in the previous post, if it's done consistently without any type of fair warning up front that he could be turned away then eventually it could hurt her business. However if she finds a way to let potential clients know before they show up to her door then I don't think it will hurt her business. As long as she is comfortable losing the clients that she chooses to turn away then I think she will be fine
Wetwork Daddy's Avatar

It doesnt match my question Originally Posted by Miss Molly

Oooops. You are right, let me edit that so it fits your format:

Would you prefer her to
A. Look through the window/peephole and not open the door?
B. Tell you, "I'm not interested due to personal preferences".
C. Tell you a white lie "Something came up, I have to cancel."
D. Tell you "I have to cancel and i know you will most likely be filing a negative review or NCNS and since it was my sudden decision, I will not contest those facts on the boards."

Well it isn't much of a review if nothing happened and all she did was turn him away. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
You are kidding me, right? Turning away somebody at the door that has passed screening, has a fee in hand, and is on time merits a VERY NEGATIVE review, if not a NCNS.

Now if it is a health or safety issue, yes, she can shut the appointment down for the obvious reasons:

poor hygiene, misrepresentation, drugs or alcohol, and other dangers etc.

Now if the OP has a race, age, appearance preference she needs to note that and check it in the screening process.

Turning away a person at the door is a waste of time and fuel. It is very inconsiderate. It also hurts the other ladies, as that fee could have be spent with someone else on that day.

A hobbyist that fails to report on these occurrences in the form of a review or alert (depending a given board's policy) is scum in my book. How else can we do
Mature Companion's Avatar
Be upfront!

Sure it may hurt his ego. Sure he may get upset. But IF you feel uncomfortable and do not wish to proceed forward with the date.
Then be straightforward and tell him you don't feel comfortable and wish to decline going further with the date.
And hope to the heavens above, that he' NOT one who'll go off on you. YES, there are plenty of those types of pricks in this adult lifestyle.

A good way to avoid uncomfortable moments such as declining a date in person. Is to ask his references certain questions which will help you decide whether or not he's someone you would enjoy meeting.
Ditto @ Buzzkill comment: Update your profile and be very blunt & straightforward it. It's OK to be selective in whom you wish to enjoy.

Say you book an appointment with a provider.
You show up, and the provider invites you in,
but politely decides to cancel with something like
"I'm sorry, something came up" " I don't feel well" but the real reason of the cancelation is due to personal preferences (and you as a smart adult can pretty much sense this)

Would you prefer her to
A. Look through the window/peephole and not open the door?
B. Tell you, "I'm not interested due to personal preferences".
C. Or just keep it clean "im' sorry something came up" like I did to one gentleman?

If she cancels, are you gonna text her later asking "I'm not your type right"? knowing that was the issue?

Just want some opinions... Originally Posted by Miss Molly
Eccie Addict's Avatar
WW Daddy I actually agree with most of your statements...

The reason I said what I said is apparently here in Houston if you write a negative review where nothing happened they will move it to alerts where a provider can respond...

It shouldn't be a review. It should be in a different forum. Or am I wrong?
Ok here is what I get from this. You have a NBA policy but you don't have your preference posted. Your preference goes a bit further because you don't even want to visit with someone who has AA features. A gent booked an appt with you not knowing your policy since you don't have it posted. You screen the gent, he passes and you schedule an appt. Client arrives and you turn him away because he looks black, or has black features. Client is now angry and writes a review. In response to his review you start this thread. Am I right? Honey this whole situation has FAIL written all over it. If I were him I would be pissed too. If you have a preference it is your responsibility to make sure clients know this before they waste their time. If you don't want to put it out there then during your screening process you should tell them you don't want to see AA or anybody who has AA features. This way no time is wasted, no review is posted everybody is happy. So in response to your question I say none of the above. Let your preference be known to avoid the drama.
whitechocolate's Avatar
According to Miss Molly, this was not over an NBA policy but other issues although the review in question makes it seem that is was over an NBA issue.
Naomi4u's Avatar
This is not to the OP but to an other members: If AA men bothers you, simply ask for race on your screening form. If you get a form that says he's black, write back that you don't see AA men *gasps* how simple is that?!?!

If you allow a guy to come to your door and you turn him away for being aa or whatever else after he's been thoroughly screened then you're asking for a negative reviews. Now if he's morbidly obese... that's a different situation. He should have made that clear in the first place. If you won't see someone with a super big nose, put on your website that you won't see such and you wouldn't have to deal with that.
gimme_that's Avatar
[QUOTE=Miss Molly;1210277]Say you book an appointment with a provider.
You show up, and the provider invites you in,
but politely decides to cancel with something like

"I'm sorry, something came up" Originally Posted by Miss Molly

Totally uncalled for when a guy finally arrive......she should call before he even shows up. That's not POLITE even if its said gently

" I don't feel well" Originally Posted by Miss Molly

She could easily cancel beforehand. Same thing. Id just interpret that as a lie at that point if I'm standing there.....

but the real reason of the cancelation is due to personal preferences (and you as a smart adult can pretty much sense this) Originally Posted by Miss Molly

Oh no another "why I don't see blacks" thread lol. No comment.

Would you prefer her to
A. Look through the window/peephole and not open the door? Originally Posted by Miss Molly

Totally disrespectful and a shitty means. Of non communication. Easier to be honest up front or in your ad. Or to have vivid disclaimers for every possible thing you don't like on your website.

B. Tell you, "I'm not interested due to personal preferences". Originally Posted by Miss Molly

Not vivid enough and they will ask why. Most won't flip out, some might,, others won't care either way. Its like forest gumps chocolate you never know what your gonna get. Now will you finally ouch on those specific preferences....or just say there's no need.

C. Or just keep it clean "im' sorry something came up" like I did to one gentleman? Originally Posted by Miss Molly

This may be good in certain situations. But right after a guy shows up at the door can make a guys mind wonder.

Maybe she overbooked, etc.

If she cancels, are you gonna text her later asking "I'm not your type right"? knowing that was the issue? Originally Posted by Miss Molly
In this situation of showin up to the door there would be no need to text already know face to face. So he didn't know it was an issue until he arrived. Seems redundant at that point and/or stalkerish.
gimme_that's Avatar
This is not to the OP but to an other members: If AA men bothers you, simply ask for race on your screening form. If you get a form that says he's black, write back that you don't see AA men *gasps* how simple is that?!?! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Why even have AA as an option in that case. Just omit it.......don't have and other section......or make an error message that says blacks not allowed after you press send on the form.

Are before the form have a check mark like eccie's are you 18 years old. "Are you blaack" sorry you can't fill out my form........
You need to make sure it doesn't even get to that point. I've never been rejected at the door before...BUT, if I spent the time to shave, shower, get ready, and make the drive (for me it's usually 45 minutes one way) only to be turned away at the door...I'm sorry, but I would be majorly pissed. Not mad that she turned me away, but because this is something she could have told me when I was in the process of scheduling with her. To me, that's just as bad as a NCNS.

If you have specific race/physical appearance preferences, make that clear in your ad. Or at the very least, tell me when I first make contact with you. That way, we're not wasting each others' time. If you're not brave enough to tell me straight up, then don't respond to my inquiry for a session. If I book with you through P411 and you look at my profile and I don't hear back from you, I'm smart enough to figure out you saw something you didn't like, and I'll move on to someone else.

Is any of this really that hard to do?