I finally made it here :-)
Thanks JB!!
ANONONE's Avatar
Oh, my! Now we are hopping!
John Bull's Avatar
Nothing but the finest for you Lady Foxx
ANONONE's Avatar
I'm not sure of the position the owners of this site will take on socials, parties, MnG's etc tied to the site yet. I'm a newbie too. hahaha

I'll ask in the staff areas and pass on the info to you guys. Originally Posted by John Bull
It seems TBone has suggested in the past that he does not mind if folks talk about socials, but they should be very clear that they are in no shape or form sponsored or related to EECIE.

It might be handy to get official clarification and even post a thread with a sticky.

Until then, we are just thinking aloud, but please do give us guidance if we stray into the gray area.

Socials in any form, IMHO, need to be discreet and safe anyway, so I for one won't object to any oversight and rules.

The key is to have fun, be safe, keep a low profile, but build a social network.
John Bull's Avatar
Here is the way I understand the rules and the way I'll administer them unless I'm told that my understanding needs some modification.
If you talk about socials etc in general within the Discussion areas, no problem.
If you decide to have a social you may post an invitation which includes an email addy which you can then use as a screening mechanism, rsvp etc. This post will be locked and stickied til the social is over.
No talk which is specific to the planning of a particular social will be allowed in any area.
If this needs clarification, don't hesitate to bring it to our attention and we'll do our best to clarify.
JB....you always have treated me like a queen :-)
ANONONE's Avatar
Here is the way I understand the rules and the way I'll administer them unless I'm told that my understanding needs some modification.
If you talk about socials etc in general within the Discussion areas, no problem.
If you decide to have a social you may post an invitation which includes an email addy which you can then use as a screening mechanism, rsvp etc. This post will be locked and stickied til the social is over.
No talk which is specific to the planning of a particular social will be allowed in any area.
If this needs clarification, don't hesitate to bring it to our attention and we'll do our best to clarify. Originally Posted by John Bull
Thanks, John!
  • Lila
  • 02-04-2010, 09:45 PM
I am here now!
John Bull's Avatar
The Lady Lila has appeared and made herself known.

Looking forward to your Showcase and some exciting posts, my dear.
Reddwarf's Avatar
I'm sort of here :-) I travel to Cleveland weekly on business.
Raises Hand!!!!!! I finally made it
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Hi Penelope,
What part of Ohio?
Hi Penelope,
What part of Ohio? Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
I'm based in Dayton, OH.

I plan to fill out my profile and add a picture for my avatar but I can't seem to find the area to make the changes. I'm sure I'm just not looking hard enough...LOL
ANONONE's Avatar
Raises Hand!!!!!! I finally made it Originally Posted by Penelope

OMG!!! Awesome. I was just thinking about you the other day and was wondering how you were doing!

Welcome! Look for a PM soon, if I may?

John Bull's Avatar
We'll take care of it for you Penny