Jobs .. the review

Ummm..ya, relentless focus on destroying our first black president is more like it.

Thanks for the link! Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
Obama is relentlessly focused on destroying himself. He had 2 years of a supermajority in Congress and fucked it up. BTW, parts of Obama's "jobs bill" were passed and paid for...and he signed it and if it comes in front of the SCOTUS it will be upheld.

But keep race baiting, it helps the campaign!
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  • CJ7
  • 06-27-2012, 01:05 PM
he had his chance and has lied lied and lied some more Originally Posted by cptjohnstone

241 republicans lied abut creating jobs apparently just to get elected ...

1 dem president cant sign legislation 214 repubs didnt send him
LovingKayla's Avatar
Obama is black?
Obama is relentlessly focused on destroying himself. He had 2 years of a supermajority in Congress and fucked it up. BTW, parts of Obama's "jobs bill" were passed and paid for...and he signed it and if it comes in front of the SCOTUS it will be upheld.

But keep race baiting, it helps the campaign! Originally Posted by gnadfly
the guys NOT a leader, it was ALL hype...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-27-2012, 03:47 PM
the guys NOT a leader, it was ALL hype... Originally Posted by JONBALLS

hell yeah, I blame him too for not signing legislation congress never sent him

he should have bypassed congress and took it upon himself to do everything congress is supposed to do .. he totally missed an opportunity to become the dictator republicans claim him to be.

what a failure

joe bloe's Avatar
Ummm..ya, relentless focus on destroying our first black president is more like it.

Thanks for the link! Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
If Allen West had been the first black president, I'm pretty sure you guys on the left would have gone after him relentlessly. You would have been eager to destroy the first black president.

I remember very clearly, the way the left went after Clarence Thomas. It was sickening. Clarence Thomas, accurately, called it a high tech lynching.

Condoleezza Rice was the first black secretary of state. The left certainly attacked Rice viciously, very often in ways that seemed racist.

You lefties are shameless hypocrites.

joe bloe's Avatar
Obama is black? Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Not really, he's as much white as he is black. Technically, Obama is the first mullato president. It's just as logical to call Obama white as it is to call him black. For some odd reason, if a person is half white and half black, we Americans always call them black, or occasionally mullato, but never white. I wonder why.
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  • CJ7
  • 06-27-2012, 04:47 PM
Not really, he's as much white as he is black. Technically, Obama is the first mullato president. It's just as logical to call Obama white as it is to call him black. For some odd reason, if a person is half white and half black, we Americans always call them black, or occasionally mullato, but never white. I wonder why. Originally Posted by joe bloe

the best way to get around that is simply call a president, President.

hard to do when pics like JD has attached to every post he makes are so common these days. ... did I mention gnadfly too?

wonder why?