I will bet you $10,000...........


In a way, it doesn't seem fair, but that is how the game works.

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I agree. Doesn't seem fair at all. No other profession--many of which have far greater reach into our daily lives--suffer such scrutiny. I hesitate to blame the magnification on the press although it does play a part.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Maybe the incredible magnification of high office is due to the optical properties of the fishbowl environment they must operate in.

. . . President Obama made a reference to this excessive scrutiny in one of his books where he indicates that some politicians become so paranoid because of it that they become robotic in their attempts to avoid criticism.

waverunner234's Avatar
Mit Romney is out of touch with American people.
He recently filed an application to bulldoze his $12 Million, 3000 sq. feet San Diego beach mansion because it is not big enough. He filed plans to built an 11,000 sq. feet house instead on that property, leaving the lap-pool intact.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Maybe all of these guys in politics suffer from monster egos.

I remember Al Haig, when he was in public office, was looking to buy a new home, but of course, not just any home would do for him.

He would turn down every property he was shown for whatever reason.

The agent would keep showing him larger and more expensive mansions, but they were not good enough for him.

Exasperated, the agent asked him just what was wrong with the magnificent mansion that he was showing him.

Al, just waved him aside and said "it was not grand enough"

. . . Damn! These guys must think they are demi-gods!