mass shooting in Australia stopped by men with guns

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Only in the fevered imaginations of the RWWhack'tards does the idea exist that more guns means less firearms' deaths.

There will be 92 deaths today in the US where the instrumentality utilized to cause the death was a firearm. The one I read about this morning had an 11 year old boy shooting an 8 year old girl who wanted to see a neighbor's puppy.

Once again, the 2nd Amendment prevails. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, doesn't it? Here is a picture of the 8 year old who is laying dead in a morgue somewhere as you read this....torn apart by a 12 gauge shotgun blast.

By the way, Australia had less than 200 firearms deaths in 2011. Roughly two days worth in the US.

You fucking figure it out. Originally Posted by timpage
Talking about figuring stuff out. Years ago, children had more access to guns than today with lock boxes, laws, public shaming, etc. Yet, we had a lower rate of gun deaths than today. Why do you think that is? I think it is because of education. Both intentional and unintentional. Intentional is where a parent or guardian talks to a child. Shows them a gun, explains it's function, and impresses on them that it is not a toy. When they are older (by that I mean around 8 years old) they are taught to property use a firearm and to respect it. Unintentional is where children without supervision watch or play games where killing the most people is the goal. Where victims are just so many pixels that reanimate between rounds. That the easy way to fame (or notoriety) is killing someone.

Here is an interesting question, how many children of police officers are involved in accidental shootings as part of the national average? We're talking about an adult that owns a weapon, we assume uses it properly, and it must be stored at home.

Nice attempt to get away from the logic Timmie. 92? Citation? How many died from other causes and will you be honest enough to admit those cases where a victim with a gun may have lived. Somehow I doubt it. Imagine any of those college classrooms with adults in them. Now imagine if only one or two of those adults were armed (that includes the teacher). How can you not think the body count would be lower?
I B Hankering's Avatar
They simply value their right to cling to a gun more than they do human life. It's the same delusional tendencies that allow them to believe the universe was created in 6 days. They just don't get it. They also have a strange and adversarial relationship with their government. They both love and hate it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You'd be one of the morons that clutches stupidity with a death grip so it won't escape, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, and your professed *love* for this country is revealed to be a lie by your vote for "Hype and CHANGE", you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Talking about figuring stuff out. Years ago, children had more access to guns than today with lock boxes, laws, public shaming, etc. Yet, we had a lower rate of gun deaths than today. Why do you think that is? I think it is because of education. Both intentional and unintentional. Intentional is where a parent or guardian talks to a child. Shows them a gun, explains it's function, and impresses on them that it is not a toy. When they are older (by that I mean around 8 years old) they are taught to property use a firearm and to respect it. Unintentional is where children without supervision watch or play games where killing the most people is the goal. Where victims are just so many pixels that reanimate between rounds. That the easy way to fame (or notoriety) is killing someone.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Lower rate of gun deaths than today??? Please, cite your source.

I have never owned a gun and therefore never showed my children how to use one. Since my friends and the parents of my children's friends either do not own guns or are smart enough to keep them in a secure location, I didn't worry when they went to the homes of others. You may not believe this but both my children are very productive members of society today.
Talking about figuring stuff out. Years ago, children had more access to guns than today with lock boxes, laws, public shaming, etc. Yet, we had a lower rate of gun deaths than today. Why do you think that is? I think it is because of education. Both intentional and unintentional. Intentional is where a parent or guardian talks to a child. Shows them a gun, explains it's function, and impresses on them that it is not a toy. When they are older (by that I mean around 8 years old) they are taught to property use a firearm and to respect it. Unintentional is where children without supervision watch or play games where killing the most people is the goal. Where victims are just so many pixels that reanimate between rounds. That the easy way to fame (or notoriety) is killing someone.

Here is an interesting question, how many children of police officers are involved in accidental shootings as part of the national average? We're talking about an adult that owns a weapon, we assume uses it properly, and it must be stored at home.

Nice attempt to get away from the logic Timmie. 92? Citation? How many died from other causes and will you be honest enough to admit those cases where a victim with a gun may have lived. Somehow I doubt it. Imagine any of those college classrooms with adults in them. Now imagine if only one or two of those adults were armed (that includes the teacher). How can you not think the body count would be lower? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Do you truly not recognize the tap-dancing you have to do to get where you want your argument to be? You talk about history, about lock-boxes, about what happens to police officers' children, about other causes of death, about car wrecks, blah blah blah.....but the bottom line is that we are the only civilized country in the world where tens of thousands of its citizens die by gunfire every single year. And, the reason that happens is because in most states in the US<, it is easier to obtain a firearm than a driver's license.

This idea that the solution to these mass shootings is to make sure everybody has a gun is insane. I get that you fancy yourself some sort of Dirty Harry who could stop these events if you happen to be present at one. That's've seen too many movies.

Do you have any idea the level of adrenaline that kicks in when those gunshots you're hearing aren't on TV but are coming down range at you? How you get tunnel vision, your blood pressure spikes 50 points, your pulse jets up to 150 beats a minute and your arm turns into a wobbling piece of spaghetti while you try to focus on that front sight? Do you even have any idea how hard it is to put accurate handgun fire on a target that is not shooting back? The average CCL carrier can't hit the broad side of a barn and fires their weapon when they qualify and rarely thereafter. It's not like the movies where you are going to whip out your Ruger P9 or whatever kind of shit handgun you can afford, snap off a shot that hits the bad guy between the eyes and you are a hero. It just doesn't work that way admiral. Shit, how many times have you seen stories on the media where the cops shot at some mugger 85 times with 1 hit....or no hits at all? Hitting targets with a pistol is an acquired skill. Hitting targets with a pistol while under fire, is another acquired skill. 99.99% of people will never have that skill. They're just as likely to shoot a 6 year old in that classroom as the bad guy waving the AR around.

We don't need more guns, we need some sort of a process that makes it as hard as possible for someone with mental and/or emotional disorders to obtain a firearm in addition to a process that allows guns to be confiscated from people who develop those problems after they obtain a firearm. But, you and yours resist even the simplest and least invasive or restrictive proposals because you view it as a slippery slope.

So, tomorrow another 92 Americans will die from gunfire.

Here's your cite the Center for Disease Control authoritative enough for you? 2011 was the most recent data I could find. I suspect it hasn't changed much, if at all.

All firearm deaths
  • Number of deaths: 33,636
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.6
I'll do the math for you since it involves division, multiplication's tricky friend: 33,656 / 365 = 92.153424.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What is the percentage of people who own legal firearms who use them to commit crimes, when compared to the number of legal gun owners in toto?
Toto we aren't in Kansas anymore..........
What is the percentage of people who own legal firearms who use them to commit crimes, when compared to the number of legal gun owners in toto? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sure, stay as far away from the facts as you can. Don't try to address the almost unbelievable statistic of nearly 100 people dying every day in the United States due to gunfire....and how we do something about that....the number of people who own guns and don't kill themselves or others with them is utterly irrelevant to any sort of meaningful discussion of how the fuck do we fix this problem?!?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
What is the percentage of people who own legal firearms who use them to commit crimes, when compared to the number of legal gun owners in toto? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No idea. Do you know?

Now Cedar Park, Texas is a rather small place (65-70,000 population) but in every homicide that I know about within the city (total of 7), the person killed has known the killer. 4 were murders of significant others, 2 were suicides after committing the murders, and 1 was outside a gun show in the city where a guy had just purchased a gun and while loading it in his car shot and killed his father-in-law. Okay, this last incident is not really considered a crime. I would venture to say that all the dead people were killed with legal firearms.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Do you truly not recognize the tap-dancing you have to do to get where you want your argument to be? You talk about history, about lock-boxes, about what happens to police officers' children, about other causes of death, about car wrecks, blah blah blah.....but the bottom line is that we are the only civilized country in the world where tens of thousands of its citizens die by gunfire every single year. And, the reason that happens is because in most states in the US<, it is easier to obtain a firearm than a driver's license.

This idea that the solution to these mass shootings is to make sure everybody has a gun is insane. I get that you fancy yourself some sort of Dirty Harry who could stop these events if you happen to be present at one. That's've seen too many movies.

Do you have any idea the level of adrenaline that kicks in when those gunshots you're hearing aren't on TV but are coming down range at you? How you get tunnel vision, your blood pressure spikes 50 points, your pulse jets up to 150 beats a minute and your arm turns into a wobbling piece of spaghetti while you try to focus on that front sight? Do you even have any idea how hard it is to put accurate handgun fire on a target that is not shooting back? The average CCL carrier can't hit the broad side of a barn and fires their weapon when they qualify and rarely thereafter. It's not like the movies where you are going to whip out your Ruger P9 or whatever kind of shit handgun you can afford, snap off a shot that hits the bad guy between the eyes and you are a hero. It just doesn't work that way admiral. Shit, how many times have you seen stories on the media where the cops shot at some mugger 85 times with 1 hit....or no hits at all? Hitting targets with a pistol is an acquired skill. Hitting targets with a pistol while under fire, is another acquired skill. 99.99% of people will never have that skill. They're just as likely to shoot a 6 year old in that classroom as the bad guy waving the AR around.

We don't need more guns, we need some sort of a process that makes it as hard as possible for someone with mental and/or emotional disorders to obtain a firearm in addition to a process that allows guns to be confiscated from people who develop those problems after they obtain a firearm. But, you and yours resist even the simplest and least invasive or restrictive proposals because you view it as a slippery slope.

So, tomorrow another 92 Americans will die from gunfire.

Here's your cite the Center for Disease Control authoritative enough for you? 2011 was the most recent data I could find. I suspect it hasn't changed much, if at all.

All firearm deaths
  • Number of deaths: 33,636
  • Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.6
I'll do the math for you since it involves division, multiplication's tricky friend: 33,656 / 365 = 92.153424. Originally Posted by timpage
I wonder how many of those perpetrators are repeat offenders? I would say that your citation is a little old. How many terrorist attacks have we had since 2011? You do know what an average is don't you. There are not 92 gun deaths everyday. There is an ebb and flow.

As for your little attempts at insults. I have been shot at...and missed fortuneately. I have heard bullets passing overhead. Though I don't train as much as I should any more, my training involved more than just straight target shooting. It involved running to exhaustion, shooting with the off hand, and shooting at a target obstructed by a hostage stand in. I think I can hold my own in a shoot out plus I have a secret weapon. I react the opposite to what you'd expect. Strange but I get calm and cold when things get exciting. So you're gang banger can fire his whole mag at me but I need just one.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Stand alone statistics are meaningless. There needs to be a comparison. How many gun murders are committed by legal gun owners? How many legal gun owners are there? 100 people die per day due to gunfire. Ok. Let's say that's true. That's two per state. Ok. How many were killed, not in self defense, by legal gun owners? If relatively few of the killings are caused by legal gun owners, then legal gun owners aren't the problem. If lawful gun owners are not the problem, leave them alone.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Stand alone statistics are meaningless. There needs to be a comparison. How many gun murders are committed by legal gun owners? How many legal gun owners are there? 100 people die per day due to gunfire. Ok. Let's say that's true. That's two per state. Ok. How many were killed, not in self defense, by legal gun owners? If relatively few of the killings are caused by legal gun owners, then legal gun owners aren't the problem. If lawful gun owners are not the problem, leave them alone. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I ask again. Do YOU know the answer to your questions? I know what your assumptions are but do you have any PROOF to back them up?
Only in the fevered imaginations of the RWWhack'tards does the idea exist that more guns means less firearms' deaths.

There will be 92 deaths today in the US where the instrumentality utilized to cause the death was a firearm. The one I read about this morning had an 11 year old boy shooting an 8 year old girl who wanted to see a neighbor's puppy.

Once again, the 2nd Amendment prevails. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, doesn't it? Here is a picture of the 8 year old who is laying dead in a morgue somewhere as you read this....torn apart by a 12 gauge shotgun blast.

By the way, Australia had less than 200 firearms deaths in 2011. Roughly two days worth in the US.

You fucking figure it out. Originally Posted by timpage

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I ask again. Do YOU know the answer to your questions? I know what your assumptions are but do you have any PROOF to back them up? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You're the one making ridiculous assertions, prove them first.
dirty dog's Avatar
Sure, stay as far away from the facts as you can. Don't try to address the almost unbelievable statistic of nearly 100 people dying every day in the United States due to gunfire....and how we do something about that....the number of people who own guns and don't kill themselves or others with them is utterly irrelevant to any sort of meaningful discussion of how the fuck do we fix this problem?!? Originally Posted by timpage
Oh bullshit Page, non of your want meaningful conversation, I have interjected facts into every conversation and all you and your ilk do is ignore it and proceed to call people names.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You're the one making ridiculous assertions, prove them first. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
To use the term of one of our more infamous contributors on this forum, you deflect very well. Simple question asked and you are obviously too simple to answer.