Not sure if this is Ok. But its genuine and I need lots of people to see it !

RandB fan's Avatar

How's the "having a new fan" thing working out for you. Mine is a pain in the ass. Thinks this is a providers website....

to the OP. this is not a 501C and you may be comfortable in your skin but the furniture cringes every time you get near. IJS

Lose your shitty attitude. Originally Posted by SknyDiva
SknyDiva's Avatar
Don't hurt to ask even if it is on a whore board. Although tacky. That guy is just trolling to say something mean to someone anyone just because! I can tell him he has a SHIT attitude Just
I'm bored to
SknyDiva's Avatar
Don't hurt to ask even if it is on a whore board. Although tacky. That guy is just trolling to say something mean to someone anyone just because! I can tell him he has a SHIT attitude Just because
I'm bored to

theres plenty of gents who love bbw ladies. we dont all have to be thin! Im quite comfy in my skin. Originally Posted by seductivestorm
seductivestorm's Avatar
I NEVER for one moment said anything bad about the other family getting the help. I totally understood that. I was explaining why they replaced us. And again begging.. Please I fit the income bracket to get help from the state and the only help I ever take is at xmas. No food stamps no welfare no medicaid period. I have a child preparing for college. DID YOU READ THAT! So since Im a real parent and paying for that , graduation and prom this year.. hmm I guess it makes sense Id need some help. And in Atlanta since so many others advertise for 40-50 bucks getting 200 an hour is quite the task and so its slow. I really dont need to explain myself to you. I am not for arguing and ugly comments. I know my families situation. I live it you do not. Enough said. And the request was meant for those who wanted to assist and a couple did. If you dont want to assist then dont thats good enough for me. The negative comments are not needed however.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ok. nope
tandyscone's Avatar
And again begging.. Please I fit the income bracket to get help from the state and the only help I ever take is at xmas. No food stamps no welfare no medicaid period. Originally Posted by seductivestorm
Why don't you accept government assistance? I pay good money in taxes to fund those programs. When my tax dollars could have alleviated your situation and you don't accept it, I don't see why you should ask me to fund you directly.

I know my families situation. I live it you do not. Originally Posted by seductivestorm
That's kind of the problem. I do not know your situation. In the past, I have several times been approached at various gas stations by people asking for a few bucks to buy some gas. My response is always the same. "Sure, pull your car up and I'll fill the tank for you." Often, they do just that and are very glad for the help. It is also common for them to just walk away without any gas, because they didn't really want the money for gas, but for something else. You may have been completely honest, or your story may be a total fabrication. I don't have any way of telling which is the case.

The negative comments are not needed however. Originally Posted by seductivestorm
Since this forum is open to all members, people are free to post as many negative comments as they desire, just as you are free to complain about negative comments as often as you choose. If you really don't want to see the negative comments, just quit reading the thread or else just ignore them. When you continue posting in the thread, you are pretty much inviting responses, both positive and negative.

I hope none of this appears mean; I do hope you have a great Christmas and that you're able to give your kids the gifts that you want to.
ben dover's Avatar
Tandy, The only reason she is qualified for assistance is she lies about her income. Not sure why you would encourage yet another hooker that can make 75,000 and more a year in CASH and most likely also lie to the IRS and not report ANY of this cash to take advantage of the government handouts.... BD
tandyscone's Avatar
Tandy, The only reason she is qualified for assistance is she lies about her income. Not sure why you would encourage yet another hooker that can make 75,000 and more a year in CASH and most likely also lie to the IRS and not report ANY of this cash to take advantage of the government handouts.... BD Originally Posted by ben dover
Good point. I was giving her the benefit of the doubt. I originally included a statement about only collecting government assistance if you legitimately qualify for it, but I left it out of my final post for space reasons. I agree that if she lies about her income to qualify, then I don't support it.
SknyDiva's Avatar
The more people that see more people that's probably going to give to her so let's keep bumping this thread straight up and give her little darlings one hell of a Christmas
seductivestorm's Avatar
The more people that see more people that's probably going to give to her so let's keep bumping this thread straight up and give her little darlings one hell of a Christmas Originally Posted by SknyDiva

Thank you soo much! to date my blog says close to 1200 have read the posting but only 2 so far have helped. I wont argue with the gents and their comments. I have more to worry about than their opinions. Thank you tho miss lady.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I sell those self-balancing hover boards for $450 plus shipping. If you want I can sell you one when I get them in stock. You don't need to get things on Christmas. "Santa" is the spirit of Christmas, the joy of being with those you love. I helped with a charity drive earlier yesterday. They have trucks of hand-me-down clothing, tooth brushes and other needed items, fresh water, and Santa to hand out gifts.

There were people there in real need. Children without coats. Two kids were so speechless they couldn't tell Santa there age. Why? Because they've never had the opportunity to meet him before. They were grateful for the gift. There was another child with a feeding tube and he was dirty and looked very unhappy. His day lit up when he got a Spider-Man backpack with socks and clean underwear.

Then there was the spoiled brats. Upset because they got clothes instead or huge toys. I took one gift from a little boy right in front of his mother because he was bitching about it. I called him ungrateful. His mother said she has other kids that she'll give it to so I gave it back to her. Some lady had a Couch purse, Ugg boats, and designer jeans trying to get free shit. Don't even get me started on the large crowd of people pushing each other to try to get to Santa first. The MC I was with had to work security to keep things in order. Who the hell pushes little kids out of the way?

My point in this long as story is that life sucks, some people are truly in need. You kids don't need a $500 skateboard for Christmas. If you want to give it to them then save up for it. Get them what they NEED first. The extra expensive stuff can come later. Those board ain't going anywhere. I get a new shipment in every 3 months

The more people that see more people that's probably going to give to her so let's keep bumping this thread straight up and give her little darlings one hell of a Christmas Originally Posted by SknyDiva
seductivestorm's Avatar
First thanks to those who are bumping this up to keep it visible I appreciate that. Secondly as for the hoverboards. I told him he couldnt have that anymore anyway after Amazon issued a news release and emailed all customers that theyd be getting full refunds on the hoverboards because they are unsafe.

My kids are not spoiled in fact after expenses my kids only get things at xmas really. The rest goes to our bare necessities. My older adult kids were spoiled when I was in a financial spot to spoil. My son lives with his dad ( has for last 2 yrs because we agreed when he was born Id raise him the first half then his dad the second half) His dad came back from Iraq with ptsd. My son and his dad are like those you describe Danielle who REALLY NEED help. They have no extra anything. I want my son back with me because I dont like seeing them struggle but I know that he is the ONLY thing that keeps his father ex army alive.. literally. The love he has for our son is probably the only thing that keeps him from going crazy. So yes its important to me to give my son some happiness. My sons instagram is full of things he wants people to think he has that he doesnt have all because he wants to feel more
normal not so poor.

His father has a job but it doesnt pay much. The Army said theyd give him a small disability check and then decided not to.

I really didnt want to get into all the details here of my requests. But theres much more going on here and in our lives than just some escort whos asking for help who doesnt need it. If thats what people think then they are fine thinking it. but its not the facts of my life or of my kids lives.

We dont get to do anything "extra" all year. this will be the first expensive thing my son has EVER had literally. If and when they are safe enough to get.

I dont do any drugs. I keep a nice home. I was once someones wife sex work was not always my life. And as a mom I want to see my kids smile big this holiday .. and its hard knowing that may not happen. As adults yes we know the true meaning of xmas but as kids they just want to smile, have new things and feel like they can tell their friends and teachers of the wonderful holiday they had when they go back to school and not feel left out or let down. I know what xmas is really about. But for me as a mother its just as much about my kids having some joy.

Thanks again to everyone.
Wakeup's Avatar
Just another hooker begging for a handout from tricks...

Go suck a few dicks, and then go buy your kid an expensive fire hazard he'll quit playing with in a year...