Do Men Pay Attention to Backgrounds?

Still Looking's Avatar
SL, that pic makes her much more interesting to me. There is a whole story behind that pic Originally Posted by whitechocolate
I'm thinking it was the first time she did GREEK and the guy got stuck! She was just multitasking!

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-15-2012, 02:19 PM
I got a good laugh out of this today..

Wondered if men pay attention to such things.

So, I was checking out ads and such. I like to see the different personalities that come out in them as well as i do enjoy good hot pics!

But today.. I saw a pic with Vagisil (for hoohaw itch due to funk) on a ladies bathroom counter. In another i saw used Condom wrappers on the floor. Another had a baby bottle and a smoking device for things that shall not be named....

Do guys pay attention to background or just the tits n ass?

If you see things like this in the background would it change ur mind no matter how hot the chick was?

Any other stories of pics with crazy "ooops i forgot that was there" backgrounds? Originally Posted by LusciousLacy

nothing makes me want to see a girl more than a monthly rental motel room that looks like she backed a garbage truck through the door and dumped it on the floor and on top of the beds.

OK, all I got out of this thread was the following:

Lacy's avatar
Never let a man stand in the pic with you while taking the pic
White Chocolate's avatar
Lacy's avatar
Thinking of pouring melted white chocolate on Lacy
KenMonk's Avatar
OK, all I got out of this thread was the following:

Lacy's avatar
Never let a man stand in the pic with you while taking the pic
White Chocolate's avatar
Lacy's avatar
Thinking of pouring melted white chocolate on Lacy Originally Posted by MsElena

Will that be an avatar one day?
That'll be a reality and if we're avatar.

How hot of a pic would that be? YUMMM
I got a good laugh out of this today..

Wondered if men pay attention to such things.

So, I was checking out ads and such. I like to see the different personalities that come out in them as well as i do enjoy good hot pics!

But today.. I saw a pic with Vagisil (for hoohaw itch due to funk) on a ladies bathroom counter. In another i saw used Condom wrappers on the floor. Another had a baby bottle and a smoking device for things that shall not be named....

Do guys pay attention to background or just the tits n ass?

If you see things like this in the background would it change ur mind no matter how hot the chick was?

Any other stories of pics with crazy "ooops i forgot that was there" backgrounds? Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
I certainly do. I have even gone as far as to save a pic and blow it up, just to find the person taking the pic was a male standing off in a corner and his reflection was in a mirror. If I hadn't been looking at all the details in the pic I would've missed it. I also have tried to determine what Hotel a girls pics have been taken from, by comparing the decor in the pic, like pictures, paint color, bed spreads ect. from pictures on Hotel web sites.
Is the chick in the forth sequence taking a dump?
Is the chick in the forth sequence taking a dump? Originally Posted by Jackie S
No cause if she was she would be shitting all over her gown. Besides who gives a crap, lol.
KenMonk's Avatar
That'll be a reality and if we're avatar.

How hot of a pic would that be? YUMMM Originally Posted by MsElena

So hot I would be willing to take that pic for the low price of.... I'll pay you to do it :P
OK, all I got out of this thread was the following:

Lacy's avatar
Never let a man stand in the pic with you while taking the pic
White Chocolate's avatar
Lacy's avatar
Thinking of pouring melted white chocolate on Lacy Originally Posted by MsElena
That'll be a reality and if we're avatar.

How hot of a pic would that be? YUMMM Originally Posted by MsElena

Good Gawd woman! I am soooooo GAME!!!!
KenMonk's Avatar
I certainly do. I have even gone as far as to save a pic and blow it up, just to find the person taking the pic was a male standing off in a corner and his reflection was in a mirror. If I hadn't been looking at all the details in the pic I would've missed it. I also have tried to determine what Hotel a girls pics have been taken from, by comparing the decor in the pic, like pictures, paint color, bed spreads ect. from pictures on Hotel web sites. Originally Posted by acp5762

That just seems creepy to me. Maybe it came out wrong, or I am just nuts. Anyone else care to chime in here?
eh... a lot can be said by the type of hotel/motel one stays in. Is it a place known to be nice, clean, etc.. or is it like the place that i was forced to stay once in houston.. where the "Certain" smoke odor on my so called clean linens had me awake all night hallucinating and with the munchies...(omg that was so nasty! Never!)

Hotels can determine. Class vs Trash....
pyramider's Avatar
That'll be a reality and if we're avatar.

How hot of a pic would that be? YUMMM Originally Posted by MsElena
It would definitely be avatar worthy, and woody worthy.

If the photo subjects are as pretty as MsElena and Lacy, I will never notice the backgrounds.
Oh yes I notice! I love it when you see a guy in the picture. I always think thats funny! If I see a book laying around TS 101 I pretty much move on to the next ad! But thats just me! LOL

Check this one out! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Lol! SL you would think at age 41 she would have a little more motivation to do better.
KenMonk's Avatar
Looking at the decor in the picture should be able to tell you what class the room was without going into a lengthy research project to determine where exactly the picture was taken.